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A Tribute In Memory of Burhan M Wani Shaheed

Laughing out loud at people compare Shaheed Bhagat Singh to Burhan Wani. I am not going into their motivations and all, but Burhan Wani was a selfie-clicking monkey and a social media poster boy used by his bosses to paint a rosy picture of Islamic extremism whereas Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary and intellectual who chose to surround himself with books till his final days.

Bhagat Singh, Azad were terrorists, says UK historian

Amnesty reports and other organizations reports on Pakistan are more damning. India is nothing before Pakistan on Human right violation reports.

Are they "brain washed" ?? :lol:
Thousands are too less, remember when they come face to face 16th December happens-
You tried a lot to capture Azad Kashmir the difference between us and Bangalis are clear.

We are the sharpest sword of Islam and we will fight for Islam till last blood. InshAllah
Laughing out loud at people compare Shaheed Bhagat Singh to Burhan Wani. I am not going into their motivations and all, but Burhan Wani was a selfie-clicking monkey and a social media poster boy used by his bosses to paint a rosy picture of Islamic extremism whereas Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary and intellectual who chose to surround himself with books till his final days.

I willing to bet that this guy Burhan Wani is so cute that he won't survive a few minutes at Islamabad bus stand- ;):pakistan:
Anyone fighting for religion is not Bhagat Singh. Bhagat Singh fought for freedom of the people. Burhan Wani had every rights under the constitution as me. He could have become anyone in India, including the PM, President or Army chief. He wanted to fight for religion and he died. If 200 million Muslims have no problem with living in India, I don't see why 5 million Kashmir Valley Muslims should have problem.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with 24 hours curfew for 12 months in a year by Indian occupying army in Indian Occupied Kashmir, no one can become nothing.

And Kashmiris are not Indians that is why they have issue with your occupying forces and occupying indian government.

As far as Indian Muslims well again lolzz the poor fellas are being daily butchered over mere suspicion of beef by al-cowda

As I already said in my previous post why Bhagat Singh is a not terrorist. I don't want to repeat again.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with 24 hours curfew for 12 months in a year by Indian occupying army in Indian Occupied Kashmir, no one can become nothing.

And Kashmiris are not Indians that is why they have issue with your occupying forces and occupying indian government.

As far as Indian Muslims well again lolzz the poor fellas are being daily butchered over mere suspicion of beef by al-cowda

There is also 24 hour curfew in Darjeeling too. Anyway, you cannot allow terrorists to roam freely on roads and kill people. Curfew is for the safety of the people.
Are they "brain washed" ?? :lol:
I know what you are implying here, that's why i already said i won't go into their respective motivations, as they say one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Glorify Wani as much as you want i dont give a rats a$s. But comparing him to Shaheed Bhagat Singh is wrong on so many levels.
As I already said in my previous post why Bhagat Singh is a not terrorist. I don't want to repeat again.

And as stated earlier, the oppressors and illegal occupants always try to label freedom fighters as 'terrorists'.

For the British oppressors, Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, for Indians he is a freedom Fighter

For the Indian oppressors, Burhan Wani was a terrorist, for Kashmiris he is a freedom Fighter
lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with 24 hours curfew for 12 months in a year by Indian occupying army in Indian Occupied Kashmir, no one can become nothing.

And Kashmiris are not Indians that is why they have issue with your occupying forces and occupying indian government.

As far as Indian Muslims well again lolzz the poor fellas are being daily butchered over mere suspicion of beef by al-cowda

It was Hurriyat Hartal/Bandh Strike called for more than six months, probably a reason why people have started calling them Hartali party, curfew was limited to one month and relaxation was given in intervals-

Kashmiris are Indian, the sooner you digest the fact the better, Probably would help avoiding another East Pakistan, by focusing more in Pakistan than Kashmir-

Indian Muslims are doing better than Pakistan and they are happy with that- They don't get blown in 100s for being a follower of certain sect, or declared non-muslim If some sect don't like them, every Muslim sect can become President, PM, CJ and Army Chief in India unlike Pakistan where you erase the word muslim from the only Muslim Nobel prize winner-

And as stated earlier, the oppressors and illegal occupants always try to label freedom fighters as 'terrorists'.

For the British oppressors, Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, for Indians he is a freedom Fighter

For the Indian oppressors, Burhan Wani was a terrorist, for Kashmiris he is a freedom Fighter

So for Pakistan Mullah Fazlluah is terrorists but for Muslims and Lal Masjid he is a freedom fighter for Islamic state-

You tried a lot to capture Azad Kashmir the difference between us and Bangalis are clear.

We are the sharpest sword of Islam and we will fight for Islam till last blood. InshAllah

We captured whatever we wanted in what you call Azad Kashmir, your Jihadis were all over the place from Kargil to outskirts of Srinagar and Baramulla- It was a mistake on the part of Nehru else Muzaffarabad and Gilgit would too had been in our hand-
So for Pakistan Mullah Fazlluah is terrorists but for Muslims and Lal Masjid he is a freedom fighter for Islamic state-

Mullah Fazlullah is not fighting for freedom, neither is Swat an internationally recognized disputed territory under illegal occupation of Pakistan whose people are yet to exercise their right to self determination, nor does he enjoy popular public support.

Try harder retarded Indian
And as stated earlier, the oppressors always try to label freedom fighters as 'terrorists'.

For the British oppressors, Bhagat Singh was a terrorist, for Indians he is a freedom Fighter

For the Indian oppressors, Burhan Wani was a terrorist, for Kashmiris he is a freedom Fighter

Yes, everyone who take arms say he is oppressed. From ISIS, AQ, and Taliban to more such groups are parroting the same story. World stopped believing in such BS long time ago.

The day Kashmiri are barred from holding positions of PM, President, MLA, MP or minister , or the day they are not allowed to vote, get jobs or barred from buying property say they are oppressed.

No Indian will ever agree for another partition based on religion again.
Yes, everyone who take arms say he is oppressed. From ISIS, AQ, and Taliban to more such groups are parroting the same story. World stopped believing in such BS long time ago.


If the World has stopped believing in Kashmiris' right to self determination and started buying Indian propaganda, please tell us why is Kashmir still on the agenda of the UN Security Council as an unresolved international dispute ??

Also tell us what ISIS or AQ has got to do with the right to self determination given to the Kashmiris by the UN itself in 1949 ?
It was Hurriyat Hartal/Bandh Strike called for more than six months, probably a reason why people have started calling them Hartali party, curfew was limited to one month and relaxation was given in intervals-

Kashmiris are Indian, the sooner you digest the fact the better, Probably would help avoiding another East Pakistan, by focusing more in Pakistan than Kashmir-

Indian Muslims are doing better than Pakistan and they are happy with that- They don't get blown in 100s for being a follower of certain sect, or declared non-muslim If some sect don't like them, every Muslim sect can become President, PM, CJ and Army Chief in India unlike Pakistan where you erase the word muslim from the only Muslim Nobel prize winner-

So for Pakistan Mullah Fazlluah is terrorists but for Muslims and Lal Masjid he is a freedom fighter for Islamic state-

We captured whatever we wanted in what you call Azad Kashmir, your Jihadis were all over the place from Kargil to outskirts of Srinagar and Baramulla- It was a mistake on the part of Nehru else Muzaffarabad and Gilgit would too had been in our hand-
Haha. It will remain your dream my friend we are more battle hardened in this region even your midget troops Gorkha feel fear to enter Azad Kashmir. :-)
Handful of traitor Kashmiris who feed on food grains, money, electricity provided by us. They will meet the death which Wani had. They will cry like he did.

However, largest part of J and K is Jammu who doesnt give a rats *** for a terrorist.
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