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Age of Members. Just curious.

Hi there. I am a relatively new member here and don't know the guys well enough. I was just curious what is the age of members in this group? I feel that most you are mature grey haired people with lots of professional experience. Is this the case? I am 34 btw.
Sshhh wrong question because there are many female members here as well :lol:
I discovered this forum in 2005 (or so). I made my first account around 2008 or 09. Then after sometime I forgot my username and password.

Since I wasn’t tagged.
Lmao ain't that the truth...

Either way, pre-2012, PDF was hotspot of Indian activity. They were honored and respected....all that changed once Modi came and the true face of India came up as many like us have been saying all along.

We still have weaklings in our ranks who adore India and are culturally conquered by Indian media and products.

Appropriate profile pic. :D
Maybe PDF was a part of that foreign funded Aman ka tamasha project back than. Who knows..
I’m less than 3153600000000…. ms ! It over 567648000000 ms.

You are in error. PDF never loved India.

This a defense forum and not a social gathering---. Indian members were welcome to say their piece of mind---so that the some of the pakistani imbeciles could understand the venom that they had against pakistan.

But sadly---pakistani members have hardly learnt anything---.
As a Pakistani the more interaction you have with an Indian (atleast online)

Your hate is bound to increase- it is what it is

Unfortunately wider public still seems to not dislike India as much as they would if they actually realize what Indians think about Pakistanis
Maybe PDF was a part of that foreign funded Aman ka tamasha project back than. Who knows..

Was banned for 2 months by one such mod here on PDF. :D

But yea, that idea has come forward in my mind multiple times too. This forum acts like they are patriotic but behind the veil, they're no better than the egomaniac, liberal/secular elites of Pakistan.

Act like them and you can become a mod in no time......go against the grain and here comes the ban hammer. :rolleyes:
Dude you can fight for Pakistan even if you are 100.
Just strap your self in a SVBIED and slam it into a Indian Army checkpost.

The essence of war is to make the other guy die for his country.....and come out alive yourself to fight another day. :D

As much as I like the idea of suicide bombers, Muslim lives matter more than kaffir ones to me. I would rather send in a suicide drone than a Muslim.

I guess old men can pilot drones? How hard can it be? :D
I’m single and ready to mingle, if that’s what you’re asking. :welcome::welcome:
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