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Ahli Sunnah second-admiral Shahram Irani becomes commander of Iranian navy

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In Pakistan those two go hand in hand. State sponsored groups commit terrorist attacks. The Dawn article is an illuminating example.

Yes, then we are in agreement that anti Hazara attacks have been going on for decades.

When are you having a newspaper who can write as freely as they do in Dawn?
You are not a true Muslim unless you follow Quran prophet and his family.

I’m a Muslims and a conservative follower but I don’t keep dwelling in the past and waste my time on things. Learn and move on but don’t base your relations with others based on who was right or wrong in that time period those who lived had their conflicts and we have ours in this era we must face.
@DESERT FIGHTER might have different opinions but he surely is not what you called. But a friend with different thoughts

Terrorism in Pakistan has one big victim and it is Indeed people of Pakistan. The madrassas funded by the Sauds has caused backwardness in the society keeping a small portion of Pakistani people illetrate and emotional religious fanatics.

Thankfuly people are waking up to reality of Sauds and hence Pakistan progressing and thriving.

In order to end the terrorism in country they have to cut Off Foreign funds and Foreign hands trying to spread armed conflict all over the country.
I harbour no hate for the Irani people you are our cousins ethnically and historically yet I dont like your govts policies. But I do hate the wahabi fitna of al e saud.
He has to be loyal to the Islamic Establishment and be loyal to the prophet's bloodline. Being sunni or shia doesnt matter. Loyalty to the prophet's blood and to the Iranian nation is a must tho.

The Prophet's blood is Arab, you spread hate against Arabs on this forum and praise people of Persian non-Arab blood. You live with your girlfriend in Ireland and inhale drugs(smoking). What do you have to do with Prophet's bloodline which is based in Arab world and Africa and have nothing to do with Persians? The truth is many Shia's are aware of what Iranian regime represents, and how they are trying to enforce loyalty to Iranian nationalism and interests as being the main pillar of Islam. Persian nationalists and wannabes have nothing to do with Arab Prophet's bloodline, who they hate. Persian nationalist would dump Islam if regional population became irreligious. Persian nationalists trying to culturally rob Islam and trying to attain authority over Islam to influence regional populace into being subservient to Iranian nationalism. That is atheist nationalism. And athiest nationalists have zero to do with the Arab prophet or his bloodline. Whom have loyalty to God and not Iranian nationalism. So keep Arab Ahyul-Al Bayt out of your mouth. They our people and have loyalty to God, are not power hungry Persian nationalists and wannabes like you.
The Prophet's blood is Arab, you spread hate against Arabs on this forum and praise people of Persian non-Arab blood. You live with your girlfriend in Ireland and inhale drugs(smoking). What do you have to do with Prophet's bloodline which is based in Arab world and Africa and have nothing to do with Persians? The truth is many Shia's are aware of what Iranian regime represents, and how they are trying to enforce loyalty to Iranian nationalism and interests as being the main pillar of Islam. Persian nationalists and wannabes have nothing to do with Arab Prophet's bloodline, who they hate. Persian nationalist would dump Islam if regional population became irreligious. Persian nationalists trying to culturally rob Islam and trying to attain authority over Islam to influence regional populace into being subservient to Iranian nationalism. That is atheist nationalism. And athiest nationalists have zero to do with the Arab prophet or his bloodline. Whom have loyalty to God and not Iranian nationalism. So keep Arab Ahyul-Al Bayt out of your mouth. They our people and have loyalty to God, are not power hungry Persian nationalists and wannabes like you.

The Prophet PBUH came as a Rehmah for the entire universe not just arabs. No arab is superior to a non arab...

That said thousands of Prophets were sent upon the arabs and yet they didnt become insaan.

Look at them even today to them the zionists are worth more than their own falastini brethern. Have no respect for them.
The Prophet PBUH came as a Rehmah for the entire universe not just arabs. No arab is superior to a non arab...

That said thousands of Prophets were sent upon the arabs and yet they didnt become insaan.

Look at them even today to them the zionists are worth more than their own falastini brethern. Have no respect for them.

That's irrespective of my point. What I see is someone trying to exercise ownership of the Prophets bloodline while at same time hating his ethnicity and viewing the ethnicity he came out of with hate. And it's not true that Arabs are with Zionists, on contrary most anti-Zionist people are Arabs. If there was instability near Israels borders than the Arabs will direct the situation to create a situation against Israel.

The only people who view themselves as superior are the Persian nationalists on this forum. Who hate the ethnicity of the Prophet yet put on facade of loving him or his bloodline. And trying to enforce loyalty /obedience to Iranian nation state under guise of religion.
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The Prophet PBUH came as a Rehmah for the entire universe not just arabs. No arab is superior to a non arab...

That said thousands of Prophets were sent upon the arabs and yet they didnt become insaan.

Look at them even today to them the zionists are worth more than their own falastini brethern. Have no respect for them.

Just for academia.

Prophets were sent to Semitic people who are not just Arabs.
The Prophet PBUH came as a Rehmah for the entire universe not just arabs. No arab is superior to a non arab...

That said thousands of Prophets were sent upon the arabs and yet they didnt become insaan.

Look at them even today to them the zionists are worth more than their own falastini brethern. Have no respect for them.

The guys you are defending on this forum go as far as to claim Prophet Abraham is of a Persian bloodline(ask them to deny this, I seen two of their members on this forum spread this belief), thereby trying to imply the Prophet Mohammed isn't Arab and is rather Persian. They have an heavy tilt towards Iranic peoples, and modify the religion of Islam to suit their cultural/historical preferences and grudges. They attack the wife of the Prophet who is defended in the Quran by God, because they don't like her dad Abu Bakr who clashed with the Persian Empire. And they go farther claiming the Quran is corrupted because of their stubborn Persian supremacist leanings. They claim the Prophet praised Persian people and prophesized they would control all of Muslims and they claim Al-Mahdi is from Persian linage through his mother as well. They have a historical grudge against Arabs, that is so full of hate that they go so far to reject Islamic concepts and principles. And their hate is so strong, that they won't admit that the Prophet Mohammed is an Arab Muslim, creating conspiracies that he is actually of Iranian descent, due to their extreme Persian supremacist leanings, yet come on this forum to preach about how they love his family. No one is buying that, and no one is going to believe in their propaganda and political/culture wars they are pushing on people.

There is no Arab supremacists, the supremacy is from these Persian supremacists that will go as far as to reject core Islamic concepts and principles to give priority to their culture over the faith. Do not worry though, Muslims will get through it and be united again. And Persian supremacy ideas will be reduced to Iran.

The real Shia Muslims were normal Muslims that had a few different political leanings and societal positions. They were not different as far as religion goes. And they did not reject Islamic principles/concepts. The ideas being spread from Iran today are not in any related to genuine Shia Muslims, and are very much Persian supremacist cultural/religious appropriation attempts that are going to fail..... Shia beliefs were changed over time. And still some genuine Shia's remain to this day, but this twelver Persian supremacy cult has zero to do with Islam and such people are not Muslims. Anyone who deny the completeness and accuracy of the Quran is a kafir and no Muslim should shy of saying this. That is a condition that meets kufr in Islam and we are not going to change it to appease some Persian supremacists people. Other Shia sects do not subscribe to such beliefs. It is upon the Twelver scholars to make clear their positions and rebuke any such talk within their community.
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The guys you are defending on this forum go as far as to claim Prophet Abraham is of a Persian bloodline(ask them to deny this, I seen two of their members on this forum spread this belief), thereby trying to imply the Prophet Mohammed isn't Arab and is rather Persian. They have an heavy tilt towards Iranic peoples, and modify the religion of Islam to suit their cultural/historical preferences and grudges. They attack the wife of the Prophet who is defended in the Quran by God, because they don't like her dad Abu Bakr who clashed with the Persian Empire. And they go farther claiming the Quran is corrupted because of their stubborn Persian supremacist leanings. They claim the Prophet praised Persian people and prophesized they would control all of Muslims and they claim Al-Mahdi is from Persian linage through his mother as well. They have a historical grudge against Arabs, that is so full of hate that they go so far to reject Islamic concepts and principles. And their hate is so strong, that they won't admit that the Prophet Mohammed is an Arab Muslim, creating conspiracies that he is actually of Iranian descent, due to their extreme Persian supremacist leanings, yet come on this forum to preach about how they love his family. No one is buying that, and no one is going to believe in their propaganda and political/culture wars they are pushing on people.

There is no Arab supremacists, the supremacy is from these Persian supremacists that will go as far as to reject core Islamic concepts and principles to give priority to their culture over the faith. Do not worry though, Muslims will get through it and be united again. And Persian supremacy ideas will be reduced to Iran.

The real Shia Muslims were normal Muslims that had a few different political leanings and societal positions. They were not different as far as religion goes. And they did not reject Islamic principles/concepts. The ideas being spread from Iran today are not in any related to genuine Shia Muslims, and are very much Persian supremacist cultural/religious appropriation attempts that are going to fail..... Shia beliefs were changed over time. And still some genuine Shia's remain to this day, but this twelver Persian supremacy cult has zero to do with Islam and such people are not Muslims. Anyone who deny the completeness and accuracy of the Quran is a kafir and no Muslim should shy of saying this. That is a condition that meets kufr in Islam and we are not going to change it to appease some Persian supremacists people. Other Shia sects do not subscribe to such beliefs. It is upon the Twelver scholars to make clear their positions and rebuke any such talk within their community.
Let them be.
appointment must have been based on his abilities and good career history. not his ethnicity or sect.
Iranians are much smarter and ahead of that game.
for them nationalism trumps everything else.

Imam Khomeini (rAa) famously said: let Iran burn, if it serves Islam. Now of course, this condition isn't met (especially since the Islamic Republic is practically the only Muslim country to resist zio-American imperialism in such a systematic manner), but it shows what the ideology of Iranian Islamic revolutionaries is.

The ruling and state ideology in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution has really nothing to do with nationalism, and is bona fide Islamic (western analysts would say "islamist").

Which is why the immense majority of Iranian nationalists, who are secular-minded and some of them (not all - one must always avoid erroneous generalizations) even islamophobic, have staunchly opposed the Islamic Republic and intensively worked for "regime change" with massive support from Iran's existential enemies (US regime, Isra"el" and their regional client states).

Only in recent years have some (not all) nationalist-oriented Iranians revised their position and accepted the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic because they finally realized that the enmity of NATO and the zionists is not just against the Iranian government but against Iran herself as a unified nation, given their goal of dismantling Iran along so-called "ethnic" lines. The Islamic Republic, for its part, welcomes their support for the sole reason that it weakens foreign enemies and strengthens the Islamic establishment in Iran, but nevertheless it won't allow nationalists to be politically active inside Iran.

Therefore, and this is very important to note, the support some nationalists (not all - once again, generalizations would be faulty here) - who remain outside the Iranian system and live abroad for the most part, extend to the Islamic Republic, does not translate into any ideological rapprochement or fusion between the two sides: state ideology in the Islamic Republic remains as Islamic as always, Iranian nationalists remain as nationalistic as before and both openly reckon how their ideologies are different by nature, whether or not they tacitly cooperate. Some nationalists accept to set aside the differences for the sake of Iran, knowing that the enemy is a common one: it loathes nations just as much as it loathes traditional religion. But this is without any impact on the Islamic nature of the Iranian state.

This said, Islam does not oppose patriotism, nor does it prohibit local national culture, civilization and corresponding traditions as long as these aren't in contravention with Islamic rules. And the Islamic Republic has a perfectly correct understanding of Islam's stance towards nation and vatan. So the typical Khomeinist is nowhere a nationalist, but likewise will he not harbor any particular hatred towards those aspects of Iran's history, civilization and culture which are in conformity with Islam. His primordial concern and interest though, is Islam and Islam only. Vatan comes clearly next.

You just need to take a brief look at Iranian television programs, Iranian school textbooks, public billboards installed in Iranian cities and so on, to understand that state ideology in the IR is 100% Islamic and not nationalistic at all.

Some schools of thought have very little tolerance for any expression of attachment to the homeland, which they automatically tend to qualify as an un-Islamic preference for nation over God. Shiaphobic currents among them try to single out Iran and the Islamic Republic as particularly "nationalistic", but this is largely due to their sectarian-driven, deep antagonism against Shia Islam. The latter is, by the way, exactly the same in Iran, Iraq, Bahrein, Pakistan etc, since there are no competing "national versions" of Twelver Shia Islam, and the marjaiya, the supreme level of a very integrated Shia clergy, is totally unified across national boundaries. This sort of hostile propaganda against Iran is funded by certain wealthy western client-regimes in the region, given their opposition to an independent Iran which contrary to them, will not bow to zio-American supremacy.

So the appointment of the Sunni Muslim Admiral as chief of the Iranian Army's Navy branch, did not happen on the basis of nationalist thinking, but is in fact a natural thing in the context of the Islamic Republic's religious state ideology. The IR's Islamic ideology ie Khomeinism, is pan-Islamic in essence and not sectarianist. A historical survey of discourse and political practice of the IR for the past 42 years will illustrate this. Sectarianist currents of Shia Islam are in fact very hostile to the Iranian government and its Leadership. In a state that correctly implements Islamic principles, members of sects of Islam that are in the minority among the population, should have access to official positions.

Which is why Sunni Muslims are part of the IR, even if the latter's institutions are shaped after Shia Islamic traditions because over 90% of Iranians belong to that branch of Islam. But even so, the IR will gladly invite a Sunni cleric to help write its Constitution, it will recruit Sunni Muslim citizens alongside their Shia and even non-Muslim compatriots in the armed forces, it will support the struggles of various Sunni Muslim nations (from Bosnia to Palestina via Kurds of Iraq) etc, all in the name of Islam and its correct understanding thereof.
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Mods - we have a member threatening terrorism in Pakistan.

@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM @krash @Irfan Baloch

Bro, You are not new to this forum, I doubt any action will be taken he might become the next MOD on PDF, PDF has a history of keeping a very soft corner for Shia and Iranians, as they get away with many of the insults and stuff, reason you ask me? maybe sectarian bias is at play here, there is one particular member here who in past has severely abused Umar Ibn Khatab RA, and yet he wasn't even banned for it and he is still making extreme BS claims on this very thread and yet, mark my words no action will be taken by anyone here...
God bless Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his family and damn those who martyred his daughter, son-in-law and grandsons.

Ameen ...

His daughter RA dies of natural causes, no one martyr her...
God bless Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his family and damn those who martyred his daughter, son-in-law and grandsons.

Ameen ...

Stop cursing your own forefathers man
His daughter RA dies of natural causes, no one martyr her...

In their fake history they have this incident where Umar (rz) along with other companions like Khalid bin Waleed (rz) and Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah (rz) invaded home of Sayyida Fatima (rz) and fatally injured her

These guys couldn't beat them on battleground so created fake history to make them a super villain :)
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