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Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

They will milk you first, just ask our Russian friend here.

Ho Chi Minh dismissed communist party in 1946, and we still control The Democratic Republic of Vietnam well untill those French colonial troops invaded Vn again :coffee:

You are telling the other way around, it is Vietnam having more social problems than China.

Just see how much the hyperinflation affecting your country in the recent years, and this could be the main reason that caused the social unrest than few CIA funded separatist cockroaches.

Foreign bank forecasts Vietnam´s inflation up to 8 pct in 2014 CCTV News - CNTV English
Our economy is small and easy to bail out when No one can bail out China economy, so, if ur economy get worse, then, no one can help u to recover:coffee:
Ho Chi Minh dismissed communist party in 1946, and we still control The Democratic Republic of Vietnam well untill those French colonial troops invaded Vn again :coffee:

Our economy is small and easy to bail out when No one can bail out China economy, so, if ur economy get worse, then, no one can help u to recover:coffee:

Your economy is much less developed, yet the hyperinflation is so much higher.

Try to get a clue about it. :coffee:
Your economy is much less developed, yet the hyperinflation is so much higher.

Try to get a clue about it. :coffee:
JP-US-Eu can help VN economy when No one can help China one. Thats why China now dont have enough money for police to stop terrorism :coffee:
I dont like link with either .vn or .cn as their tails. However, i think that report is proven enough to believe.

In the other hands, I have yet to see any social unrest in VN that can link directly to our suffered economy. No killing, bombings, no protests, demonstrations, ppl may disagree with some of the stuff our gov officials are doing but not near enough for a total social breakdown, yet.

To our VNese, Western is capable of helping VN. Problem is do they really want to help us (what will benifit them from helping us? they are not nice guys, if they do something, it mean that could give them back something else bigger). We could get their help but at what price? (total politics break down? agree that their big *** companies can come over and kill all local business?) Just try hard to get out by ourself, hope our gov will read all the terms and conditions of those "helps" carefully.

and if CN economy went down, then everyone will be shitted on. EVERYONE except North KR and Cuba because they used to be alone.
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I dont like link with either .vn or .cn as their tails. However, i think that report is proven enough to believe.

In the other hands, I have yet to see any social unrest in VN that can link directly to our suffered economy. No killing, bombings, no protests, demonstrations, ppl may disagree with some of the stuff our gov officials are doing but not near enough for a total social breakdown, yet.

VN experienced a very long war with France-US-China-Pol Pot-Thailand untill 1988, so people dont want any chaos in VN now (even the current Govt. is not so perfect) except the enemies force us to fight again.
DanielPhan said:
To our VNese, Western is capable of helping VN. Problem is do they really want to help us (what will benifit them from helping us? they are not nice guys, if they do something, it mean that could give them back something else bigger). We could get their help but at what price? (total politics break down? agree that their big *** companies can come over and kill all local business?) Just try hard to get out by ourself, hope our gov will read all the terms and conditions of those "helps" carefully.

and if CN economy went down, then everyone will be shitted on. EVERYONE except North KR and Cuba because they used to be alone
of course they will get the benefit from VN too, like a special economic zone for them , lower tax for their goods etc.
We dont need to show what our military got to u . Try to win in the real battle before talking nonsense abt Negotiation .

Only the weak and the loser keep begging for Negotiation:pop:
I sympathize you. You're one hot blooded Vietnamese I've ever come across. Basically, I sympathize you is because you're not too bright.
I sympathize you. You're one hot blooded Vietnamese I've ever come across. Basically, I sympathize you is because you're not too bright.
whatever, we will sit and watch China to collapse like USSR due to bad economy and terrorism , and we will take back all islands after that.

And we also wont protect u again like during Manchu-Qing's invasion :pop:
Collapse like USSR? No country will collapse like the way USSR did in the late 80's. And no USSR did not collapse under bad economy and terrorism.
Collapse like USSR? No country will collapse like the way USSR did in the late 80's. And no USSR did not collapse under bad economy and terrorism.
Collapse like USSR means China will be divided into many parts again due to bad economy and separatism

At least, China is divided into two part China and TW now and China can not take TW back due to bad economy and separatism in the Xinjiang:pop:
Chinese take pleasure in murdering their own people and be proud of it. Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square Massacre, now food poisoning and polution. Can we reason with such savage animal?
With your first few post in this order, you'll be banned quicker than you joined.
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