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Abu Dhabi Group sign investment worth $45 billion

Nawaz and his brother inaugurate metro in Lahore a few days back and, most probably, Zardari, using Malik Riaz's face signs 45 Billions worth project, most of which will be invested in Singh and specially Karachi which includes the tallest building in the metropolis.
I wonder how can they sign such a project without and prior specuation and news. I suspect its a a called election preparation and as soon as their government is gone, they are going to claim that they's have completed if they were in government (unfortunately). But if they are really sincere, then its good for us that they're trying to beat one another on this ground. At least public can be benefited.
This is more than pipeline.

Why not they seek local investment instead of turning to IMF etc.
Some Questions

Why they are investing such huge money in Pakistan?

How they will get their money back?

Why investing in infrastructure not in basic needs?

Are you giving nukes to them in return? I dont see any other valuable in Pakistan worth $45B
Everything......from roadways to non stop electricity supply to proper water supply to international companies .
The best thing about them is you dont fear of being bombed or killed by a terrorist when on the street :rofl:

what about rapes :lol:

karachi is still getting investment after all the security situation with no body to invest is really a big thing, talk about your mumbai getting nearly locked down on ajmal kasab issue

lol at road ways, its pretty the same stuff in both cities about investment, one can say mumbai is a tier 6 city as compared to Beijing and shanghai do you want me compare them :lol:

i dont even want to compare karachi with mumbai, in its high days i would rate karachi much more than mumbai, a city over crowded, you guys also have massive problems with cleanliness, poverty problems, our city are more clean than mumbai, kolkata garbage

be in your limits
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No offense but atleast our buildings in Karachi are not built next to slums like in Mumbai.

No offence but do you even have any proper building in Karachi .
Mujhe pata hai tum logo ka ego bohot bada hai but kabhi to aankhey khol lo
Some Questions

Why they are investing such huge money in Pakistan?

How they will get their money back?

Why investing in infrastructure not in basic needs?

Are you giving nukes to them in return? I dont see any other valuable in Pakistan worth $45B

why dont you explain how is it a bad investment i asked that question already seems like you guys have no idea about that, so leave it there

then again why does india get so much investment when india has no extraordinary infrastructure, poverty issues, your parliament got attacked, your mumbai went hostage for entire day because of one terrorist

you get investment because of cheap labour, some thing an indian does for 2 paisa will be done for 200 dollars in america

entire indian economy is based on cheap labour even indian women who rent their womb for white babies :rofl:
why are indians so much concerned about investment in Pakistan

have we ever shown any concern about investment in india?
No offence but do you even have any proper buildingcin Karachi .
Pata hai tum logo ka ego bohot bada hai but kabhi to aankhey khol lo

Nothing wrong with having some attitude as you need it to survive in this world. Well truth is illucid to those who refuse to seek it with both eyes. I dont like insulting people but i also dont like people who belittle others. I never close my eyes to reality just to answer your question.
LMAO I smell too much cow urine in this thread, must be the bhartis getting their panties up in a bunch. Anyways bhartis, stay loosing.

"Bhratis, stay loosing" ? Seriously ?

Do you guys come off some kind of production line ?
Also, it is an established fact that aromatic signals cannot be transmitted over the internet. Dude, you really have to ask your parents to get you a new room. Living with an animal can result in serious health issues.

Say no to excessive cost cutting and child abuse ! Be a man !
Well talk when youll have them otherwise todays Karachi is not even upto the standard of any Indian tier 3 city :lol:

So LA is a 3rd tier city too because it lacks many skyscrapers? Karachi has a lot of land compared to Mumbai, people like living in big houses there. Due to lack of land Mumbai has become an overcrowded, polluted and dirty city. Atleast in Khi people aren't squished together, we got enough space.
If rape, poverty, pollution and overcrowding make up a tier 1 city according to "bharti standards" then yes no Pakistani city can compare.
"Bhratis, stay loosing" ? Seriously ?

Do you guys come off some kind of production line ?
Also, it is an established fact that aromatic signals cannot be transmitted over the internet. Dude, you really have to ask your parents to get you a new room. Living with an animal can result in serious health issues.

Say no to excessive cost cutting and child abuse ! Be a man !

No need to get your hands dirty mate !! He has already been reported .

So LA is a 3rd tier city too because it lacks many skyscrapers? Karachi has a lot of land compared to Mumbai, people like living in big houses there. Due to lack of land Mumbai has become an overcrowded, polluted and dirty city. Atleast in Khi people aren't squished together, we got enough space.
If rape, poverty, pollution and overcrowding make up a tier 1 city according to "bharti standards" then yes no Pakistani city can compare.

Do you even know what you are writing :lol:
Secondly nothing can be done of those people who have themselves opted to remain blind .
No need to get your hands dirty mate !! He has already been reported .

But i'm not getting my hands dirty at all. He claims to be able to smell cow urine. The poor guy thinks it wafts across the internet. I'm just asking him to look around and keep the cows off his personal space----to avoid the possibility of it taking a dump in his room every now and then.

Its more like a public interest message.
"Bhratis, stay loosing" ? Seriously ?

Do you guys come off some kind of production line ?
Also, it is an established fact that aromatic signals cannot be transmitted over the internet. Dude, you really have to ask your parents to get you a new room. Living with an animal can result in serious health issues.

Say no to excessive cost cutting and child abuse ! Be a man !
Looks like I hit a nerve. Good to see you analyzing my posts with great passion and taking literal meanings out of them.

No need to get your hands dirty mate !! He has already been reported .

Do you even know what you are writing :lol:
Secondly nothing can be done of those people who have themselves opted to remain blind .

Thanks for the one liner, but I believe we already have thread for that.
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