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A veitnamese colour revolution coming soon?

William Hung

Oct 3, 2013
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Is the CIA behind the latest riots in vietnam?

I thought the early protests was orchestrated or permitted by their government like a few years ago. Instead, it has become a violent riot where even the police have problem controlling.

As we all know, the US has been pushing hard for an Asian pivot recently. As some CCP officials have said, this US rhetorics allows some smaller asian country to become more vocal (e.g. Japan, Philippines, Vietnam). It also provokes the CCP leaders. The latest Obama visit was part of a series of visits made by very high US officials to these smaller asian country. Each visit was accompanied by the same "asian-pivot" rhetorics to provoke china to take some action.

It seems like everything is played out like what the US wanted. PRC provoked into sending out the rig where it is now too late to pull back (lost of face for the CCP, angry netizens, or maybe even riots). At the same time, vietnam will have no power to force china to remove the rig. This mean, vietnamese citizens will be very very angry. Add in some CIA agent provocateur to a fairly poor and uneducated angry population who have gone through a harsh working life (e.g. sweatshop laborers, factory workers, etc.) and you will have a riot. The Vietnamese government will eventually step in and crack down on these protesters, as we now see. But since the rig will still remain in its position, the angry mob will be even more angry since the government seems incompetent. This mean they will continue to riot and turn on the government when they get cracked down again.

Once the Vietnam communist government is toppled, either China will step in or the west (i.e. US) step in. At that stage, the PRC will look very bad and be condemmed/isolated by the international community if the PRC decide to intervene with VIetnam's post communist political affair (most western media already labelled the rig move as being aggressive or provocative). The west (i.e. US) will claim a higher moral ground since they weren't directly involved with the conflict and so they will volunteer themselves, as always, to intervene with the vietnamese political affair and install a pro-US puppet government.
Yes, it must have been the CIA. I mean, because you said it was CIA, so that must make it true right? I hereby declare the inside of the moon is made of cheese! I said it, so it must be true!!
Seeing MOSSAD/CIA terrorist cells everywhere is not realistic

It is realistic. The PRC and chinese elites will be the main competitor of the western elites. These western elites don't want to lose any share of their pie so ofcourse they will do anything to disrupt the PRC. Installing a pro-west/anti-china regime in a country that has a very anti-chinese population (especially when vietnam crumble) would be a big problem for the PRC.

Yes, it must have been the CIA. I mean, because you said it was CIA, so that must make it true right? I hereby declare the inside of the moon is made of cheese! I said it, so it must be true!!

I asked the question whether the CIA is behind the riots, then I gave my hypothesis.


Why is it impossible? give me your opinions why my hypothesis is wrong.
I don't think they plan everything, they just jump in whenever they see an occasion. Facebook is widely user in Vietnam right ?
another delusional chinese who smokes more grass than allowed :rofl:

BTW pls correct the title: not
veitnamese but Vietnamese

Yes, it must have been the CIA. I mean, because you said it was CIA, so that must make it true right? I hereby declare the inside of the moon is made of cheese! I said it, so it must be true!!
yes, CIA and Darth Vader
It is realistic. The PRC and chinese elites will be the main competitor of the western elites. These western elites don't want to lose any share of their pie so ofcourse they will do anything to disrupt the PRC. Installing a pro-west/anti-china regime in a country that has a very anti-chinese population (especially when vietnam crumble) would be a big problem for the PRC.
Must have proofs you know or elements of proofs
Like when i say MOSSAD/CIA are behind Al Qaeda, i can say they give non lethal aid, and Al Qaeda attack everybody except Israel
another delusional chinese who smokes more grass than allowed :rofl:

The only people that's been smoking grass is you vietnamese people. I remember debating with your viet fellows about Russia not being your ally while all you delusional viet keep bragging about how Russia is your big brother and ally. Hahaha, so where is your Russian ally now? how come I haven't heard one single word from them?

Must have proofs you know or elements of proofs
Like when i say MOSSAD/CIA are behind Al Qaeda, i can say they give non lethal aid, and Al Qaeda attack everybody except Israel

I've read most theory about the relationship between Al Qaeda and the CIA and those too are also just speculation. The evidences are still not concrete.

Whether my speculation and theory is true or not will be verified in the coming months. PRC does not have much option to withdraw the rig until its closer to August. That is plenty of time for a colour revolution.
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I don't think they plan everything, they just jump in whenever they see an occasion. Facebook is widely user in Vietnam right ?

The CIA is one of the most well-funded, powerful and secretive organization in the world. If they have a reason to orchestrate something, they will get it done. They have enough resource, power and connections to plan everything, I don't think they need to be opportunistic.

My theory is based on these questions:

Does the PRC have any interest in causing chaos in VN and risk the vietnames communist government being overthrown? No.
Does the Vietnamese communist government have any interest in having their own country in chaos and economically ruined? no, their legitimacy depends on a thriving economy, not the opposite.
Would the CIA and the US have these interests? you can answer it dor yourself.
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