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A thought about hitler....

Only thing I like about Hitler is that he was a great war planner...killing Jews was his biggest mistake
I think it is merely propaganda what makes him feel so bad to us...I mean have you ever cursed Roosevelt and Truman for Hiroshima And Nagasaki ?? How many of you have heard about Camps of Japanese within USA during WW2 ??
he also didn't started WW2 it was France who attacked first...for Germans it was only revenge and if u ask me that is a pretty good cause

That is utterly wrong! Every bit in it is either twisted or a lie.
Just for fun : Hitler nabbed Austria ( Anschluss ) and the Sudenten before he attacked Poland
which which both the UK and France had a defense pact that warranted going to its defense.
And the Polish government called for it to London … and the declaration was made by Great-Britain for both!

What you are trying to pass as truth carries as little value as if Afghanistan invaded Pakistan and China came to help it and a kid many years later saying that China had started the war!!!

Until all people use facts and not opinion, there is no useful discussion to be had.
When people are wrong, it delays or muddles the matter.
When they are wrong on purpose, it's trolling.

I'm not judging which of the above is your case, just pointing out the illusion and its associated dangers.
As proof of good faith in this, I won't even take further part in this discussion.

And good day to you in any case, Tay.
That is utterly wrong! Every bit in it is either twisted or a lie.
Just for fun : Hitler nabbed Austria ( Anschluss ) and the Sudenten before he attacked Poland
which which both the UK and France had a defense pact that warranted going to its defense.
And the Polish government called for it to London … and the declaration was made by Great-Britain for both!

What you are trying to pass as truth carries as little value as if Afghanistan invaded Pakistan and China came to help it and a kid many years later saying that China had started the war!!!

Until all people use facts and not opinion, there is no useful discussion to be had.
When people are wrong, it delays or muddles the matter.
When they are wrong on purpose, it's trolling.

I'm not judging which of the above is your case, just pointing out the illusion and its associated dangers.
As proof of good faith in this, I won't even take further part in this discussion.

And good day to you in any case, Tay.

which statement was wrong...didn't france attack Germany while they were busy with Poland...that was to send a msg that you are still the same Germany of ww1...not to show solidarity or unity with Poland...if they were to, they should have send their troops to Poland...but what they did was pathetic...admit it
secondly what do you say about detention camps of Japanese within USA and use of atomic bombs ? isn't that enough to show the real face of ally forces ?

and btw Germany was not like Afghanistan of today...India would have been a better choice
OK Since you insist, one last time ( after which you can troll by yourself for good ).

-France did not attack. After the JOINT declaration of war with GB in September, no one moved : Google Phoney War.
Hitler made a peace offering on October 6th and attacked on the 10th as they got a negative from UK …
but France declined on the 12th i.e. afterwards!
-Your call on revenge for WWI is ludicrous. That works for the conditions imposed on Germany but not for WWII.
-Sending troops to Poland was impossible as the French Armed Forces did not have the capacity to airlift.
-Pass on the pathetic comment save to express loathing at you for making it.
The Japanese camps did exist and were a shame since acknowledged by the US government :
The US paid 1.6B$ in reparations to its Nisei citizens
World War II: Internment of Japanese Americans - The Atlantic
and in 2011, veterans of Japanese descent that fought for America as their cousins were interned got rewarded
with a collective Congressional Gold Medal of Honor signed by President Obama with a tour of learning institutions
by an exhibit to teach young people about that mistake.
Medals Given to Japanese-American World War II Vets Begin Tour | At Your Library
-Comparing internment and extermination camps is proof of lack of knowledge or worse.
-The atomic bomb use was particular as shown in the fact that it has not ben used since. A debate on that has no place in a thread on Hitler however since Germany was defeated prior to its use.
-Mixing Ally Forces with US alone does not speak very highly of your cognitive abilities.
-I have known people that were sent to Nazi camps personally, Jewish and non Jewish and lost family to Nazi executions. The opinion of a revisionist youngster matters none to me …

As such, prance, dance, celebrate and answer all you want,
I'm done here, Tay.
Last edited:
Only thing I like about Hitler is that he was a great war planner...killing Jews was his biggest mistake
I think it is merely propaganda what makes him feel so bad to us...I mean have you ever cursed Roosevelt and Truman for Hiroshima And Nagasaki ?? How many of you have heard about Camps of Japanese within USA during WW2 ??
he also didn't started WW2 it was France who attacked first...for Germans it was only revenge and if u ask me that is a pretty good cause

we don

We don't hate Jews...it is just the improper representation of Hitler and Germans what we hate about media of the hour

and It also does not mean that we like him...we dont

Hitler was not "great war planner"... The success of the German military in the early stages was down to talented commanders like Guderian and others but NOT Hitler.

The more Hitler got involved in military planning, the worse it ended for Germany.
OK Since you insist, one last time ( after which you can troll by yourself for good ).

-France did not attack. After the JOINT declaration of war with GB in September, no one moved : Google Phoney War.
Hitler made a peace offering on October 6th and attacked on the 10th as they got a negative from UK …
but France declined on the 12th i.e. afterwards!
-Your call on revenge for WWI is ludicrous. That works for the conditions imposed on Germany but not for WWII.
Sending troops to Poland was impossible as the French Armed Forces did not have the capacity to airlift.
-Pass on the pathetic comment save to express loathing at you for making it.
The Japanese camps did exist and were a shame since acknowledged by the US government :
The US paid 1.6B$ in reparations to its Nisei citizens
World War II: Internment of Japanese Americans - The Atlantic
and in 2011, veterans of Japanese descent that fought for America as their cousins were interned got rewarded
with a collective Congressional Gold Medal of Honor signed by President Obama with a tour of learning institutions
by an exhibit to teach young people about that mistake.
Medals Given to Japanese-American World War II Vets Begin Tour | At Your Library
-Comparing internment and extermination camps is proof of lack of knowledge or worse.
-The atomic bomb use was particular as shown in the fact that it has not ben used since. A debate on that has no place in a thread on Hitler however since Germany was defeated prior to its use.
-Mixing Ally Forces with US alone does not speak very highly of your cognitive abilities.
-I have known people that were sent to Nazi camps personally, Jewish and non Jewish and lost family to Nazi executions. The opinion of a revisionist youngster matters none to me …

As such, prance, dance, celebrate and answer all you want,
I'm done here, Tay.

-I am not here to troll...and m not insisting you either...you can leave if you want
just for the record
-it was not the revenge from French POV but of German POV after they got back stabbed...my point was that it wasn't just for French to attack a country who is already busy in some other war
-US also pays million of dollars to Pakistan but violates its airspace every now and then...you cant buy hearts
-And where did you learn about the types of the camps ?? fox news or cnn ??...you cant defend a wrong act by such silly excuses
-I am not mixing US with allies, they were together against Germany and Japan...google it for proof...and mind it...they can use it again and people will defend them again(remember the chemical weapon used in Syria)...and a European entity (OPCW) got a Nobel prize for their role in keeping peace in Syria...such ironic

Hitler was not "great war planner"... The success of the German military in the early stages was down to talented commanders like Guderian and others but NOT Hitler.

The more Hitler got involved in military planning, the worse it ended for Germany.
I am really impressed by the way he avoided the head on by using two routes to attack France...one was real(primary) and other was fake (older route of ww1)...by that he was able to cornered the French army and prevented a great loss as a result
So Guys,
As you know...
History is quite complicated.
Especially when it is made by either of the victor.
Not saying there is or isnt any truth in it.
but, Most of it, is left in ashes and modified to suit the propagated needs.....

Heres my thought about the hitler and his party. (Dont get offended on holocaust -_-)

As you see today,
People. Mainly the younger generations only know "They wanted to take over the world, install atrocities and intolerance"
That is not true.
Yes, they had an agenda to conquer europa and sh*t.
But afterall, they were fighting for their cause until (Without knowing his agenda)hitler went greedy and screwed it all up by giving stupid orders and speeding up process to ruin his goal.....
At the end of the war.
Lets say...
(If)Holocaust may not have existed?
I mean, They could of either been sent to camp to deport or anything for after the war or something~
And the most casualties could be caused by allied bombings and femine problem because of the war?
(Different outcome?)

Just what im thinking...
got something in your head?
;3 lets talk....

A positive thinking please.
From an unbiased perspective.

No respect for the man that killed millions, and led to other men killing millions.

So Guys,
As you know...
History is quite complicated.
Especially when it is made by either of the victor.
Not saying there is or isnt any truth in it.
but, Most of it, is left in ashes and modified to suit the propagated needs.....

Heres my thought about the hitler and his party. (Dont get offended on holocaust -_-)

As you see today,
People. Mainly the younger generations only know "They wanted to take over the world, install atrocities and intolerance"
That is not true.
Yes, they had an agenda to conquer europa and sh*t.
But afterall, they were fighting for their cause until (Without knowing his agenda)hitler went greedy and screwed it all up by giving stupid orders and speeding up process to ruin his goal.....
At the end of the war.
Lets say...
(If)Holocaust may not have existed?
I mean, They could of either been sent to camp to deport or anything for after the war or something~
And the most casualties could be caused by allied bombings and femine problem because of the war?
(Different outcome?)

Just what im thinking...
got something in your head?
;3 lets talk....

A positive thinking please.
From an unbiased perspective.

This thread.


What are you doing??
We don't hate Jews...it is just the improper representation of Hitler and Germans what we hate about media of the hour

and It also does not mean that we like him...we dont

The first question that you need to ask yourself is, "Do you identify yourself as one of those rednecks ?". If not, then let them talk for themselves.

Secondly, denial of holocaust is denial of history. You can talk about misrepresentations in other aspects or even exaggerations by Western media, but that is not what we are talking about. You want to talk about those aspects, I'm open for a healthy discussion, but lets just start with calling a spade a spade..
You do have a valid point that if the Holocaust did not happen then Hitler's favorability would be higher today. It would really change the historical narrative about him and his administration. For example, had he simply deported Jews out of Europe versus executing and eliminating them, that would be much more acceptable to modern people that the lateral.
The first question that you need to ask yourself is, "Do you identify yourself as one of those rednecks ?". If not, then let them talk for themselves.

Secondly, denial of holocaust is denial of history. You can talk about misrepresentations in other aspects or even exaggerations by Western media, but that is not what we are talking about. You want to talk about those aspects, I'm open for a healthy discussion, but lets just start with calling a spade a spade..
easy man...offensive language can get you negative ratings
just for the record
I m not in denial of Jewish killings...I m not fond of Adolf Hitler either
my point is you keep repeating a lie about someone again & again and one day people will start to consider it a truth...the trait western media is very famous about
example of Israeli attack on Gaza and perhaps a movie "American Sniper" are enough...it is in their hands to make someone a hero and the party the villain...what we don't see here is the other side of the picture and are required to pass a judgment
easy man...offensive language can get you negative ratings
just for the record
I m not in denial of Jewish killings...I m not fond of Adolf Hitler either
my point is you keep repeating a lie about someone again & again and one day people will start to consider it a truth...the trait western media is very famous about
example of Israeli attack on Gaza and perhaps a movie "American Sniper" are enough...it is in their hands to make someone a hero and the party the villain...what we don't see here is the other side of the picture and are required to pass a judgment

If you are starting to feel offended because I don't subscribe to your ideas then may be you should try to stay away from topics like these, not much that I can do about it.
If you have some facts to talk about, please bring it forward and please don't beat around the bush.
If you are starting to feel offended because I don't subscribe to your ideas then may be you should try to stay away from topics like these, not much that I can do about it.
If you have some facts to talk about, please bring it forward and please don't beat around the bush.
lolz...I was talking about your wording only, I am not offended by your thoughts...it is a discussion forum and you are welcome to present your POV...so bring it on:tup:
lolz...I was talking about your wording only, I am not offended by your thoughts...it is a discussion forum and you are welcome to present your POV...so bring it on:tup:

ok..I am waiting for the point you are trying to make..
Hitler can't be rehabilitate.End of the story.:rolleyes:
So Guys,
As you know...
History is quite complicated.
Especially when it is made by either of the victor.
Not saying there is or isnt any truth in it.
but, Most of it, is left in ashes and modified to suit the propagated needs.....

Heres my thought about the hitler and his party. (Dont get offended on holocaust -_-)

As you see today,
People. Mainly the younger generations only know "They wanted to take over the world, install atrocities and intolerance"
That is not true.
Yes, they had an agenda to conquer europa and sh*t.
But afterall, they were fighting for their cause until (Without knowing his agenda)hitler went greedy and screwed it all up by giving stupid orders and speeding up process to ruin his goal.....
At the end of the war.
Lets say...
(If)Holocaust may not have existed?
I mean, They could of either been sent to camp to deport or anything for after the war or something~
And the most casualties could be caused by allied bombings and femine problem because of the war?
(Different outcome?)

Just what im thinking...
got something in your head?
;3 lets talk....

A positive thinking please.
From an unbiased perspective.
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