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Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

Not gonna say it's right or wrong, but the sanctions must be biting, Ahmadinejad has been love-bombing everyone lately, not his usual style.
Not gonna say it's right or wrong, but the sanctions must be biting, Ahmadinejad has been love-bombing everyone lately, not his usual style.

sorry man ! but it is nonsense :meeting:

Not gonna say it's right or wrong, but the sanctions must be biting, Ahmadinejad has been love-bombing everyone lately, not his usual style.

sorry man ! but it is nonsense :meeting:
Not gonna say it's right or wrong, but the sanctions must be biting, Ahmadinejad has been love-bombing everyone lately, not his usual style.

Well he never love to bomb humans ....
Pakistan is a very healthy and powerful lion, look at their natural reserves, and the developments taking place.
No one thinks that Iran seeks the Nuclear umbrella of Pakistan, since, if Iran wanted any nuclear deterrent for itself it could have developed it on its own, considering the fact that Iran masters the whole nuclear cycle.


You see the bleeding, this is example of Pakistan-injured lion due to many attacks by fifty red foxes. Some foxes continue to attack injured lion, however, injured lion managed to attack red fox, they will come back.

Just improve economy, corruption free, electricity powerless, unused natural reserves, and global friend-allies. Sadly, most muslim countries are attacking each other based on religions which means Pakistan would do alone in survival.
Love-bombing is a saying, has nothing to do with bombs, my fault, gotta remember many here aren't native English-speakers.

Must administer corrective therapy to you mate. I think the American President would be good company with you and me in the bunker with some video games lol

Is it not wonderful that Pakistan and Iran are getting closer by the day. Think about it all we need is Russians and your troops would be stranded with no pampers lol
My mother went to Russia about 10 years ago to give some supplies to local unis etc. (said it reminded her of West Germany in the 50's-60's), had some Mexican-Americans with her. She was welcomed with open arms, the darker Mexican friends get cold looks and hostility. Care to guess why? (in other words, the US has differences with Russia, but if you think they will help in some "jihad," think again.)
My mother went to Russia about 10 years ago to give some supplies to local unis etc. (said it reminded her of West Germany in the 50's-60's), had some Mexican-Americans with her. She was welcomed with open arms, the darker Mexican friends get cold looks and hostility. Care to guess why? (in other words, the US has differences with Russia, but if you think they will help in some "jihad," think again.)

Ok Juicy actually I think you should change your name to juicy it has more tang to it. Unlike many others here on the forum I think you have me more sussed than most.

I am a Muslim but by no means would I say I am in the jihad brigade. frankly I do not support a theocratic state (Iran) no more than a monarchy (Saudi) as a method of ideal and or good governance.

I think Israel and America in any event have the Muslim world relatively stitched up. Some ally to your American regime because they have been bullied others have been bribed all in the best American/AIPAC tradition. So I do not expect a challenge from a Muslim united football team.

The challenge for America and its proxies is that your interests cross the red lines of China Russia Pakistan and Iran. If you do not know them I can and will go into that in detail tomorrow as I want to have a cigar and watch the latest episode of Harry's law now.

The thing that draws these countries together is the hatred/dislike of these countries, imo America has miscalculated. These 4 countries through SCO and possibly India if they can be weaned away from America hold the cards. Together they make a formidable adversary which could and will challenge Nato long term. You might even see Turkey weaned away btw.

Russia will not join cos it wants to help any of the other 3 but because it has no choice as its interests converge with Pak Iran etc. Same with Iran etc. contrary to the sentimental bull often here Iran needs Pakistan. Pakistan needs Iran.

In this way these countries can stop American companies and corporations from skimming/stealing money from pipelines etc.

That is a very old lion, you could have done better.
If you look like that personally, it is not Pakistan's fault.

The answer to your false statements about Muslims is:

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
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