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A thought about hitler....

you may have just been raised poorly and thus sincere which again I doubt entirely.
Mr. Genius...you have confused my good mode with my ability to answer you back in a well deserving manner...How dare you ?
and why are you so confident that the universe of the knowledge has shrunk down to your brain that makes you feel that every other person on this earth is a smug/troll/manner less to talk to a prestigious & respected person such as you are…I am not going in the details of how I brought up, but surely everyone here now got an idea of yours
To show honesty I am not reporting you...but to keep the environment healthy for discussion I request you to amend your post...or am not replying you any further coz I am unable to foresee any useful argument between us
By all means stop this conversation as far as I am concerned, it's only the third time that I asked for that and that you called me back to it.
It was supposed to be for information and general knowledge but now if you don't see any point in further the discussion, I wont drag you any further...thanks for the cooperation and sharing
[for the decorum of this forum, I request you to delete your msgs & I will do the same]
Thanks again and have a great day....Allah Hafiz :-):cheers:
Yiyiye !!!

GUYS, read history.

Hitler was a guy who tricked Germans into electing him, who demolished the democratic structure of Germany so that nobody else cannot, cannot be elected, used their (German people's) anger at the Versailles treaty, showed them the world in dreams, and left his country lite fucking raly a huge garbage dump overflowing with dead bodies and raped women.

He was a politician who dreamt of becoming a statesman.

He was at the right time in Germany to make use of all that seething Butthurt among Germans post 1919.

A lot of Hitler's early wins should go to his generals. It's another matter that propaganda...propaganda attributes it to herr hitler !

Thank you.
Mr Hitler , was a product of war world war 1 in Europe. Was a well mannered and relatively mellow family oriented man

False Myth of racist:
You can't argue he was racist nor Germans were racist because their allies in world war one were Colored people
(Italians / Turks) were mixed cultures of that time.

Similarly world war 2 their allies were Japanese again , black hair , and miniature stature

Why did Mr Hitler believe in Need for war?

After world war 1, Germany was sanctioned by winners of world war 1 to pay 500-600 Billion dollars or enormous amount
to UK and allies as ransom money of sorts

This meant 80% of income generated by Germans was going to pay back these fines. This resulted in poverty
in Germany and unemployment , which gave rise to German's wishing to have their old way to living back
Working hard , and getting paid properly that is all Germany wanted.

Who were the "Occupiers" , enslaving nations of world back then ?
  • UK who occupied India enslaving nation and stealing gold and diamonds and resources
  • France who had controlled Africa as means to steal their resources

Why the need for Allegations and demonization?

FACT , not Hollywood , you can find these evidence in select sites which display posters and news clippings from 1900

It is a strange fact , that in 1900 , all the allegations used to explain Germany in world war 2 , were used to demonized Russia infact all the death figures were commonly published in news and advertisement since 1900 by Jewish entities
because they wanted to collect funding for formation for Israel.

A mythical number of 6,000,000 Million was used because it is a prophecy , which was mentioned in their text to
ensure Israel is formed.

Example :


So ....why was Hitler Evil? For wanting to have dignified employment for his countrymen?

So why was Hitler blamed for Jewish (mythical deaths) when it was known in news / media since 1900
that the figure of 6 million was made up and circulated in media but back then Russia was feared

Holocaust was fake made up story it was mythical , allegations created to justify one group as "All Good' and the other group as DEMONS....nothing more

But in reality it was all about Germany NOT paying Ransom Money to UK or France

Many folks questioned morality why are we leaving our homes and families and fighting when all Germany wants is to be left alone and not collect ransom money so a myth was created after war to make Hitler a DEMON , but in reality he was not such fellow

Its always easier for soldiers to justify killing once they know they are on higher moral grounds
and these myths that were created when war ended was just to boost the ego for military

Is deporting illegals , against law ?

  • Today in 2015 , we see detention centers (Legal limbo for people)
  • UK has deportation prisons
  • US has deportation prisons, guards kill people in custody
  • There were concentration camps constructed for Japanese
  • GAZA is a prison for people
  • Instead of gas chambers we haev F16 bombing civilian structures
  • Does europe not deport illgeal people from Africa
  • Does USA not deport illegal people from Mexico
  • Various modern societies state can claim property of citizen
  • France has detention centers for Africans

Before world war 1 many of the myths which were linked to germany after world war 2 were origionally created 1900 and Russia was openly called the Demon

However using Hollywood , media portrays Germany and Hitler to be evil due to allegations.

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Mr Hitler , was a product of war world war 1 in Europe. Was a well mannered and relatively mellow family oriented man

False Myth of racist:
You can't argue he was racist

Stopped reading after this BS.

The very core concept of nazi ideology was their pseudo scientific (It hurts me to even use that word here) BS that "Nordic Arians" were "superior" to all other "races" (Its wrong to talk about races within the human species anyways...).

(see Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf and other mental diarrhea)

How on Earth is that not racist? Do you even know what that word means?

And whats your next claim ?

That Hitler was a great military leader and that he cut German unemployment through his "economic miracle"?

But hey... lets forget us, ask a German how he/she feels about the man who is responsible for sending millions of Germans into their deaths, committing mass genocide in their name, starting a world war in their name, butchering hundreds of thousands of Germans who had different opinions or were seen as "useless and leading the entire nation into utter destruction...
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I think based on evidence , Mr Hitler was nothing more then a nationalist who wanted not to pay random money to France and UK for world war 1

He cared about his nation's place in world and wanted to make sure that unemployment levels went down.

He kicked out illegals in his country who happened to settle in illegally and also who were cooperating with foreign states (spies)

A person cannot be racist , if their allies are people of color in world war 1 , and also who happens ally with Japan in world war 2 , again who were not considered as Caucasians.

If anything British Empire and French Empires enslaved nations in Africa, Asia and far corners of globe

After the war ended, stories were made up to discredit his legacy and they tried to portray the man as Devil when he was not a devil

There are 400-500 movies made in Hollywood, however these movies and lies can't explain

a) Why were there 6 million jews claims in 1890-1942 hitler was not even relevant when these claims and rumors started , which were used to collect donation Israel

b) There are no movies made about people who lost lives in Germany after world war 1 after extreme poverty

US has slave mentality till 70's
Britian enslaved people in India , and other nations
Canada openly took (stole) land from local people and denied them rights to govern their land
Australia similarly has problems with enslavement and stealing land belong to local people who were called savages
France is well known they tested their nuclear weapons on land belonging to their enemies
I think based on evidence , Mr Hitler was nothing more then a nationalist who wanted not to pay random money to France and UK for world war 1

He cared about his nation's place in world and wanted to make sure that unemployment levels went down.

And here we go again....

Apart from the fact that you evaded my question on how on Earth somebody sane can claim that Hitler was NOT racist (see post #111) you are continuing to talk trash.

1.) Hitler cared for his nation? LOL Do you know what Hitler said about Germans when he openly realized that he lost the war?

2.) Cutting unemployment.... Isnt he an economic genius to this very day by simply cutting out women, Jews and other "unwanted" people from the workforce? Or by forcing young men into military and national service? Or spending insane amounts of money on arms in the hope of getting money back by pillaging other nations and enslaving millions of people?
Example :

Yes, mr Hitler was a very nice man. And so was Mr Josef Stalin.

Meanwhile, 1921:
Russian famine of 1921 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the famine began, Russia had suffered six and a half years of the First World War and the Civil Wars of 1918–20, many of the conflicts fought inside Russia.[4]
Before the famine, all sides in the Russian Civil Wars of 1918–21 — the Bolsheviks, the Whites, the Anarchists, the seceding nationalities — had provisioned themselves by the ancient method of "living off the land": they seized food from those who grew it, gave it to their armies and supporters, and denied it to their enemies. The Bolshevik government had requisitioned supplies from the peasantry for little or nothing in exchange. This led peasants to drastically reduce their crop production. According to the official Bolshevik position, which is still maintained by some modern Marxists, the rich peasants (kulaks) withheld their surplus grain in order to preserve their lives;[5] statistics indicate that most of the grain and the other food supplies passed through the black market.[6][7][8] The Bolsheviks believed peasants were actively trying to undermine the war effort. The Black Book of Communism claims that Lenin ordered the seizure of the food peasants had grown for their own subsistence and their seed grain in retaliation for this "sabotage," leading to widespread peasant revolts[9]. In 1920, Lenin had ordered increased emphasis on food requisitioning from the peasantry.
Aid from outside Russia was initially rejected. The American Relief Administration (ARA), which Herbert Hoover had formed to help the starvation of World War I, had offered assistance to Lenin in 1919, on condition that they have full say over the Russian railway network and hand out food impartially to all. Lenin refused this as interference in Russian internal affairs.[4]
Lenin was eventually convinced — by this famine, the Kronstadt rebellion, large scale peasant uprisings such as the Tambov rebellion, and the failure of a German general strike — to reverse his policy at home and abroad. He decreed the New Economic Policy on March 15, 1921. The famine also helped produce an opening to the West: Lenin allowed relief organizations to bring aid, this time. War relief was no longer required in Western Europe, and the ARA had an organization set up in Poland, relieving the Polish famine which had begun in the winter of 1919–20.

The Russian famine of 1921 came at the end of six and a half years of unrest and violence (first World War I, then the two Russian revolutions of 1917, then the Russian Civil War). Many different political and military factions were involved in those events, and most of them have been accused by their enemies of having contributed to, or even bearing sole responsibility for, the famine
Not really , he did not wanted Germans to pay Billions in early 1900 , which amounts to trillion by todays strandard 80% of german house hold income was going to UK and french

From neutral stand point he was standing up for his people and getting back their natural place in world society , not to be slave for victors

All this hollywood stuff came after the war ended , they made up this camp , and came up with stories
Not really , he did not wanted Germans to pay Billions in early 1900 , which amounts to trillion by todays strandard 80% of german house hold income was going to UK and french

From neutral stand point he was standing up for his people and getting back their natural place in world society , not to be slave for victors

All this hollywood stuff came after the war ended , they made up this camp , and came up with stories

BS. Have you ever read some excerpts of Hitlers Mein Kampf?

He made no secrets about his disgusting "race" ideology and racism, plans to conquer foreign land from "subhuman" people, suppression of basic rights etc etc etc

Whats you next claim? Holocaust was fake? Hitler was an economic genius?

Get well soon.
He is just made into a evil man / persona , because that is what victors do , demonize the defeated
Yes, in essence he was a very nice, well meaning, kind gentleman, who wanted nothing but the best for Germans. Thanks to Hitler we got the VW Beetle and highways. Stalin too, but for Russians.

Uhm, you do realize there are historical records about Hitler from the period before there was actually anomosity between US, GB, RU, FR and GERMANY? From that a lot can be read about Hitler. Before 1943, it was by no means a given 'the united nations ' c/would win the conflict that had erupted.

It wasn't England or the US or even Russia that invaded my country in 1940.
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