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Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

HEY BUD sorry to pop your bubble but true combat capability for your jets will come around 2017.
Sorry to pop your bubble with half a dozen production model J-15:


And to satiate the ego of some overzealous :china: members yes Vikramaditya will be repaired only by May 2013 and service around July - October......Happy?:woot:
Yes, we all know how great your Russian built carrier program is with at sticking with schedule.

Plus some interesting thing I came on the Internet

China bought Varyag arresting cables from Sweden: Russian media

LOL @ "Unconfirmed sources suggest that China has purchased arresting cables from Sweden for its lone aircraft carrier, the Varyag, according to Military-Industrial Courier, a newspaper based in Russia.

Dude and those skid marks look like water marks to me guy using hose
Indians generally have poor eyesight. I don't blame you.


To put it simply, we're better than you in every military aspect. U MAD?
Sorry to pop your bubble with half a dozen production model J-15:


Yes, we all know how great your Russian built carrier program is with at sticking with schedule.

LOL @ "Unconfirmed sources suggest that China has purchased arresting cables from Sweden for its lone aircraft carrier, the Varyag, according to Military-Industrial Courier, a newspaper based in Russia.

Indians generally have poor eyesight. I don't blame you.


To put it simply, we're better than you in every military aspect. U MAD?

You try to reason with them and they bullshit amazing! The 6 j-15s you say are LSPs. Our own Tejas has 16 LSPs the F22 has 8 LSP and F35 63ish.

Also please don't compare Indian Navy ships to Chinese one's It's like comparing some Chengdu mobile with Samsung. Also those J15s on board are mocks used previously by china. It's amazing how much i know more about your country's defence plans than you. Real FOC of Lianoning will come around 2017. When LSP starts serial production.

Thank you.:smitten:

PS:COMPARE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_054A_frigate

Post 2015 our naval production lines will be at par based on planned/projected aquisition.
it went to war 22 years after 1920. why do you guys think you can try to pretend to be smart but not read your own links?

Sure you will get it off from being a training ship at some point. But it is a training ship as it stands and all the propaganda they did in your state media was for internal consumption.

How about you try to use your brain for once?
It took 22 years because IJ attacked Pearl Harbor. A training ship can be used in war time when the needs arises. Guess an indian american dont care much about US history.:whistle:
I stopped reading when the article suggested that China doesn't have any combat carrier aircraft. Here is where the article loses all credibility because they have clearly forgotten that China has configured the J-15 for fighters. They also included the J-31 in the future.

That;s true China do not have any carrier ready aircraft. They have prototypes and plan but today nothing capable of landing on this ship.

What's even more ridiculous is that the article quotes a person who claims the carrier is "useless". Having a mobile runway filled with modern equipment is anything but useless in a high intensity conflict. The ability to bring destruction to the enemy's home front is one of the key things that separate regional military power and military superpower. EVEN IF the carrier won't be used for combat (which the FL-3000N, Type 1130, J-15, Z-8AEW, Y-7 AWACS, Z-8JH, J-31, JL-9 act as a counterargument against), it will provide invaluable training as well as expertise to integrate modern systems.

The true!
OH learned one from Bangla- if you are saying that it is a training ship too, then how is it different from what I said? All that roundabout of supposedly being so smart and you land right back to my claim. As it stands it is a training ship, incapable of having an aircraft land on it. That's all I said all along- and that this propaganda and image of it being an " real capable and ready AC" was their media propaganda.

That doesn't give it the right to spread misinformation? Or incomplete information does it? Oh, and there's Su-230 according to them :lol:

And did the Chinese propaganda outlets say that they can match against the USN? One PLA general already admitted that the US is at least 20 years ahead of the PLA in terms of technology and know-how. Is that Chinese propaganda?

EzioAltaïr;3441915 said:
Hate to break your heart mate, but J-15 is still just a prototype. It's coming only by 2016.

And why would I be heartbroken? I am not Chinese, and my country has no plans to acquire that aircraft. And 2016 is not a very long way from now.

And here you lot are still working on the LCA for the past 29 years.
Its a very complex process to operate a carrier. It involves hundreds of officers working in unison. This carrier is mainly for building the organizational structure but they don't have to build it from scratch. The basic protocols and operations will be inducted way sooner. Once its airwing get operational, its good to go.

Is this carrier is for projection of naval power, not to that extent USN ACC show, but it certainly creates a new aspect of Chinese Navy. By the time China gets its domestic built ACC, the crew will be ready for it and fast induction of new ACC will be possible.

For Indians, our ACC Vikrant may not have any teeth left now but it is certainly way important for training our new sailors. Even if our Gorshkov is delayed, the Indian sailors are already there and working on it.

So even if Chinese ACC is called glorified training ship, it shouldn't be taken in negative way. But one should keep in mind that this carrier is way much capable and has more potential due to the ships in its CBG. Forming and coordinating CBG is an entirely different situation.

One should note that the role of this ship from all aspects rather than considering it not battle worthy. It would be gross underestimating and any overlooking of growing capability of China w.r.t. ACC operation will create many problems in the future if we don't take it into account in our Naval doctrine.
:pop: 理**国,Bro, stop hurting each other, being a internet warrior will do nothing good to China
This is a stupid thread/article because it is SOOO obvious this ship would only serve in this role given the PLAN has 0 experince in ACC ops. It is going to be atleast a decade before such operations are mastered this intricacies of carrier ops and naval aviation.

And here you lot are still working on the LCA for the past 29 years.

The plane we were working on 20 or even 15 years ago was very different from the one one we have now......Only the name was the same.......And anyways Making a fighterplane is not cakewalk especially for first timers like us..........It too USA 15 years too develope F 16's first prototype!!

On Topic: Despite such claims by media since 60's and 70's AC's have continued t prove their worth in many wars since and will remain integral parts of future conflicts as well, no matter what critics say........
Just out of curiosity a question for our Indian members how long do you think it would take before the Vikramaditya is going to be fully operational and combat ready once recieved ? I know you guys are going to say "we have operated carriers for 50 years now" but those are VSTOL light carriers and mainly British technology and the Vikramaditya is a STROBAR carrier with mainly Russian technology. How long do you think its going to take for the IN to adapt because you guys think that it will take China years of not a decade to do so. So what about India ?
indians have been crashing harriers for decades. In fact they done crashing their entire fleet of harriers so now they have no more carrier-borne aircraft for their floating museum! :woot:
US navy has lost over 12000 aircrafts till now with hundred pilots dead. Does it make them dismal UN ACC operator. These Harriers are in last of their time, even US Navy crashed a lot. Do you know how tough is to land a plane like Harrier ? Spares are not easily available too.

Chinese has yet to conventionally land an aircraft on their ACC (no video is out ) but India has been doing it for 50 years and lamding most complicated plane to land, the VTOL aircrafts like Harrier.

So once you have equal operational capability till then you shouldn't question Indian capabilities.

Bashing India for sake of Bashing is idiotic. You can to better than that considering your experiencing in bashing India and trolling, :D
This may be a training craft but for sure china has money and might to have real carriers in 15 years. But then we should have enough submarines to implement this generals advice against his own navys aircraft careers :-)
An aircraft career has a bulls eye as big as it written all over it. We bought russian ac just to support russian economy and to guarantee weapons we need(nuke subs) and we could afford it. We should worry if chinese start building up helicopter carriers as it means they plan to attack us for real. Otherwise it is all show. I am sure if chinese reach aircraft carrier status then there will be nuclear submarines from all over the world like india ,russia and usa waiting to welcome them. As it is national pride u cannot risk ur pride getting drowned. In the event of war they will even get to see scramjets from a far.

In May 2002, Major General Huang Bin, professor at the PLA's National Defense University, stated his belief that "once a military conflict occurs in the Taiwan Strait, the United States certainly will intervene, but the scale will be limited. The United States may send several aircraft-carrier battle groups, but they will never dare to sail to the Taiwan Strait [itself, as this would put them] into a dangerous position. Missiles, aircraft and submarines are all means that can be used to attack an aircraft carrier. [In 1996] U.S. aircraft carriers arrived but suddenly fell back by 200 nautical miles, because Chinese nuclear submarines were operating close to the U.S. aircraft carriers.... Once [the carriers are] threatened, [the United States] will run away."
Is China
Just out of curiosity a question for our Indian members how long do you think it would take before the Vikramaditya is going to be fully operational and combat ready once recieved ? I know you guys are going to say "we have operated carriers for 50 years now" but those are VSTOL light carriers and mainly British technology and the Vikramaditya is a STROBAR carrier with mainly Russian technology. How long do you think its going to take for the IN to adapt because you guys think that it will take China years of not a decade to do so. So what about India ?

does this look like a VSTOL carrier?

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Let's see: Build in A) Ukranian town at B) Ukrainian shipyard employing C) Ukranian workers. Later sold by D) Ukranian government. But according to you, it's all Russian. Your logic is undeniable.

So what central system is it you are talking about? What's not Chinese about this ship beside the hull and the superstructure?

Hey moron, you better read up on your history. Ukraine's entire defence industry was completely Russian. In fact, Ukraine was part of the USSR. The ship China has in its possession is originally a Russian Ship, and in order for China to obtain such it needed Russia;s approval for its purchase. Now, this info is what Indians need to wake up and realize...Russia is more of a friend to China than to India.....only way to help India...is to improve our domestic industry which no other country in the world wants us to do including certain elements in the INdian govt, because we are currently a big fat cash cow. India has the ability to improve its domestic weapons industry, we need to expand, commit, and run it like Corporate.
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