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Aamir Khan meets Turkish President Erdogan's wife, Emine, in Istanbul. Sanghis get Heart-burn

I think you are exactly right.

They just can't get that a Muslim Haji or a Puja-offering Hindu can be secular; for them, this doesn't compute. Actually, this might be true of the other extreme as well; you started an interesting line of thought.

This is a problem common to many Pakistanis. Not all of them, of course. There are many agnostics and seculars in Pakistan as well, but many are living overseas. It's difficult for them to express such views in the country because of their blasphemy laws.
It's one thing to boycott Aamir Khan's movies...it's another thing to call him traitor and anti-national for meeting the First Lady of another country with which India has full-fledged diplomatic and trade relations.

Why isn't this guy Narendra Modi an anti-national as well? Here he's hugging Erdogan, the enemy of India.


It is similar like branding admirers of Modi and his policies... as BHAKTS...

But this is how the social media war rooms of various political parties work... and yes, people do have leaning towards various political groups and thoughts... they too contribute accordingly...
Bollywood is Junk or a semi **** industry. It will soon be doomed.
few idiots may hate them , but not all hindus hate muslims .

If only a small fraction of Hindus hate Muslims, then how come modi-BJP-RSS got elected ? How come they are able to continue spreading religious hatred unabated ? Why don't these people speak out ?

The truth is only very few Hindus have the guts to speak up against BJP-RSS and especially when it's Muslims who are on the chopping block, most don't care.

There are a few and those voices are promptly discredited and silenced by the government and the IT cell operatives.

We have a few of these decent folk on PDF and IT cell attacks them too and regularly.
If only a small fraction of Hindus hate Muslims, then how come modi-BJP-RSS got elected ? How come they are able to continue spreading religious hatred unabated ? Why don't these people speak out ?

The truth is only very few Hindus have the guts to speak up against BJP-RSS and especially when it's Muslims who are on the chopping block, most don't care.

There are a few and those voices and promptly discredited and silenced by the government and the IT cell operatives.

voting is a complex matter , a lot of factors come in to it . winner may not be chosen by majority voters .
Who on earth is Anil Pal?

"Everyone has been talking about Aamir Khan’s cute looking nephew Imran Khan and his much anticipated silver screen debut ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’. But there are a few things that not everyone knows… Nah, we are not talking about his girlfriend of 6 years, Avantika Malik, this has more to do about his surname ‘Khan’.

The debutante actor, in a candid interview to a news daily revealed that his original surname is ‘Pal’ and not ‘Khan’. That’s because his fathers’ name is Anil Pal who is a Bengali and works overseas with ‘Yahoo’, but the young lad likes to call himself ‘Imran Khan’ because his mother ‘Nuzhat Khan’ and father had parted ways long back when the actor was pretty young.

And, he being closer to his mum, it’s his way of saying ‘thank you’ we guess because she has been a single parent to him. Incidentally, she is now married to actor ‘Raj Zutshi’, who is a Kashmiri. So that makes Imran a half Muslim, half Bengali and a bit of Kashmiri too."


@Shantanu_Left how did you know ?
voting is a complex matter , a lot of factors come in to it . winner may not be chosen by majority voters .

It reflects overall outlook of the masses.

Today there are fewer 'secular' 'Liberal' Indians than there used to be 10 years ago, now being liberal and secular is an insult, those words have been turned into insults.

Because how else on Earth, could being secular be equated to be anti national.
Who got heart burn ?

Nobody cares, please stop making threads based on twitter responses from random people.

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