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Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

You know, this development is not only good for Pakistan and Iran, but also highly beneficial for Afghanistan. Iran can influence the Tajik/Northern Alliance to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the ethnic/sectarian divide in Afghanistan while Pakistan can do the same with Pashtun/Ta1iban.

Exactly we just need Americans to get lost from our neighbourhood and stop killing and threatening Muslims
Who are Pakistan's enemies.

Firstly the country that is the enemy of all Muslim people is Zionist Israel. They have through AIPAC managed to get a stranglehold on American foreign policies. America then has lapdogs voluntary as in the case of Hindu Indians as they are anti Muslim as well or involuntary the Sauds. So proxies of America in our neighbourhood qualify as enemies as well.
Keep that subject reserved to the Arab uprising threads, this thread is not the place.

This thread's title includes "Ahmadinejad", so thus I showed my opinion on the matter.

Isn't Iran acting hypocritical by supporting a stooge of the so called America they are essentially in soft war with? Siding with Pakistan under the Zardari regime puts all of Ahmadinejad's views as hypocritical. He's only doing this because of the fact that Zardari is Shia, and for other personal attentions.

Iran as a country, I don't have a problem with. Our civilizations have lived side by side for thousands of years when we were a part of west India and Iran controlled lands of which is Balochistan and Pakthunkwa now (both of which are still what are considered to be 'ancient Pakistanis' since they are our land now). Our civilizations have always aided one another, in fact, when the Arabs brought Islam to Persia, the Persians were the first fort of Defence before the Arabs could reach us.

Thousands of years later here we are, taking over the ancient Arab in strength, numbers, power, etc.
@ aryan
so how many of pakistanies got killed by israel,saudi,india ? And howmany by inhouse monsters ?
This thread's title includes "Ahmadinejad", so thus I showed my opinion on the matter.

Isn't Iran acting hypocritical by supporting a stooge of the so called America they are essentially in soft war with? Siding with Pakistan under the Zardari regime puts all of Ahmadinejad's views as hypocritical. He's only doing this because of the fact that Zardari is Shia, and for other personal attentions.

Iran as a country, I don't have a problem with. Our civilizations have lived side by side for thousands of years when we were a part of west India and Iran controlled lands of which is Balochistan and Pakthunkwa now (both of which are still what are considered to be 'ancient Pakistanis' since they are our land now). Our civilizations have always aided one another, in fact, when the Arabs brought Islam to the Persians, the Persians were the first fort of Defence before the Arabs could reach us.

Thousands of years later here we are, taking over the ancient Arab in strength, numbers, power, etc.

Read the whole title, not only one word: "Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies"

The subject of your discussion would be a vast one and would unnecessarily deviate the topic from its crux.
Firstly the country that is the enemy of all Muslim people is Zionist Israel. They have through AIPAC managed to get a stranglehold on American foreign policies. America then has lapdogs voluntary as in the case of Hindu Indians as they are anti Muslim as well or involuntary the Sauds. So proxies of America in our neighbourhood qualify as enemies as well.

But Iran don't see India as an enemy and Iran's support to India is spoiling Pakistan's dream of strategic depth in Afghanistan. Secondly, if Pakistan had to choose between Iran and Saudi, Pakistan will go for Saudi Arabia just like last time they supported Iraq against Iran in Iraq-Iran war.
So is he referring to bharat?

The U.S may be the bad guy now ( but that might change in the future; we've got a very volatile relationship)
I read the whole title. Why is it that you're on my tail wherever I go, and point out pointless things in my posts?

I don't know what are you talking about to be honest... Did I do some colossal mistake by pointing out that you are merely diverting the topic here?

Please feel free to report my posts if you feel so.
But Iran don't see India as an enemy and Iran's support to India is spoiling Pakistan's dream of strategic depth in Afghanistan. Secondly, if Pakistan had to choose between Iran and Saudi, Pakistan will go for Saudi Arabia just like last time they supported Iraq against Iran in Iraq-Iran war.

You are lacking knowledge in regards to Pakistan and the Iran-Iraq war. Pakistan did not take sides, Pakistan was neutral and in fact Pakistan mediated a peaceful end to the war between the two warring nations.

Secondly, if we are to take into consideration the current events and geopolitical shift in our region, one can safely conclude that Iran won't allow india to transport any military affiliated equipment to Afghanistan or incite anti-Pakistani sentiments in Afghanistan. Chahbahar is only meant to give indian goods access to central Asian and Afghan markets, nothing to object to unless indians are using that port to transport weapons whihc i doubt Iran would allow.

Secondly, Iran alone is enough to challenge Pakistani interests in Afghanistan, they wouldn't need india to harm our interests, but i doubt they would go against Pakistani interests since they have a lot in common with Pakistan.
Mr Ahmadinejad the people and rulers of Pakistan will surely disappoint you because
Mr Zardari along with Ahlan Habibi goons have already planed Murder of Iran at the hands of NATO.

Save you country Mr Ahmadinejad if you can from the thugs goons and jackals.
Hah. You're funny Aryan.

You're the one saying this? Go back and check your post history.

This is getting too personal...:coffee:

I suggest resolving your differences with him by Personal/Visitor messaging. Please do not divert this thread unnecessarily. Already this thread has become a warzone between other people. I've notified a moderator to clean this up.
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