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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

You are confused about the Makkah period and Medinah period of the Seerah.

During the Makkah period, Muslims were forbidden by Allah swt to fight back, whereas during the Medinah period we were commanded to fight back.

We should not advocate killing. It is counter-intuitive.

fight back, yes. When the fight is made with words, then should you use weapons ?
if someone is not logic, if he is not rational and not decent, should you kill him and become illogic, irrational and indecent yourself ?

So then why did the French and other colonialist racists kill millions of innocent Brown/Olive skinned Muslims? Why is that justified and allowed? If that is okay then why do you complain when SOME Muslims play up? Is it because white lives are more important and sacred than Brown/Olive skinned Muslim lives? Please explain.
Muslims in the West have impeccable character. We are educated, tax-payers, and commit less crimes and moral vices than other populations.

Many of us are physicians, engineers, lawyers, professors, business owners, and add much to these countries.

The fact is that we are taken for granted and our sensitivities are mocked on a daily basis.

Sometimes a Muslim simply has had enough, like the Arab US army psychiatrist who had enough listening to stories of abuse of Muslim women and children by his peers, or the Muslim chaplain in Guantanamo who was accused of being a terrorist because he tried to stop prison guards from raping/abusing prisoners, taking away prayer rugs, or flushing the Quran.

The former committed a crime and murders his peers, the later became an activist for the prisoners and went on to give speeches around the world to stop it.

If a society pushes a minority into a corner by badgering them again and again, eventually a backlash will come from even the most mild-mannered individual.

Why create that situation in the first place?

Western governments are directly funding TTP, Daesh, and Indian state to commit terrorism against Pakistan.

People like you blame the victims.

Do you see Muslims drawing abusive nude pictures or abusive cartoons of wives of their leaders?

Lets make it clear, disagreement with Islam is ok. We don't expect Non-Muslims to agree.

However posting abusive Nazi era-esque racist and offensive cartoons is deliberately to insult and create an environment of a siege.

You are confused about the Makkah period and Medinah period of the Seerah.

During the Makkah period, Muslims were forbidden by Allah swt to fight back, whereas during the Medinah period we were commanded to fight back.

Reality is that any system of belief, which is worth its salt, must defend itself, physically if need be, against people who wish to stamp it out.

It is necessary for us Muslims in the West to be the front line in condemning the hypocrisy of the West's relationship with the Muslim world. The West deserves to know the truth.

This is why we get the biggest backlash, our mosques get attacked, our women abused or hurt by cowardly racists, and our young men beaten by gangs or murdered.

Do we cower? No. We proudly walk in our hijab, beard daily. We interact with people who hate our guts due to our faith, we treat them and heal them (bi iznillah.) We defend them in courts. We design their buildings, cities, cars, electronics.

We walk proudly to our masajid day to day, knowing full well that it can be our last day on earth. Every masjid in the US faces threats and attempts at arson, vandalism, and massacre.

Maghrib ke wadeeyon mei gonji azaan hamari.

Denmark supported, publicized, and refused to control the wave of abusive content sweeping this country, which hurt sentiments of Danish Muslims the most.

They suffered economically for it too.

We should not advocate killing. It is counter-intuitive.

However the act has been done.. if we judge by our faith, it is not allowed for us to condemn him. He acted on his love of Rasulullah saws. We pray for his high station in paradise.

He is a modern day Ghazi Ilm ud Din Shaheed, who had the largest funeral ever held in Lahore, whom Allama Iqbal personally led his Janaza.

When colonialist racists kill millions of non-Whites it seems to be justified and everyone remains silent. As soon as a white person is killed by a non-white individual, it seems that everyone wants that non-white person's entire race, religion, culture and heritage condemned and maligned. Why the double standard?
How we act is not going to change anything. Before WoT, no Muslim was carrying out any attacks and relations between Muslims and Non-Muslims were friendly, however that did not stop the West from popularizing Salman Rushdie's abusive book against the Prophet saws.

They are going to keep behaving like this, regardless of what we do. This is the conclusion I have come to from my experiences with them.

All we can do is delay the inevitable, because their society is becoming more extreme and polarized as time goes on. We are a convenient scapegoat for their problems. It is easy t hate Muslims in the West, there is no fear of any backlash, except a few isolated incidents.

Compare this to the international outrage Pres. Mahmoud Ahmedi Nejad got when he opened a conference on the Holocaust in Iran.

Not going to happen brother. The only pressure can come from Muslim countries boycotting these countries. It is high time we start doing so to France.
our Arab brothers lined up to honor Modi to spite us they invited it to OIC. right after his carnage in Kashmir. this is our reality.

reason i advocate action via their own people is there are people who criticise islamophobia and hatred in name of freedom with public importance who lead opinions.
fatwa on suleman rushdi boosted his profile and helped him greatly. he is a lousey writer and has irritable personality.
he would've died in anonymity if we were more tactful and effective.

our reaction greenlighted other people to profit from insulting islam.
the bastard is hated by even policemen who guarded him for his cheap attitude and conduct. he may or may not have had some coordination with British establishment in writing the garbage..

like you mentioned a combined and unified financial and trade embargo by muslims will have desired impact. but sadly there is no unity and mutual hatred and racist arrogance drives our policy.
So you are saying 1.9 billion Muslims will instantly become murders when the holy Prophet is insulted. I feel certain that 99.9999% of the 1.9 billion Muslims are secure in their own faith, secure enough to ignore the occasional idiot that chooses to offend Islam.

Some humans will react violently against tyranny, oppression, marginalisation and discrimination others will take it silently, some of the Muslim students in that class took it silently this one didn't, the teacher provoked a community, a foreign culture and a religion under the guise of freedom of expression and sometimes that provocation can lead to dire circumstances, human emotions are complex if you do not have the decency to tolerate other peoples beliefs, culture, way of life and civilisation than at-least have the decency to keep your hatred within yourself and not use it as means of discriminations against a community you hate.
But can he behead you for that " hurting sentiments" ?
Is it justified ?
Shouldn't that motivation and thought process to behead someone be challenged/ thrown out in a civilized society ?

Is it justified and civilised to Lynch a Muslim on the streets of India just for consuming beef?
I'm not surprise that most of the negative news about Muslims are posted by these pitiful indians. These cesspool dwellers seriously love to troll the internet with their sensationalized and fake contents, that's why india remains a cesspool even after 70 years of independence from their white master.

Either way, this is an extreme minority, what about the insane white man who went on a killing spree in NZ targeting muslims? Are they being reported like what is being reported when it comes to the Muslims? What about the genocide being done by the U.S invasion of Iraq and other Muslims countries on the ground of liberation? What about how those delusional hindus treating Muslims in india? What about how Myanmar persecuting the Muslims? The list goes on, are the persecution of Muslims being reported fairly at all? They are all bias and being fan by the media from the west and also from the cesspool india.

I find that Muslims are the most genuine people out there, they are down to earth and are one of the most peaceful and most pleasant people around. The real pest are the indians, they go around with their extreme hindu nationalism spreading fake news to other worthless contents to boost their nationalism because they have nothing to be proud of apart from their cesspool country. The indians contribute absolutely nothing to the world, with their extreme nationalism going I can't imagine of the atrocities they will commit in the near and far future against minority.
So then why did the French and other colonialist racists kill millions of innocent Brown/Olive skinned Muslims? Why is that justified and allowed? If that is okay then why do you complain when SOME Muslims play up? Is it because white lives are more important and sacred than Brown/Olive skinned Muslim lives? Please explain.

When colonialist racists kill millions of non-Whites it seems to be justified and everyone remains silent. As soon as a white person is killed by a non-white individual, it seems that everyone wants that non-white person's entire race, religion, culture and heritage condemned and maligned. Why the double standard?

Who said killing of millions of brown /black and what not is justified ? It’s up to you to ask them about it. But do not link it with the killing of a teacher who was murdered in the name of our prophet and in the name if Islam in the context of their own freedom of speech.
Who said killing of millions of brown /black and what not is justified ? It’s up to you to ask them about it. But do not link it with the killing of a teacher who was murdered in the name of our prophet and in the name if Islam in the context of their own freedom of speech.

Is the murder of 1 white teacher more important than that of millions of Brown/Olive skinned Muslims?
Do you see Muslims drawing abusive nude pictures or abusive cartoons of wives of their leaders?

Lets make it clear, disagreement with Islam is ok. We don't expect Non-Muslims to agree.

However posting abusive Nazi era-esque racist and offensive cartoons is deliberately to insult and create an environment of a siege.

We dont Need binoculars to search far out to see how momineens react To other religions go through pdf and there must be thousands of posts abusing hindus and their religion. And i am talking Proper swearing they dont even Sugar coat anything ,

the thing is you probably must have read or “may be “ written a few yourselves however when it comes To your beleives you expect respect and support a
Cowardly action however when it comes to the mominees they dont give a flying fck they simply go For the head !!
now Tell
Me if this isnt the highest order of hippocrats than what is .. try to be fair when answering
Sorry, you might have seen a few dozens of mindless creatures who know nothing and generalizing that to a Lot of Pakistaniz..

I have not seen any Pakistani in my circles disrespecting or cursing other religions
Talking from experience few years i have been here , thing is those abusing other religions are never condemned by anyone
The teacher can't be more stupid...he knows how violently muslims react to things that are against Mohammad....he need not have displayed those insulting cartoons to teach freedom of expression...
such stupid childish acts will only bring animosity.
Muslims should leave countries like France .It's clear the more muslims engage in violence the more French are going to engage in more demeaning acts against Mohammad..
It's better to ignore these things if they want a peaceful life in France.
But in this case I don't have much sympathy for the teacher as displaying such things and insulting a religion in a classroom where muslim children are there sends wrong signals to those muslim children..they feel they are being discriminated..they are being targetted....no teacher should ever discuss anything bad about any religion in a class where children of different religions are there(this applies more to pakistani teachers and lecturers who talk badly about hindus in classrooms)
I would like to see how indian will react when americans make fun or kali shambu ram krishna ganpati if even then you dont react it will just show us that you hindus are no better than dead.
Moking or disrespecting islam is no less than what holocost for muslims.. make a law in the world that no disrespect for any religion and if someone take law in his hand then punish it we will accept but skunk like you who wants muslims to leave france sud tell indians to leave arab first.
Another parent, Carine Mendes, 41, whose child had attended the class, offered a more nuanced view of what happened. She called the teacher “a very sweet person, in his words, in his expressions.”

Ms. Mendes said the teacher had suggested to Muslim students who did not want to see the cartoon that they leave the classroom temporarily, and had asked those who remained not to tell their Muslim classmates about the cartoon in order not to offend their faith.

“He really tried to do things with respect, he didn’t want to hurt anyone,” she said.

But in a second class where the teacher gave the course, a shocked student refused to leave the room and told her father about what happened. He was the father who later complained in the video posted online.

The next day, the teacher apologized to his students and the principal sent an email message to parents to try to clear up the situation. The teacher’s suggestion to leave the classroom, the principal said, had been insensitive.

I think the teacher was trying to make a point for his course in an odd way, but situation should have ended there(what is in the bold). This foolish teenager was 100% in the wrong and for all we know he could be another one of those drug users/alcohol drinkers who thinks he has the bigger right to get offended than other Muslims even though he is probably a worse Muslim than other Muslims. So the sooner the Muslims get idiots out of leadership positions , the better their own situation becomes. Whatever kind of leadership we have now in our communities is ineffective and not going to get us anywhere. It's no wonder our mosques are run by hypocrites who steal the donations to put into their own personal businesses and why we have so many hypocrites.
So the sooner the Muslims get idiots out of leadership positions , the better their own situation becomes.

The sooner jewish athiests are toppled from their priviliged position as the masters of the western world the better

jewish athiests have basicly brought about the 'weimar culture' form one end of the globe to another

nothing as sacred and there is no respect for sancitiy. everything is meant to be ridiculede and debased according to their psyche

but the material events or occurances in history that is deemed sacred to athiest jews (such as the holocaust) cannot be ridiculed
The sooner jewish athiests are toppled from their priviliged position as the masters of the western world the better

jewish athiests have basicly brought about the 'weimar culture' form one end of the globe to another

nothing as sacred and there is no respect for sancitiy. everything is meant to be ridiculede and debased according to their psyche

but the material events or occurances in history that is deemed sacred to athiest jews (such as the holocaust) cannot be ridiculed

I would like to see how indian will react when americans make fun or kali shambu ram krishna ganpati if even then you dont react it will just show us that you hindus are no better than dead.
Moking or disrespecting islam is no less than what holocost for muslims.. make a law in the world that no disrespect for any religion and if someone take law in his hand then punish it we will accept but skunk like you who wants muslims to leave france sud tell indians to leave arab first.
you can mock hindu gods as much as you want...this is the land of charvaka,goutama siddhartha,Mahaveera and countless other sages who had admonished evils of hinduism and reformed it from time to time.
Even Ambedkar wrote so many books mocking hindu gods like krishna and rama....I myself used to make fun of gods even until a few years ago...no one in my family,friends or relatives were bothered..we made fun of our own gods in a lot of films(you watch old south indian movies).
Hinduism(that includes sikhism,buddhism and jainism) is the most tolerant religion in the world along with some east asian religions like confucianism and shintoism.
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