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Aamir Khan meets Turkish President Erdogan's wife, Emine, in Istanbul. Sanghis get Heart-burn

We are talking about you here, not Erstwhile East Pakistan or Niazi but YOU.

So be a good son to Bharat Mata and answer my questions.

No Narendra Modi supporter has ever learned to give straight answers to simple questions, which is very easy for most normal people. Hindutvadism is poisonous for one's brain. The intellectual capacity of one's brain is stagnated if mired in Hindutvadi views.

Expecting them to condemn Aamir Khan's abusers is really asking for the impossible.
Wow so now its personal ......... answer my question first and I will answer you and be a good son of don't know who...

You guys want to fight pakistan and China but a simple unarmed Bengali has you tongue-tied.

Shupar pawar indeed.

You must be a low level one, still learning your way around the ropes, I forgive you, I will strike up this conversation with some IT cell agent who can atleast answer.
You must be a low level one, still learning your way around the ropes, I forgive you, I will strike up this conversation with some IT cell agent who can atleast answer.

They only know how to use circular arguments, intellectual dishonesty, and illogical diversions. The best arguments you give are of no effect to the Sanghis.

The only language they understand is: threats and expulsions. As it happened in UAE when the Emirati princess tweeted against Indian Hindutvadis spreading venom against Indian Muslims. All of them stopped immediately when the threat of expulsion from the country became very clear.
Unhappy fans want Aamir Khan's 'Laal Singh Chaddha' to be most-disliked video after 'Sadak 2'. Here's why (Source: Economic Times)

NEW DELHI: During the weekend, Aamir Khan and Erdogan were one of the top trends on Twitter after the Bollywood actor met the First Lady of Turkey for chitchat on Saturday. This didn't go down well with the fans, and Khan's upcoming film 'Laal Singh Chaddha' became one of the top trends on Monday.

On Monday, a large number of Indians have expressed their disappointment with the Khan-Erdogan meeting at a time when the relation between India and Turkey are strained.

During the meet, the 55-year-old actor briefed Erdogan about the social responsibility projects he is associated with during the meeting and the first lady congratulated him for addressing social issues in his films, as per the statement on the website.

Khan, who reached Turkey last week to shoot for his upcoming film which is an official remake of Tom Hanks's 1995 film 'Forrest Gump', also invited Erdogan to the film set as the shooting couldn't be completed in India due to COVID-19.



LOL, some of the Bhakt/Sanghi reactions are priceless. Of course, there are many abusive words and threats against Aamir Khan and his family members on that very thread. But Aamir probably doesn't give a damn anymore. I salute his courage in not caring about these threats.

@Joe Shearer @xeuss @masterchief_mirza @DalalErMaNodi @waz
it looks mrs erdogan likes indian movies .
Aamir Khan is my favorite actor, and no.1 person in every way. I have met him before as I used to hang out in Mumbai's Bollywood parties for a while: he's a very charming person in real life as well.

So I take any attacks against him very personally.
You should be in that awful multicultural mess of a cricket team of his.
Anybody who riles sanghis up is a friend of mine.

Is it only me or are these bhakts getting more and more irritable by everyday that passes, super sensitive types.

Mindless bigots.

Fix the title though pimpy boy, it's Emine.

As the net keeps closing in on them, they get more and more jumpy and snap at people.

Tell me, is this the behaviour of people who are secure, who know that the janata loves them, who know they are winning? Or are we entitled to conclude that maybe, just maybe, these 'good people' have begun to realise that the walls are beginning to close in on them?
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