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A thought about hitler....

yeah, Goebbels bothers you..I get it..But you are still beating around the bush, and I am loosing interest..
if you mean Joseph Goebbels...then no dear you are mistaken
In fact I have never seen any documentary by Hitler's propaganda ministry but by US and British...and they were never able to point out anything but holocaust to bash him...
and as the term nationalism is concerned, Churchill Roosevelt and Truman were also of same league...what they feel opposing to their POV is a evil to them...no matter if it is Stalin or Mao...they just don't have tolerance to accept the fact that are not the only humans here...
There is a saying here
"kisi ko bura kehney sey pehly apna gireybaan jhank lena chaheye"
He wanted pure German race.He even sterilized physically challenged and not so healthy Germans.

They would have wiped out entire Eastern Europe Population.

Most of the captured POWs and civilians are send to work in mines and became labourers till they die.

Imagine a Nuclear Bomb with Hitler before Americans.

He even would have eliminated Subcontinent people to give Germans some tropical land to live.

No he wouldn't.Many Eastern Europeans were allies of Germany in the Crusade against Bolshevism.

Not saying he was a good guy but we shouldn't fall in the other extreme and believe he was a total monster.

Hitler was dumber than a sack of potatoes. He was adamant in sterilising germans whom he considered physically/mentally unfit, yet he himself probably suffered from Parkinson disease. He should have sent himself to the gas chambers first, that would have saved the world a lot of trouble.

Don't get me started on Himmler,chief of the SS-the organisation of blond,tall lookin arians-while he himself looked like a gnome.
yes but still it doesnt change fact he loved his country more than anything else.

His blind hatred against all that did not comply with his views led to the utter destruction of the country he "loved".

He even accepted and wanted the destruction of the German people if they would lose against the "subhuman" Slavic people.
That was his biggest mistake, since he took it personally against Stalin and wanted to take Stalingrad as a war trophy to demoralize the Russians, instead of going to the main objective of his armed forces, that was to take the oil fields of Russia, as a smart move to stop the Russian huge mechanized war machine, and to boost its own, this was in reach of the German army, with much less bloodshed for both sides.
Thats myth. Stalingrad was rational thing. It had huge tank factory, it allowed control of Volga - one of the most important traffic passage for USSR and most important that had he sent all forces to oil he would leave his flanks open and then much more forces would be encircled.
His blind hatred against all that did not comply with his views led to the utter destruction of the country he "loved".

He even accepted and wanted the destruction of the German people if they would lose against the "subhuman" Slavic people.
I agree he was racist but he raised his country from ashes.he conquered entire Europe. But he made some mistakes that's why people see him as evil today.
if you mean Joseph Goebbels...then no dear you are mistaken
In fact I have never seen any documentary by Hitler's propaganda ministry but by US and British...and they were never able to point out anything but holocaust to bash him...
and as the term nationalism is concerned, Churchill Roosevelt and Truman were also of same league...what they feel opposing to their POV is a evil to them...no matter if it is Stalin or Mao...they just don't have tolerance to accept the fact that are not the only humans here...
There is a saying here
"kisi ko bura kehney sey pehly apna gireybaan jhank lena chaheye"

Probably you should spend more time reading then, apart from watching commercial documentaries.
What you are experiencing is, what we, among friends, call the back-kick syndrome, something that arises from elementary reasoning like if the ball in one bag is red then the ball in the other bag must be black.

Truman being wrong in some aspect, does not necessarily make Hitler right in some other...

One more time, if you have some tangible point to make here, please do, its getting rather boring.
Probably you should spend more time reading then, apart from watching commercial documentaries.
What you are experiencing is, what we, among friends, call the back-kick syndrome, something that arises from elementary reasoning like if the ball in one bag is red then the ball in the other bag must be black.

Truman being wrong in some aspect, does not necessarily make Hitler right in some other...

One more time, if you have some tangible point to make here, please do, its getting rather boring.
exactly...Hitler being evil...does not make the Truman a legend...you just stole my point here

u can turn on some music...as m not having so much fun either:p:
Wrong. Learn history first.

Whats great about starting WW2?

"Some mistakes".... great way of describing the sickest kind of ideology

Germany was devastated in ww1 he rebuilt Germany.

He reclaimed German land lost in ww1 by invading Poland. But it was Britain and France who declared war on Germany.

I am not justifying his atrocities. I am pointing out his ultra nationalism.
exactly...Hitler being evil...does not make the Truman a legend...you just stole my point here

u can turn on some music...as m not having so much fun either:p:

This will probably be the right time for you to look at the thread title.
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