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A View about India Written by Pakistani Journalist Dr. Farrukh Saleem

As of the 2001 census, there were 2,571,526 Sindhi speakers in India. Now it is estimated that the figures are much more than that.

There are considerable representation of Sindhis in politics like Mahatma Ghandi, Lal Krishna Advani.
There are various people from sindhi origin in Bollywood and southern film industries also.

Wasn't gandi a gujrati? lmao and where is the census report?

India do not oppress any culture unlike Pakistan who is mimicking Arabs. Sindhis are majorly concentrated in Gujarat and they follow their culture.

:lol:....Now Gujrat has been Sindh? As for mimicking arabs... you have been on this forum since long... most you you trolls even watch Pak TV,media... yet you pull such nonsense outta your behind... ? is it retardation or some sorta genetic problem tht forces you to lie n push your nonsense?
You are not getting the point. One person who is of Sindhi origin and is influential is not the same as a community being influential, due to their relative position in the social matrix of the nation.

My point here is even though the percentage of Sindhis in India is less compared to other language groups they thrive here because of Indian system.

In that case, Sindhis are not as influential in India as say, Tamils or Bengalis are. Therefore, the culture of the latter influences India much more than that of the former (again in social analyses individuals are not included but communities are).

Tamils or Bengalis or any language/ethnic groups are influential in their native regions that is natural for them. At the center politics vary to a large extent.

However, in Pakistan the culture and social presence of the Sindhis is much more influential. It is this matrix constitution that makes us different. The same also holds for the Punjab.

Indian system allows any one with out any strong ethnic back ground (speaking interms of language groups,ethnicities) to thrive.
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Actually no. There are pretty decent sized communities in areas of Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Orissa and Kolkota, in which the communities have retained their language, culture and Sindhi identity. So your logic is flawed.

We Rajputs have nothing in common with pakistanis. Some of you claim to be "Rajputs", but that is not the case whatsoever.

We dnt have you rajhistanis or whatever... most Rajputs here are Punjabi,Kashmiri or haryanvis... i.e Janjuas,Minhas,Noon,Naru,Bhatti,Manj etc...
:lol:....Now Gujrat has been Sindh?

From where and how you got this conclusion .... :lol:

As for mimicking arabs... you have been on this forum since long... most you you trolls even watch Pak TV,media... yet you pull such nonsense outta your behind... ? is it retardation or some sorta genetic problem tht forces you to lie n push your nonsense?

We do watch Pak tv channels and we also learn how people across the border are obsessed by Arabic style of life, their language and also try hard themselves to identify them selves next to them ..... :lol:

Just cover a blanket of Islam and Arabism on Pakistan and every thing will be fine and the nation is one ..... in the logic your politicians and military professional follow.

You are not debating here ...... what it is.......upto you to decide ...... :lol:
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Punjabi's and Rajasthani's and Gujarati's have a lot in common with Pakistan Punjabi's and Sindhi's.

But maybe you have also forgotten all the mujahir's in Pakistan. Those have more in common with people of UP and Bihar than any Pathan or Punjabi.

So please dont limit Pakistan to Punjabi's and some Rajputs.

Do you think the new gen of "muhajrs" even speak bihari etc? nope.. all of them speak Urdu and label themselves as Urdu Speakers...
This is not really a 'my country is better than yours' post. I stuck to sociology and that's with what I commented and continued to do so. You are taking my comments in a tangent where they were not intended to be.
My point here is even though the percentage of Sindhis in India is less compared to other language groups they thrive here because of Indian system.

Tamils or Bengalis or any language/ethnic groups are influential on in their native regions that is natural for them. At the center politics vary to a large extent.

Indian system allows any one with out any strong ethnic back ground (speaking interms of language groups,ethnicities) to thrive.
Do you even know the meaning of "Rajput"? We are Kyshatriyas, you can't be a Kyshathriya and be a Muslim at the same time :lol:

So is being a Kyshatriya linked to your religious disposition or to your blood ?

So is it true?
That they aren't recognised as muslims?

Not by the religious bigots they are not - Just like many Shias & Sunnis aren't either !

Otherwise by the vast majority of Muslims - They are considered Muslims but like the Dawoodi Bohras or the Ibadis or the Koranists etc. they are considered outside the Orthodox Interpretations of Islam !
This is not really a 'my country is better than yours' post. I stuck to sociology and that's with what I commented and continued to do so. You are taking my comments in a tangent where they were not intended to be.

I am not inferring which country is better or some thing else, But here I am defending the writer of the article.

The author clearly pointing to the fact that people irrespective of their back grounds like in case of Azim Premji who is an ismaili thrive here in India in Business or any other field.

Where as in pakistan people often discriminate based on religion and sects.

Muslims because of their intolerance and radicalism drove sikhs and sindhis out of sindh and Punjab which were once thriving business centers for them.

The author is emphasizing on economy and creation of wealth and is also portraying the fact about the mentality of people on both the nations, one is with conserved ideology and the other is liberal.
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