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A thought about hitler....

No way, he used blitzkrieg. he could have sent half his force there to take the oil fields first and that was what all his field marshals wanted. But instead he wanted the Stalin name prize, because he thought psychological warfare more than field warfare. he gambled on destroying the Russian morale and lost.

That's not true , the germans had already lost when they were repelled at moscow and stalinrgard was a complement to Leningrad , hitler thought he would take both by spring and he made a step far too much , just like every other western leader who has failed in the course of history .

What Hitler Did does not justify what British France and Spain did in all over the world. If Hitler did not happen there would much more time colonization areas would had not been released from those scum for more than another 100 years. So praying for all the dead it should be celebrated that demon of colonization had ended:chilli::chilli::chilli: at least for some time (US and EU still exist and atop acting like big daddy or there will be consequences).

The enemy of my enemy is my friend , eh? That was a proved rather coined by hitler himself.
That's not true , the germans had already lost when they were repelled at moscow and stalinrgard was a complement to Leningrad , hitler thought he would take both by spring and he made a step far too much , just like every other western leader who has failed in the course of history .

The enemy of my enemy is my friend , eh? That was a proved rather coined by hitler himself.

Some armed divisions were repelled from the Moscow deceiving maneuver, the real aim was Stalingrad and the oil fields south of it because it has the named after Stalin the Russian leader at that time. They have attacked with almost a million and a half men, how can you believe that they were defeated before that.
Only thing I like about Hitler is that he was a great war planner...killing Jews was his biggest mistake
I think it is merely propaganda what makes him feel so bad to us...I mean have you ever cursed Roosevelt and Truman for Hiroshima And Nagasaki ?? How many of you have heard about Camps of Japanese within USA during WW2 ??
he also didn't started WW2 it was France who attacked first...for Germans it was only revenge and if u ask me that is a pretty good cause

Hitler was definitely not a good "war planner" , he put his own personal dreams as targets for the Wehrmacht to achieve
without caring about anything else.

The holocaust was simply a genocide , Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not comparable to the toll of death there would of been if US started an invasion and dragged on the war for another decade.
according to some the total death toll would of been close to 10 million.
Yes , nuking those cities is terrible but no where near as bad if war dragged on.

I do agree France pushed the German population too far which Hitler used to gain power.
Hitler was definitely not a good "war planner" , he put his own personal dreams as targets for the Wehrmacht to achieve
without caring about anything else.

The holocaust was simply a genocide , Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not comparable to the toll of death there would of been if US started an invasion and dragged on the war for another decade.
according to some the total death toll would of been close to 10 million.
Yes , nuking those cities is terrible but no where near as bad if war dragged on.

I do agree France pushed the German population too far which Hitler used to gain power.
10 m ? do you have any unbiased link for evidence ?
I do agree France pushed the German population too far which Hitler used to gain power.

If that was what he had said Azeri mate, I for one would have agreed. The instance on keeping the exceedingly harsh war reparations going as the population of Germany sunk in squalor was a mistake ( at minima ) as you point out. His initial and repeated stand however was that France attacked first without reason.
Considering the factual agreements with Poland, the call from their government and the absence of fighting after the war declaration, he was wrong and twisting / rewriting history.

Good day to you, Tay.
10 m ? do you have any unbiased link for evidence ?

Operation Downfall

If that was what he had said Azeri mate, I for one would have agreed. The instance on keeping the exceedingly harsh war reparations going as the population of Germany sunk in squalor was a mistake ( at minima ) as you point out. His initial and repeated stand however was that France attacked first without reason.
Considering the factual agreements with Poland, the call from their government and the absence of fighting after the war declaration, he was wrong and twisting / rewriting history.

Good day to you, Tay.

I was thinking he didn't mean it literally when he said it was just revenge for Germans.
@Azeri440 So you know who you are dealing with :
he also didn't started WW2 it was France who attacked first...for Germans it was only revenge and if u ask me that is a pretty good cause
That was his initial claim.
I painstakingly explained that accords existed with Poland / that Austria-Anschluss, Sudenten came first / etc.
He came back with the Japanese internment camps in America, almost very unsavorily in equation with the Nazi ones in Europe.
I overlooked that disgusting stand possibly being true
I then corrected him again on the Phoney war and recognition of the plight of the Nisei by the US government with links.
That answer included telling him that I had personal knowledge of the camps through family and friends of all religions
( of which two "luckily" came back with first hand accounts ).
Check post #48 and surrounding ones.

His answer was :
-it was not the revenge from French POV but of German POV after they got back stabbed...my point was that it wasn't just for French to attack a country who is already busy in some other war
-US also pays million of dollars to Pakistan but violates its airspace every now and then...you cant buy hearts
-And where did you learn about the types of the camps ?? fox news or cnn ??...you cant defend a wrong act by such silly excuses

After which I left the thread feeling assured of the character and ill-intent of this poster.
Having appreciated your level headedness and quality in the past, I thought it proper to give you a heads-up.
I'M back out of here, good luck and again a good day to you, Tay.
@Azeri440 So you know who you are dealing with :

That was his initial claim.
I painstakingly explained that accords existed with Poland / that Austria-Anschluss, Sudenten came first / etc.
He came back with the Japanese internment camps in America, almost very unsavorily in equation with the Nazi ones in Europe.
I overlooked that disgusting stand possibly being true
I then corrected him again on the Phoney war and recognition of the plight of the Nisei by the US government with links.
That answer included telling him that I had personal knowledge of the camps through family and friends of all religions
( of which two "luckily" came back with first hand accounts ).
Check post #48 and surrounding ones.

His answer was :

After which I left the thread feeling assured of the character and ill-intent of this poster.
Having appreciated your level headedness and quality in the past, I thought it proper to give you a heads-up.
I'M back out of here, good luck and again a good day to you, Tay.
hey bro...you are taking it tooo seriously...I mean literally...seriously
first of all I am not a nerd or an expert of history...it is my hobby to discuss history stuff...thats it...If I made any false claim plz correct me with solid reasoning and a proof that I can rely on...what you posted were two links from US origin perhaps...one was dated back to 2011 and one was of 2013 or later
the thing about history is that it is history...it has already happened and nobody can go back and verify it...so we can only have a little glimpse of it through valid books, newspapers of that time and discussions
but you were not in the mode of discussion back there...you can still read your comments and check your tone....saying bye in a proper manner does not mean that you have undone everything harsh you already had said...mind it

back to topic...can you plz give any proper link that hitler was the first who started ww2 and it wasn't france ?
hey bro...you are taking it tooo seriously...I mean literally...seriously
first of all I am not a nerd or an expert of history...it is my hobby to discuss history stuff...thats it...If I made any false claim plz correct me with solid reasoning and a proof that I can rely on...what you posted were two links from US origin perhaps...one was dated back to 2011 and one was of 2013 or later
the thing about history is that it is history...it has already happened and nobody can go back and verify it...so we can only have a little glimpse of it through valid books, newspapers of that time and discussions
but you were not in the mode of discussion back there...you can still read your comments and check your tone....saying bye in a proper manner does not mean that you have undone everything harsh you already had said...mind it

back to topic...can you plz give any proper link that hitler was the first who started ww2 and it wasn't france ?

That's begging the question a bit, isn't it? What do you mean "started ww2"? Was it ww2 the moment it started? What about the on-going war that China and Japan were engaged in at the very same time, which is now reported as part of ww2? What about the war that was going on in Finland? And what, above all, was the war between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, part of ww2 or not? considering that at the time that you are apparently referring to, the two were locked together in a loving embrace? There are more examples, I could go on, but asking a question like you did would stump a university full of wise men. The problem is not with providing facts, it is not with verifying history, whatever that means, considering that history and verifiable are being separated and almost cast in opposition with each other, it is with the framing of the question itself.
hey bro...you are taking it tooo seriously...I mean literally...seriously
first of all I am not a nerd or an expert of history...it is my hobby to discuss history stuff...thats it...If I made any false claim plz correct me with solid reasoning and a proof that I can rely on...what you posted were two links from US origin perhaps...one was dated back to 2011 and one was of 2013 or later
the thing about history is that it is history...it has already happened and nobody can go back and verify it...so we can only have a little glimpse of it through valid books, newspapers of that time and discussions
but you were not in the mode of discussion back there...you can still read your comments and check your tone....saying bye in a proper manner does not mean that you have undone everything harsh you already had said...mind it

back to topic...can you plz give any proper link that hitler was the first who started ww2 and it wasn't france ?

First, you are wishing away the considerable history immediately preceding the outbreak of hostilities between Germany on the one hand, and France and Britain on the other. France didn't declare war out of the blue, and for Germany to take military action of a sort that she had already been told would lead to hostilities was the key to the situation.

It was a huge risk.

The reason why Hitler is considered to be a poor strategic personality is because he repeatedly chose extremely risky alternatives over reasonably risky ones, without having the personal battle-winning skills or campaigning skills that might have entitled him to take risks.

The first incident was the re-occupation of the Rhineland. This was to have been under French occupation until war indemnity was re-paid in full. Hitler chose to reoccupy the territory, although his military was nowhere in shape to fight a war, any war, against an organised enemy, or any enemy whatsoever. When he got away with this, his appetite was whetted.

His next action was to support the fascists in the Spanish Civil War. Again, nobody intervened; idealistic students and workers from the western democracies came and fought and died for the government, brilliant books like For Whom the Bell Tolls got written, and Germany tested out her new weapons and new tactics.

Then he annexed Austria, without intervention from the western powers, in spite of frantic pleas for intervention from Austrian democrats.

His penultimate act was to separate out the German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland, as a preliminary; in spite of solemn affirmations of stopping there, he took over the rest very shortly afterwards.

The final lap was his attack on Poland. In the prelude to the actual hostilities, Britain and France guaranteed Polish integrity against any attack. Hitler's attack in spite of this guarantee should put the question who started the war in its proper perspective.
hey bro...you are taking it tooo seriously...I mean literally...seriously
first of all I am not a nerd or an expert of history...it is my hobby to discuss history stuff...thats it...If I made any false claim plz correct me with solid reasoning and a proof that I can rely on...what you posted were two links from US origin perhaps...one was dated back to 2011 and one was of 2013 or later
the thing about history is that it is history...it has already happened and nobody can go back and verify it...so we can only have a little glimpse of it through valid books, newspapers of that time and discussions
but you were not in the mode of discussion back there...you can still read your comments and check your tone....saying bye in a proper manner does not mean that you have undone everything harsh you already had said...mind it

back to topic...can you plz give any proper link that hitler was the first who started ww2 and it wasn't france ?

I don't believe a single word of this post of yours. However, being an honest person ( and in the interest of both education and making PDF and fora in general troll free ), I will answer you one last time on the off chance that you may have just been educated ( ED. * ) poorly and thus sincere which again I doubt entirely. Let's then deconstruct the above.

first of all I am not a nerd or an expert of history...it is my hobby to discuss history stuff...thats it...If I made any false claim plz correct me with solid reasoning and a proof that I can rely on
First of all, using nerd shows you to be at best a smug kid. People that know history are not nerds, they are bright or educated. Nerd is an attempt at insult by lazy or dumb folks to those that make the effort to better their intellectual abilities.
More importantly, making a hobby of something you acknowledge not possessing fully is stupid and dangerous. By that reasoning, try to go to a hospital and operate on someone because you made surgery a hobby of yours all the while calling real doctors nerds and see where that gets you ( hint : jail ).
By that token, the second phrase is also ridiculous : Not only did I answer you with solid reasoning but if you don't intend to learn ( to avoid becoming a nerd ), a proof you can rely on probably doesn't exist. You will negate the best of sources and get into a hissy fit like an angry girl ( sorry ladies ).

...what you posted were two links from US origin perhaps...one was dated back to 2011 and one was of 2013 or later
Yes, because ( and people who know history know this ) it takes time for humans to recognize their errors so that on average wrongs get corrected decades later. If you knew history even as a hobby, you would know that the present is part of it : history in the making it is called. For the US govt to make amends at all, shows that they understand that a fault was committed … but since that sinks your biased boat, you don't want to accept it. Those veterans got their medal recently but for acts of valor from WWII, how is that not history exactly?

the thing about history is that it is history...it has already happened and nobody can go back and verify it...so we can only have a little glimpse of it through valid books, newspapers of that time and discussions
Ludicrous! Self serving _bite your own tail_ circular reasoning at its best. Nobody can go back and verify it? In answer to you, I mentioned that I have known survivors of the Nazi camps, first hand!!! One of them was Marcel Dassault BTW. Another was a friend of my dad the serial number tattoo of which my son has retrieved to put on his own arm in memoriam of the barbary and to p.ss off trolls such as yourself.
Valid books is BS in your mouth as you will pick and choose to suit your hobby fancy point of view. I have Goebbels Diaries and Mein Kampf in my personal library as well as De Gaulle's memoirs and many more. Read them first and come back to call me a nerd or shut up.
Newspapers of the time are as biased on what was happening as those of today ( as say, far right wing American ones about, say Pakistan? ). It is one of the highest values of history to sift out prejudice, pretenses and lies and bring due course of events to light. Which you would not understand judging from your tone and insistence on being wrong.
As for discussions, I had them as said with real actors and one with you would require a more respectful tone on your part. So that when you try to fault me for my own tone in the following phrase, you are playing offended virgin. I did provide answers which you are tasked to verify. You did not.

To boot and to conclude,
A- check Phoney war which I gave you or any source on the alliances between France and Poland. If anything, England declared war on Germany first. If anything, France is remembered as not having done enough & fast enough to abide by its alliance with Poland signed as early as 1921 long before Hitler came to power. Google or Wiki it.
B- My tone was certainly lesser in any case than this gem of a snickering by you :
-And where did you learn about the types of the camps ?? fox news or cnn ??...you cant defend a wrong act by such silly excuses
which came after I told you of my personal knowledge on the camps. Let me be blunt in saying that had you thus ridiculed me face to face, you would have found my answer more damageable than my tone. It is precisely because we are on Internet (my arms being too short to reach you ) that I instead chose to let it go and left the thread.
That sentence was as disrespectful as they come.

So that, your last post that I am now answering at best confirms your arrogance, at worst your malevolence.
I have nothing to prove to a brat, young man. When engaged by good people, I am eager to discuss and help if able.
In that light, you could go check my exchanges with @Drebin ( and others ) in the Air Force Questions thread or
@Kamal_dbk in the Egypt news one. Then again, they are both polite, inquisitive young men with a shining desire to learn and exchange and not trolls. The same holds true with other posters from all around. If you have a shred of honesty to your name, you'll understand that I am a mirror and treat people as they treat me. And I am not shy about clan boundaries either and won't hesitate to point out bad ways in my own folks.
the same time however, I do not want to let good persons get drawn into trolls' nets which is why I came back to warn @Azeri440 .

I am sorry to have disturbed this thread with this long answer. It was to avoid doing so that I left earlier.
I sincerely hope that judging you to be a troll is my mistake due to a lack of patience and understanding.
If so, you will have to find someone better than myself to do your education, Tay.

In any case, best of luck and may life bring you enough sweet moments to grow by, Tay.

Edit P.S. Thanks to @Joe Shearer for attempting the same answer with infinitely more grace while I was writing this.

ED. * I changed raised to educated to alleviate the possibility of anyone thinking I was blaming your parents. The rest of the opinion expressed stands and your answer confirmed it.
By all means stop this conversation as far as I am concerned, it's only the third time that I asked for that and that you called me back to it.
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