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Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

Vietnam has S300 systems to shoot down ballistic missiles.

Vietnam has been preparing to handle US advanced electronic welfare for 50 years until now.

Your equipments are piece of cake.

For Yakhont., they are at least same as Brahmos missiles, are you sure your fast cannon able to shot down? even Vietnamese dont trust in that ability. How cannon can shoot 2 or more coming missiles?
Let them launch their ballistic missiles; I won't lose sleep over it. These chinaclowns are just cannon foddlers by their own government. They really believe that ballistic missiles can be used as "precision bombing" weapon LOL. If ballistic missiles can be used as precision bombing weapon, the American would have placed their ballistic missiles in South Vietnam and bombed North Vietnam with just ballistic missiles; why risk losing their pilots' lives by flying over the air space of North Vietnam and ended up losing 4000 jets?

Let's take a look at the bombing effect of North Vietnam. In Christmas of 1972, the American dropped 20,000 tons of TNT over Ha Noi and Haiphong in 11 days. 20,000 tons of TNT is about 20 millions kg of TNT. A ballistic missile has a 500-kg of TNT. In order to match the fire power of that Christmas bombing; these clowns need to launch 40,000 ballistic missiles at us LOL

Let's take another look at Ha Noi and Hai Phong in 1972. At that time, these two cities had little to nothing in term of infrastructure and factories. Yet, the American needed to dropped 20,000 tons of TNT to destroy what little these two cities had. Flash forward to 2014, Ha Noi and Hai Phong have much much more infrastructure & many more factories to be destroyed. In order to have the same effect as the 1972 Christmas bombing, these chinaclowns need to drop something like 100,000 tons of TNT or an equivalent of 200,000 ballistic missiles LOL

Let's take another look. In 2014, Vietnam is a united country with 7 important industrial cities to be destroyed. That means these clowns need to launch a total of 700,000 ballistic missiles each with a 500 kg of TNT to have the same "destruction" effect on Vietnam that the American inflicted on Ha Noi and Hai Phong in 1972.

And please don't talk about electronic warfare with these clowns, they have ZERO combat experience in their entire military existence
idk why ever1 here is so pro-war.

all the chinese guys are like, we are the boss, every1 near us (VN,KR,TW,India, JP,...) have to listen to our will or we will kick their asses. Yes sure you,Chinese, could kick every1 asses but war-fare is not so happy and easy as typing bull-shit on the internet in you dorm. I will take kind of a lot of man power of China, and badly affect his economic if he decide to go to war with anyone (or you are so crowded and so rich that you doesnt mind spending few thousands billions dollars and killing few hundreds of thounsands of your kind?)

most of the vietnamese also act so badass. wtf? kick out all chinese investors and workers? then ask US-EU to fill the gap? really wtf? Reasons why toxic/bad Chinese goods could get through the border to Vietnam are: 1- our pretty fcked up regulation cant keep them in check. 2- some of our ppl are just too greedy. If you think our economy, or any economy for that matter, could survive as it is while sereve all economic relations with China, you are just high or retarded.

Some of you even say that we could afford to go to war with them???? Ok if the war drag out to 30 years, we might win this shit. However, just within the first 6 months, we would lost everything, Chinese army could overflown all our country. Those Chinese are ruthless, they could kill 1/3 of or population just for the fun. It is proven in the past that Chineses are not hesitate to kill all the shit even their own kind if they want (search for Tianmen, Golung zong,..). That might includes you, your family, your friends, everyone you know.

And please dont hope that either US or Russia or Japan or anyone will come and help us. The way international politic work is: if something benefit them, they will act; if not, they will ignore; everything else doesnt matter. If you guys think other country will go to war with China (they might lose totally, or lose alot before they can win) to help us, you are quite dilusional. They might critise China in UN (which does no harm to noone), and thats it.

What we, Vietnamese, try to do now are: 1- Make everyone look at what China did. I think what they did is wrong, try to have as much international support as we could. 2- You can protest peacefully, but please stop the bull-shit you guys doing last week, it hurt us more than anyone else. Make normal Chinese see that we dont agree with what their gov is doing, but we are cool with the normal Chinese nonetheless. 3- Stop being greedy, top import those bad Chinese stuffs. Chineses make good stuffs and bad stuffs, pick the good one, keep the bad one away. 4- Prepare for the worst aka Chinese invade us/sereve all ties with us. That will be one hell of a war but we will not lie down before some heavy beating.

Both sides, please keep calm and think before you speak.
Hehe .....

Vietnam jails two for anti-China riots as anti-Beijing march is held in Hong Kong


Protesters brandish Vietnamese flags. Photo: Reuters

Two Vietnamese workers were sentenced on Sunday for a total of 48 months in jail for "stealing" and "causing trouble" during anti-China riots in the southern province of Binh Duong, according to provincial authorities, the Lao Dong newspaper reports.

The men, the first among 276 defendants detained two weeks earlier, were said to take advantage of the demonstrations against China’s deployment of an oil rig in the disputed South China Sea to steal office supplies, provoke the crowd, and destroy others’ properties, the report said.

Meanwhile on Sunday, about 200 protesters staged an anti-China protest in Hong Kong over the sovereignty dispute – the first of its kind so close to the mainland.

The protesters, many of them Vietnamese now resident in Hong Kong, and other supporters, marched peacefully from the government's headquarters in Admiralty to a branch office of China's foreign ministry brandishing red-starred Vietnamese flags, singing patriotic songs and chanting Vietnamese slogans.

The protesters, watched by around two dozen policemen, were led by a young Vietnamese man holding a portrait of their country's late, wispy-bearded revolutionary leader and former president, Ho Chi Minh.

"China, the whole world knows, is now invading into our territorial waters … We love our country," said one of the protest organisers, Mo Pak-fung.

"We are coming out today because we hope China will leave Vietnam … We don't want a war to occur," added Mo, who comes from Vietnam but has lived in Hong Kong for the past 25 years.

Tensions flared between Vietnam and China after Beijing deployed an oil exploration rig in disputed waters near the Paracel Islands, which China calls the Xisha Islands and Vietnam calls the Hoang Sa Islands.

Protesters in Hong Kong waved several banners reading, "We love Peace withdraw 981 oil rig out of Vietnam sea", and "We need help from international communities". They did not rule out further action in Hong Kong.

The placement of the oil rig to a location 240km off Vietnam's coast in an area both counties claim unleashed a deadly wave of violence across Vietnam as thousands of protesters rampaged in industrial zones.

Vietnam says the islands fall within its continental shelf and a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone.
Thank you, VietCom brothers :)

Justice must be served top those unruly mobs.

Two men receive jail terms for anti-China riots in Vietnam

Courts in southern Vietnam have sentenced two men to prison, after finding them guilty of taking part in recent anti-China riots.

The first man, 23 years old, received a three-year jail term for sabotage and causing public disorder. The second man, who is 18 years old, got one year in jail for looting. The two are the first of more than 700 people who will face trials in the Binh Duong province over the next few weeks for similar charges.

The riots, which targeted Chinese companies two weeks ago, came amid rising tensions between the two countries over an oil drilling dispute in the South China Sea. Three Chinese were killed, 140 other people were injured and hundreds of foreign-owned factories were burned or damaged.
Yeah, Chinese is very angry and hope our economy will get worse, but infact, more investment from SamSung that withdraw from China keep flowing to VietNam . China unemployment rate will get higher bcz Samsung withdraw from China and bcz their illegal worker were kicked out of VietNam too

Samsung expands Vietnam business
Date : 19/05/2014
Samsung Electronics Vietnam will be expanded in the future with its complex in Thai Nguyen Province, in addition to the one in Bac Ninh Province.
ITPC - Online Trade and Investment Information Portal — Samsung expands Vietnam business
to all Vietnamese guys: please stop provoking the Chinese. It will not help our image if everything you guys done is laughing when Chinese ppl suffer. That action is similar with some ill educated Chinese guys on this 4rum: laugh when China warship sinked Vietnamese fishing boat. Both actions are very ill-educated and unhuman. We want everyone live together at peace. We do not hope that other have to suffer in order for us to be happy.

Samsung maybe a big company, they can provide works for 30'000+ ppl. While that number is great its not affect the overall Chinese economy. Samsung moves to VN may help few thousands of VNese find a job. However, most of the profits will be ship directly back to Korea. So its good but not great for our economy. It will be much better when that gigantic factory is owned by VNese company.
Is this similar to the anti-Japanese riots a few months ago in China or no? Obviously there is a more ingrained hatred with Japan due to the past, but I do see some conspicuous similarities, only sides being switched.
to all Vietnamese guys: please stop provoking the Chinese. It will not help our image if everything you guys done is laughing when Chinese ppl suffer. That action is similar with some ill educated Chinese guys on this 4rum: laugh when China warship sinked Vietnamese fishing boat. Both actions are very ill-educated and unhuman. We want everyone live together at peace. We do not hope that other have to suffer in order for us to be happy.

Samsung maybe a big company, they can provide works for 30'000+ ppl. While that number is great its not affect the overall Chinese economy. Samsung moves to VN may help few thousands of VNese find a job. However, most of the profits will be ship directly back to Korea. So its good but not great for our economy. It will be much better when that gigantic factory is owned by VNese company.
Right, Korea will earn the biggest profit coz VN worker only assemble the products for them, but thats the first step to develop the economy for every third world countries (including China, S.Korea).

Second step, VN should make a better relationship with US-EU-JP-Korea and ask for technology transfer (if US-EU didnt transfer technology to Korea, then they would as poor as North Korea).

And dont hope for peace from the bullier like China if we dont try to become stronger.

Is this similar to the anti-Japanese riots a few months ago in China or no? Obviously there is a more ingrained hatred with Japan due to the past, but I do see some conspicuous similarities, only sides being switched.
No, its not similar, normal workers made a peaceful demonstration , but some bad robbers mingled to the crow and ignited the riots.

For the case happened in Fomosa company in Ha Tinh province, its the long problem between the local and illegal Chinese worker who illegally came to VN and took away the local workers' jobs. The clash still happen even those illegal workers were not Chinese, coz the local is angry with losing jobs to foreign workers.

Now, those illegal workers were sent home, the local workers got back the jobs, so, problem solved.
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to all Vietnamese guys: please stop provoking the Chinese. It will not help our image if everything you guys done is laughing when Chinese ppl suffer. That action is similar with some ill educated Chinese guys on this 4rum: laugh when China warship sinked Vietnamese fishing boat. Both actions are very ill-educated and unhuman. We want everyone live together at peace. We do not hope that other have to suffer in order for us to be happy.

Samsung maybe a big company, they can provide works for 30'000+ ppl. While that number is great its not affect the overall Chinese economy. Samsung moves to VN may help few thousands of VNese find a job. However, most of the profits will be ship directly back to Korea. So its good but not great for our economy. It will be much better when that gigantic factory is owned by VNese company.
Being sympathetic to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

China is our enemy and they're still occupying our Paracel Islands
Being sympathetic to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

China is our enemy and they're still occupying our Paracel Islands
But pls dont consider they r our enemy in the forum. Just come here to tell the truth, and relax.

We dont like China Govt. , not China people. TWese is Chinese too, but they r very nice to us even after the riots.
@NiceGuy I clearly hope so. From the 1st step to the 2nd step is a huge gap though. We VN is a lot different from S.Kr. There are still a lot of barrier that make Western nations do not feel as eager to transfer techs to VN as compare to S.Kr.

@ViXuyen idk about that. It clearly doesnt help us if every CNese guys hate VN. You know why we won US? Partly because US ppl dont hate VN, they even made some riots to tell US gov to withdraw from VN.

To win war, we unite every VNese and we make everyone love us (or at least dont hate us), even our enemy.
@NiceGuy I clearly hope so. From the 1st step to the 2nd step is a huge gap though. We VN is a lot different from S.Kr. There are still a lot of barrier that make Western nations do not feel as eager to transfer techs to VN as compare to S.Kr.
We gave China a hard slap, so, we must find new friends to counter China, as I know, France willing to help and transfer military tech to VN. The Govt. also pledge to increase the Human right to please US, so the gap will be narrower soon.
@NiceGuy I clearly hope so. From the 1st step to the 2nd step is a huge gap though. We VN is a lot different from S.Kr. There are still a lot of barrier that make Western nations do not feel as eager to transfer techs to VN as compare to S.Kr.

@ViXuyen idk about that. It clearly doesnt help us if every CNese guys hate VN. You know why we won US? Partly because US ppl dont hate VN, they even made some riots to tell US gov to withdraw from VN.

To win war, we unite every VNese and we make everyone love us (or at least dont hate us), even our enemy.

Even you have the military tech of South Korea, you are still a weakling in front of us.

China's military power is the big three along with USA and Russia.

The confrontation is the useless, the negotiation is better, but the problem is that right now it is your government who refuses to negotiate and seeks for more confrontation.
Even you have the military tech of South Korea, you are still a weakling in front of us.

China's military power is the big three along with USA and Russia.

The confrontation is the useless, the negotiation is better, but the problem is that right now it is your government who refuses to negotiate and seeks for more confrontation.
weakling in front of China ?? then start the war now if ur corrupted and coward Govt. have the guts, u will see who will be the loser . Sorry,infact most of VNese despise ur useless army, thats why, no negotiation with weak but big mouth China .

The negotiation only work and when u r the winner in battle :pop:
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