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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

As usual they are trying to minimize this point. It is the same issue with Danish cartoon, they focused on the fact that depiction of Rasulullah saws is not allowed for Muslims. What they neglected to mention (and every Western media was guilty of this) was that the depiction was insulting, racist, and designed to be offensive.

They used Nazi caricatures of Jews and applies it to Muslims. What do you expect?

An example.

I am going to warn the class, tomorrow I will show naked pictures of your mom and dad. You do not have right to be offended and can choose to not attend the lecture.

And Muslims revere Prophet Muhammad saws and his wives many times more than we do our parents, whom are also beloved to us.

My parents are as we speak lying naked on a beach near their home in St Maxime.
I don't think they care neither do I. Regardless, if you show naked pictures to kids you get arrested and thrown in jail....

..see different cultural upbringing .....and different mind set. What you consider grievously dishonorable , I find laughably silly.
our Arab brothers lined up to honor Modi to spite us they invited it to OIC. right after his carnage in Kashmir. this is our reality.

reason i advocate action via their own people is there are people who criticise islamophobia and hatred in name of freedom with public importance who lead opinions.
fatwa on suleman rushdi boosted his profile and helped him greatly. he is a lousey writer and has irritable personality.
he would've died in anonymity if we were more tactful and effective.

our reaction greenlighted other people to profit from insulting islam.
the bastard is hated by even policemen who guarded him for his cheap attitude and conduct. he may or may not have had some coordination with British establishment in writing the garbage..

like you mentioned a combined and unified financial and trade embargo by muslims will have desired impact. but sadly there is no unity and mutual hatred and racist arrogance drives our policy.

In 2008, the Tea party (radical fringe Republicans) sent a movie called Obsession: The problem with Islam to every home in the US.

Nothing unique had happened with Muslims, except that anti-Obama movement was in full swing.

That simple campaign brought toxic Islamophobia into every home in the US and changed the ideology of Americans.

They will keep attacking us, regardless of what we do. It is our choice whether to cower and be ashamed of ourselves, or pick up the pen/mic and fight back.

I choose the latter. I refuse to be apologetic. Islam is what it is, we are who we are.

Accept us or not, we are here to stay, and being 25% of humanity, on every continent, in every country, you will have to live with us.
My parents are as we speak lying naked on a beach near their home in St Maxime.
I don't think they care neither do I. Regardless, if you show naked pictures to kids you get arrested and thrown in jail....

..see different cultural upbringing .....and different mind set. What you consider grievously dishonorable , I find laughably silly.

So showing abusive, nude pictures of revered personalities to teens is your idea of freedom of speech, and no one has a right to be offended?

How are you a TTA on this forum populated by Muslim Pakistanis? @WebMaster

What message are we sending to our Pakistani readership?
According to French media reports the teacher did warn his students the contents of his lecture may offend some students and such students could opt out of the session.

Yes but the teacher should have been aware of the fact this could lead to something very terrible.

There is no way to stop certain people from going all the way up to murder if they think their religion has been offended.
In 2008, the Tea party (radical fringe Republicans) sent a movie called Obsession: The problem with Islam to every home in the US.

Nothing unique had happened with Muslims, except that anti-Obama movement was in full swing.

That simple campaign brought toxic Islamophobia into every home in the US and changed the ideology of Americans.

They will keep attacking us, regardless of what we do. It is our choice whether to cower and be ashamed of ourselves, or pick up the pen/mic and fight back.

I choose the latter. I refuse to be apologetic. Islam is what it is, we are who we are.

Accept us or not, we are here to stay, and being 25% of humanity, on every continent, in every country, you will have to live with us.

So showing abusive, nude pictures of revered personalities to teens is your idea of freedom of speech, and no one has a right to be offended?

How are you a TTA on this forum populated by Muslim Pakistanis? @WebMaster

What message are we sending to our Pakistani readership?
She is American so she is putting narrative as per her perspective. However, I totally agree with you on the other point. West newly discovered self claimed "enlightenment" is not something that has fascinated us nor their condemning of our ideology and faith just because they don't agree with us should matter to us either. We exist like they do and we have sentiments like they do. If they will not show empathy and understand our sentiments than they should not expect cooperation from us. Why should we bow when we are not the ones who resort to show insensitivity and phobia in the name of so called freedom of expression bullshit. This bloody nonsense should not make us question our sense of identity to us.
As far as some Indian members are concerned (not all), I literally laugh at their hypocricy. These people are trying to "educate" us who have elected murderer as pm.India where riots have taken lives and honor of saveral innocent souls, where houses were burnt, where Christians were stripped off their clothes and forced to stand naked because of difference of their faith. Where they forced Muslim women to drink petrol and burned them alive will now dare to come an tell us about tolerance. Disgusting and shameful.
Rather than that , if all of us have utilized this platform for solution and useful adjustments than the orientation would have been more positive.

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In 2008, the Tea party (radical fringe Republicans) sent a movie called Obsession: The problem with Islam to every home in the US.

Nothing unique had happened with Muslims, except that anti-Obama movement was in full swing.

That simple campaign brought toxic Islamophobia into every home in the US and changed the ideology of Americans.

They will keep attacking us, regardless of what we do. It is our choice whether to cower and be ashamed of ourselves, or pick up the pen/mic and fight back.

I choose the latter. I refuse to be apologetic. Islam is what it is, we are who we are.

Accept us or not, we are here to stay, and being 25% of humanity, on every continent, in every country, you will have to live with us.

So showing abusive, nude pictures of revered personalities to teens is your idea of freedom of speech, and no one has a right to be offended?

How are you a TTA on this forum populated by Muslim Pakistanis? @WebMaster
You are the one that wanted to show nude pictures of my parents to a class full of kids.
And you have the temerity to lecture me about morality. :lol:
..such a thought would not cross the mind of a decent human being.

Again with this TTA nonsense @AgNoStiC MuSliM @WebMaster . Refer to your PM a few weeks ago, I volunteer to be stripped of my TTA title since it bothers some members so much.
..and of course happy to leave PDF if you want me to..
Yes but the teacher should have been aware of the fact this could lead to something very terrible.

There is no way to stop certain people from going all the way up to murder if they think their religion has been offended.

Of course, in a decent tolerant society we should all be mindful of not causing offense.
In some cases the offense may be unintended due to lack of awareness.
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You are the one that wanted to show nude pictures of my parents to a class full of kids.
And you have the temerity to lecture me about morality. :lol:
..such a thought would not cross the mind of a decent human being.

Again with this TTA nonsense @AgNoStiC MuSliM @WebMaster . Refer to your PM a few weeks ago, I volunteer to be stripped of my TTA title since it bothers some members so much.
..and of course happy to leave PDF if you want me to..
He did not knew about you and as you know that in eastern countries, it is considered inappropriate for people to move freely naked on beach, especially Muslim countries. Therefore, he expected to present this as an anology.However, you spoke according to your lifestyle which confused him.

It's simply a misunderstanding or cultural clash.

In 2008, the Tea party (radical fringe Republicans) sent a movie called Obsession: The problem with Islam to every home in the US.

Nothing unique had happened with Muslims, except that anti-Obama movement was in full swing.

That simple campaign brought toxic Islamophobia into every home in the US and changed the ideology of Americans.

They will keep attacking us, regardless of what we do. It is our choice whether to cower and be ashamed of ourselves, or pick up the pen/mic and fight back.

I choose the latter. I refuse to be apologetic. Islam is what it is, we are who we are.
there is nothing to apologize. we are just fine. we just need unity and better plan to face off war of words against us,
My parents are as we speak lying naked on a beach near their home in St Maxime.
I don't think they care neither do I. Regardless, if you show naked pictures to kids you get arrested and thrown in jail....

..see different cultural upbringing .....and different mind set. What you consider grievously dishonorable , I find laughably silly.
thinking of parents laying naked is not a the thought I would like to bring to my mind but I get you.

its their choice of the life style they choose. yes as you mentioned there are limits and differences across the world about what is acceptable or not. polygamy vs monogamy, age of consent vs child marriages. public display of affection and lack of it. freedom of choice about body (in designated areas).

Of course, in a decent tolerant society we should all be mindful of not causing offense.
In some cases the offense may be unintended due to lack of awareness.
you are correct
this is why people first learn about the cultural sensitives before meeting and visiting people of other cultures. there is simply no excuse today of ignorance due to the information age.
as for person taking offence there are also limitations where the reaction should be in proportion to the offence caused and should be different to how a primate should react.
reacting like a Neanderthal just reinforces the belief that the subject of ridicule indeed lacks basic social skills and mental faculties to effectively counter the offence in a peaceful and civilized manner and will have law on his side too.
Paris: French police were questioning nine people in custody on Saturday after a suspect beheaded a school teacher in broad daylight on the street in a Paris suburb, police sources said.

Police shot the attacker dead minutes after he murdered 47-year-old history teacher Samuel Paty on Friday.

Investigators were trying to establish whether the attacker, who was shot dead by police, had acted alone or had accomplices. French media reported that he was an 18-year-old of Chechen origin.

Paty had earlier this month shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a civics class on freedom of expression, angering a number of Muslim parents. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous.

Four relatives of the attacker, including a minor, were detained in the immediate aftermath of the attack in the middle-class suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, according to police sources.

Five more were detained overnight, among them two parents of pupils at the College du Bois d’Aulne where the teacher was employed.
This one of the few times I would agree with an Indian, the teacher was stupid to bring this up in the first place and can't they teach in other ways instead of insulting religious figures? Their is always a limit to speech you can't go around and insulting and not expect a blow back.

This teacher had it coming for being this stupid, an educated idiot, sadly he/she fell in the realm of Darwin Theory so in essence a stupid was eliminated from the gene pool.
Nothing the teacher did (other than physically trying to murder the student) justifies violence like this.

Absolutely nothing.

The student committed a violent, depraved and criminal act and deserved to be gunned down like a mad dog in the street.

Condemnation of what the student did should come first and foremost. Discussions on how people from different cultures should try and educate each other about their sensitivities and how to not offend have no place in this thread - leave that discussion for another time and place.

Refer to post # 2 - Understandable but please find better worded image to convey your perspective/reaction in general. Language factor.

Refer to post # 2 - Understandable but please find better worded image to convey your perspective/reaction in general. Language factor.

Honestly I wish i could find a better image to represent my expression about the news .. no offense to anyone, but this is actually what I felt when i first read the news .
I've heard that depictions of Mohammed were common in early Islam. Is the anger more from the image or the satrical nature of the image.?
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