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Air Force comparison ( Turkey - İsrael - Egypt )

"Запросчик" - is not radar, but "requester" - part of friend or foe system.

NO36B-1-01 L Band radar described in all the posts I've given you is what we're talking about, and you still play these silly denial games. The IFF is part of the package they're describing but not what we're talking about and actually isn't on the wing but on the fuselage. We can go back and forth all day long but I've already shown you more than enough. It's even on the pic I posted that you quoted.

Here it is again one last time, see what it says at the bottom, NO36B-1-01 L Band.

Egypt canceled its SU35 order due to US pressure and fear of sanctions and replaced them with new batch of Rafales.

Where do you get these crazy thoughts from?!?! Egypt never acquiesced to US pressure. That makes a lot of sense for the US to pressure CAATSA for the French's benefit! lol. The 30 additional Rafales are a completely separate order.

What happened was Pompeo tried to convince Sisi and Co. to either stop the order (which was way too late by then) and instead, he offered the F-15 to replace the Sukhois, but Egypt denied the offer stating in an official statement that they thought the Su-35S was a much better platform than the F-15 that the US would've offered. No cancellation or any of that. But I have your quote so that once they're flying in Egypt, we can check back. They're not going to show them off right away and rub it in the US' nose, simply because they don't want to anger them. But eventually they'll be out front and center flying over the Pyramids InshaAllah.

Funny I guess they'll have to put all these brand spanking new Egyptian Su-35S's in storage?








The Egyptian flag tail insignia painted over with the dark camo plain as day to see. It even has a newer radome that is more bulbous to accommodate the powerful IRBIS-E X-band hybrid passive electronically scanned array radar. New information just released is that the 'hybrid' part suggests it's actually a combination of active and passive and is automatic in switching. A lot of incredible upgrades that many don't know about unless you follow the developments closely.

So essentially it has 3 separate radars it can use, the IRBIS-E as the main radar, the leading wing edge AESA radar but that's at best half the range of the IRBIS-E, maybe even less around 120km-150km and of course, the IRST.



They had 5 already painted and ready for testing back in March of 2019. The agreement was settled in 2018 even.

@Gomig-21 ,
Have you seen any SU35 in Egypt? I bet you haven’t…Other sources reported that the SU35 contract was canceled and Russia sold them to another Middle-eastern country, without naming the country. And saying that Egypt doesn’t bow to US requests, you must be joking…Last year the US tried to withhold $100M from the US aid, Egypt went in disarray…
@Gomig-21 ,
Have you seen any SU35 in Egypt? I bet you haven’t…Other sources reported that the SU35 contract was canceled and Russia sold them to another Middle-eastern country, without naming the country. And saying that Egypt doesn’t bow to US requests, you must be joking…Last year the US tried to withhold $100M from the US aid, Egypt went in disarray…
Please provide the source, what your source, and its take time to deliver the Su-35 to Egypt, the production and testing and delivery aren't easy that's you assume,
please give the backup of your claims, thanks brother
NO36B-1-01 L Band radar described in all the posts I've given you is what we're talking about, and you still play these silly denial games. The IFF is part of the package they're describing but not what we're talking about and actually isn't on the wing but on the fuselage. We can go back and forth all day long but I've already shown you more than enough. It's even on the pic I posted that you quoted.

Here it is again one last time, see what it says at the bottom, NO36B-1-01 L Band.
View attachment 752190
NO36B-1-01 is part of the system which is currently developed for Su-57.

What you see on pic above is IFF requester (бортовой многофункциональный цифровой запросчик).

Egypt canceled its SU35 order due to US pressure and fear of sanctions and replaced them with new batch of Rafales. Contrary to your believe , SU35 is equiped with an AESA radar. Russians weapons work when manned by good hands..you can‘t take the past and actual Israel’s neighboring armies performances as basis for your assumptions.
Even Russians themselves never claimed that Su-35 has AESA radar.
Russian electronics always lagged behind the USA and was very vulnerable to EW.
Whats going now in Egypt's air force is total distaster in terms of maintenance and networking (5 completely different fighters with completelly different engines from 3 different countries).
Even Russians themselves never claimed that Su-35 has AESA radar.
Russian electronics always lagged behind the USA and was very vulnerable to EW.
Whats going now in Egypt's air force is total distaster in terms of maintenance and networking (5 completely different fighters with completelly different engines from 3 different countries).
You need to get on page, your informations are dated Pal…Russians arms have always outperformed Israeli arms,Pakistanis , better trained and experienced ,with their MiG 21 created a havoc in the Israelis Air Force, Ariel Sharon brigade was decimated by T55, that he considered inferior to his armada and other example abounds…
Egyptian Airforce is a lot more capable and potent than before, and the fact that she fields different model from different makes didn’t seem to hinder its performance.
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You need to get on page, your informations are dated Pal…Russians arms have always outperformed Israeli arms,Pakistanis , better trained and experienced ,with their MiG 21 created a havoc in the Israelis Air Force, Ariel Sharon brigade was decimated by T55, that he considered inferior to his armada and other example abounds…
Egyptian Airforce is a lot more capable and potent than before, and the fact that she fields different model from different makes didn’t seem to hinder its performance.
No idea where from u take these fairy tales. In fact even in 1973 war which was most successful for the Arabs the casualty ratio was many times in favor of Israel.

102 Israeli jets lost vs. 350+ Arab jets lost.
470 Israeli tanks destroyed vs 2300 Arab tanks destroyed.

Later with the arrival of UAVs situation became much worse.
NO36B-1-01 is part of the system which is currently developed for Su-57.

Yes it's the same one that is in the Su-35S with slightly moderate upgrades. Again, something I've already mentioned in my previous posts to you but you keep dancing around it. Stop it ba2a!

What you see on pic above is IFF requester (бортовой многофункциональный цифровой запросчик).

IFF interrogator is a completely separate item! How many times do you want to go around in this silly circle?

Whats going now in Egypt's air force is total distaster in terms of maintenance and networking (5 completely different fighters with completelly different engines from 3 different countries).

Why? We've operated different jets from 3 countries for decades and had no issues except the F-7s were considered widow makers. But this "logistical nightmare" crap is just a sorry excuse. If you look at how quickly the EAF absorbed the Rafale into the air force, that alone should give you an indication there is nothing that can't be dealt with. EAF is spectacular with maintenance and spare parts and dedicate a whole special training and operations for those. Nothing to worry about look at this pic from 1985! F-6, Mirage V, F-4, F-16, MiG-21 and there is a trailing MiG-17 that is out of the pic that was flying in this formation. The new jets are even easier to maintain because of how advanced they are.


@Gomig-21 ,
Have you seen any SU35 in Egypt? I bet you haven’t…Other sources reported that the SU35 contract was canceled and Russia sold them to another Middle-eastern country, without naming the country. And saying that Egypt doesn’t bow to US requests, you must be joking…Last year the US tried to withhold $100M from the US aid, Egypt went in disarray…

LOL "Disarray" over $100 million?! You've got to be kidding me! We're purchasing $35+ billion in military equipment in the last 7 years and you want to tell me Egypt went into disarray over a lousy $100 million? lol. And yes, Egypt is NO LONGER bowing to US pressures like this CAATSA over the 30 Su-35SE's. There's still a lengthy process of finalizing testing and then training all the EAF pilots and setting up logistics. That's happening now and most sources claim there are already at least 5 in Egypt. You'll see. One thing for sure is they won't flaunt them and rub them in the US' face, but they will definitely be there soon enough.

Besides, again, if there is ever anything as that craziness you're talking about, the deal would've been to replace the Su-35s with F-15s and not Rafales. So there goes that whole wishful fantasy out the door on fire and smoking in a crash and burn. EAF wants a heavy fighter which it has never had and this is very important to not only its overall modernization plan, but an entire Russian network between the Su-35s, MiG-35s, the new rapid data sharing and large radars and command and control systems as well as S-300VM. @The SC opened a great thread about that whole plan they've been working on. Most who aren't following the details closely think it's just a mishmash of stuff like the previous post up there. But this is a whole new administration that has planned this entire new military structure down to the last detail.

Egyptian Airforce is a lot more capable and potent than before, and the fact that she fields different model from different makes didn’t seem to hinder its performance.

Oh my goodness holy crap someone slap me across the face! Did Ceylal actually compliment the EAF? Yan7ar abiad we melahwis! loool
No idea where from u take these fairy tales. In fact even in 1973 war which was most successful for the Arabs the casualty ratio was many times in favor of Israel.

102 Israeli jets lost vs. 350+ Arab jets lost.
470 Israeli tanks destroyed vs 2300 Arab tanks destroyed.

Later with the arrival of UAVs situation became much worse.

HAHAHA..Just stop your lies even the US says Usrael lost over 250 fighter jets in 73 alone It was losing jets since 1970.. And for tanks You lost more than a 1000 while Arabs lost about 1500.. Egypt had les than 300 fighters at that time how could have lost 350 +..!? when it has finished the war with 220 intact fighters.. Syria at max might have lost 80 from les than 200 aircrafts and downed around 40 Usraeli aircrafts..And if you look at proportions you lost a bigger percentage of your population in less than a month compared to US causalities in Vietnam war that lasted 10 years.. So even in terms of causalities you are still lying to sooth your sorry soul..

In any way you have lost that war big time and still having nightmares about it till now..
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HAHAHA..Just stop your lies even the US says Usrael lost over 250 fighter jets in 73 alone It was losing jets since 1970.. And for tanks You lost more than a 1000 while Arabs lost about 1500.. Egypt had les than 300 fighters at that time how could have lost 350 +..!? when it has finished the war with 220 intact fighters.. Syria at max might have lost 80 from les than 200 aircrafts and downed around 40 Usraeli aircrafts..And if you look at proportions you lost a bigger percentage of your population in less than a month compared to US causalities in Vietnam war that lasted 10 years.. So even in terms of causalities you are still lying to sooth your sorry soul..

In any way you have lost that war big time and still having nightmares about it till now..

Bro, this is the same old song and dance that I've been having with 500 since we were very active on an old Iranian forum back in the late 2000's. The inflated numbers are the funniest thing alive and that's what gives all the uneducated younglings around here the idea that Egypt is so inferior to Israel when in fact it was in 1973 and still spanked them silly despite all the terrible mistakes and lack of real seriousness to put a war plan that would devastate them. 90,000 troops to cross with a population of 40 million at the time they could've fielded a million and rampaged across the entire Sinai and brought the day of the burning temple or whatever that was. It was just a little war by Sadat to punish them just enough to cut down that shroud of invincibility. Russians sacrificed how many 100's of thousands against the Germans JUST in Stalingrad? That was what they needed to do but Sadat chose the wimpy plan and it still worked lol.
Bro, this is the same old song and dance that I've been having with 500 since we were very active on an old Iranian forum back in the late 2000's. The inflated numbers are the funniest thing alive and that's what gives all the uneducated younglings around here the idea that Egypt is so inferior to Israel when in fact it was in 1973 and still spanked them silly despite all the terrible mistakes and lack of real seriousness to put a war plan that would devastate them. 90,000 troops to cross with a population of 40 million at the time they could've fielded a million and rampaged across the entire Sinai and brought the day of the burning temple or whatever that was. It was just a little war by Sadat to punish them just enough to cut down that shroud of invincibility. Russians sacrificed how many 100's of thousands against the Germans JUST in Stalingrad? That was what they needed to do but Sadat chose the wimpy plan and it still worked lol.
Russia sacrificed 20 million in WWII and 40 million in WWI.. can you imagine..
This guy has been lying here for so long despite all the threads and internationally recognized facts contradicting his silly talk..
Bro, this is the same old song and dance that I've been having with 500 since we were very active on an old Iranian forum back in the late 2000's. The inflated numbers are the funniest thing alive and that's what gives all the uneducated younglings around here the idea that Egypt is so inferior to Israel when in fact it was in 1973 and still spanked them silly despite all the terrible mistakes and lack of real seriousness to put a war plan that would devastate them. 90,000 troops to cross with a population of 40 million at the time they could've fielded a million and rampaged across the entire Sinai and brought the day of the burning temple or whatever that was. It was just a little war by Sadat to punish them just enough to cut down that shroud of invincibility. Russians sacrificed how many 100's of thousands against the Germans JUST in Stalingrad? That was what they needed to do but Sadat chose the wimpy plan and it still worked lol.
Sending quadrillion people without weapons would not help at all.
Are u suggesting Saddat deliberately suffered crushing defeat in 14th offensive? Deliberately allowed crossing? Deliberately allowed surrounding of 3rtd army?
HAHAHA..Just stop your lies even the US says Usrael lost over 250 fighter jets in 73 alone It was losing jets since 1970.. And for tanks You lost more than a 1000 while Arabs lost about 1500.. Egypt had les than 300 fighters at that time how could have lost 350 +..!? when it has finished the war with 220 intact fighters.. Syria at max might have lost 80 from les than 200 aircrafts and downed around 40 Usraeli aircrafts..And if you look at proportions you lost a bigger percentage of your population in less than a month compared to US causalities in Vietnam war that lasted 10 years.. So even in terms of causalities you are still lying to sooth your sorry soul..

In any way you have lost that war big time and still having nightmares about it till now..
Israel publishes every single killed in its wars every single pilot or tanker or infantry man. So u cant hide casualties.

Egypt had about 400 planes lost 235.
Syria had 280 planes lost 135.
Israel publishes every single killed in its wars every single pilot or tanker or infantry man. So u cant hide casualties.

Egypt had about 400 planes lost 235.
Syria had 280 planes lost 135.
If you have sources apart from your Usraeli ones bring them here.. because we have provided plenty of sources that contradict your claims in many different threads.. otherwise just leave it there and keep believing yourself..
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