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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

So it's a form of respect to chop the head and you support the act ? It is good for you if you show respect for your guide but expecting everyone to do the same or else chopping the head is mental illness..
You Indian's mental illness and state terrorism are killing innocent women, kids and old people is occupied Kashmir, you are destroying mosques and churches in India, you cannot not understand the respect of prophets, If you supporting blasphemy of holy prophet and think that its freedom of speech then you are also mentally sick. Why stubborn western people are doing charlie hebdo brand satanic activities? Remember ! Its not good for the peace of this world .... respect other religion and save this earth from religious extremism. We are Muslims are we respect other religions, we expect the same from others . . . .
Talk about indoctrinating/brainwashing/programming young children with communal hate lessons, the french education system is breedng next hitlers for sure.

Not trolling - ask the same question the guy below did:

Nothing is sacred to athiest jews. not even the faith that they allegedly profess to hold dear

Okay, but if Muslims got their stuff together and knew how to exercise effective policies and leadership I'd love to live in the Muslim world even though I'm not born there. I am holding Muslims to higher standards since we are believers of God and we are supposed to obey him. It would be nice if we rebuild our society from ground up and create a strong and educated society. Afterwards you can deal with matters much more effectively and we wouldn't need to care what happens anywhere else unless someone is plotting against us.
you can mock hindu gods as much as you want...this is the land of charvaka,goutama siddhartha,Mahaveera and countless other sages who had admonished evils of hinduism and reformed it from time to time.
Even Ambedkar wrote so many books mocking hindu gods like krishna and rama....I myself used to make fun of gods even until a few years ago...no one in my family,friends or relatives were bothered..we made fun of our own gods in a lot of films(you watch old south indian movies).
Hinduism(that includes sikhism,buddhism and jainism) is the most tolerant religion in the world along with some east asian religions like confucianism and shintoism.
If someone make fun of your mother and you sont do anything and call yourself tolerant then its called "bayghariti" you clearly dont believe in those gods then why following them slimply..
Laws are not bad of world then why dont simply make those Law a god.
I do not know, what blasphemous cartoons has to do with teaching in the first place. The teacher was supposed to be irresticated for showing controversial content to students. What kind of school is this?
France's islamphobic agenda will not impact upon Islamic world in anyway hence they resort to attention seeking behavior.
They literally have emotional intelligence below the critical level. I do know how many more centuries these phobic mindsets need to evolve into empathic beings.


This is why nationalistic Islam is not the right approach. Islam is spiritual and about recognizing your Creator and worshipping him. That's how it was with the Prophet's and at the time of our Prophet and that's how they become effective and strong people. So we need not to misunderstand strength, it is not whatever this is. We need Arabs to establish an Islamic state and they will at the time of the Mahdi. And it will only work with the effective leadership of the Mahdi as God guides him to the right path and not whatever we are doing now. Once you have a strong state like this led by wise leadership then you can have effective counter policies and you gain respect around the world. That state could take steps that collectively punish France without being passive aggressive and by legitimate means such as no longer awarding contracts to French companies and so on. Also that state will promote more cooperation between Muslim nations which is needed on all fronts.

So we need to be wise and effective in our approach and never forget that Islam is about dedicating yourself to God not being a nationalistic Muslim that wants to fight and win wars and fight unnecessary wars and neglect all the Islamic laws and methods. There is nothing spiritual in that and it makes no different than European colonalists or Americans who cheer on about bombing other nations and wanting to do so and so. Fight for legitimate and just causes and seek no more after achieving goals. That is how we should view fighting in Islam, it's not something we should seek. And if we are forced to fight for land or whatever the reason is we do so to achieve objectives and go no farther than that.

I don't see us having effective policies nor being close to God yet on a collective scale until God helps the Arabs and provides them right leadership. So until then just be patient, focus on education and our prayers/obligations to God and God expects us to be patient than he will help guide us to a good society with good Muslims and a strong society.
You Indian's mental illness and state terrorism are killing innocent women, kids and old people is occupied Kashmir, you are destroying mosques and churches in India, you cannot not understand the respect of prophets, If you supporting blasphemy of holy prophet and think that its freedom of speech then you are also mentally sick. Why stubborn western people are doing charlie hebdo brand satanic activities? Remember ! Its not good for the peace of this world .... respect other religion and save this earth from religious extremism. We are Muslims are we respect other religions, we expect the same from others . . . .
Having a good heart is enough for me..
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I do not know, what blasphemous cartoons has to do with teaching in the first place. The teacher was supposed to be irresticated for showing controversial content to students. What kind of school is this?
France's islamphobic agenda will not impact upon Islamic world in anyway hence they resort to attention seeking behavior.
They literally have emotional intelligence below the critical level. I do know how many more centuries these phobic mindsets need to evolve into empathic beings.

I agree with your sentiments. I find it difficult to absorb that on this thread certain respected members are insinuating and suggesting today is a shameful days for ALL Muslims.
We as a faith with 2 billion cannot be held responsible for the behaviour of a handful of rogue elements. As I have already posted - no sane person would accept this behaviour. What I find incredible is how and why a teacher is educating his pupils with potentially controversial material. Doesn’t matter what religion - one would expect a certain amount of restraining from potentially offending anyone let alone children.
Today this yet again has topped the news in the western world. Let’ this be a day to bury bad news elsewhere. Let us highlight this and yet again make the boogeymen the Muslamics. We have enough “hateful and derogatory “ views without members suggesting all of the western world should remove law abiding Muslims from their domain as a protest to this.
It’s a ridiculous stance and some need to rethink their thinkology . By the way France has been guilty of misdemeanours throughout the Muslim
World - perhaps it’s time for them to re think their strategy too.
I’ve just read - he was showing NAKED pictures of the prophet - please all you souls out their - what the hell has this got to do with any sort of educational services? I don’t understand why this has not been brought out in the open. By no means does this act allow some idiot to take his life but for goodness sake what the hell is this teacher thinking when doing this?
The teacher was wrong to display the cartoon but his killer was even more on the wrong.
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The teacher as wrong to display the cartoon but his killer was even more on the wrong.

According to French media reports the teacher did warn his students the contents of his lecture may offend some students and such students could opt out of the session.
I’ve just read - he was showing NAKED pictures of the prophet - please all you souls out their - what the hell has this got to do with any sort of educational services? I don’t understand why this has not been brought out in the open. By no means does this act allow some idiot to take his life but for goodness sake what the hell is this teacher thinking when doing this?

As usual they are trying to minimize this point. It is the same issue with Danish cartoon, they focused on the fact that depiction of Rasulullah saws is not allowed for Muslims. What they neglected to mention (and every Western media was guilty of this) was that the depiction was insulting, racist, and designed to be offensive.

They used Nazi caricatures of Jews and applies it to Muslims. What do you expect?
According to French media reports the teacher did warn his students the contents of his lecture may offend some students and such students could opt out of the session.

An example.

I am going to warn the class, tomorrow I will show naked pictures of your mom and dad. You do not have right to be offended and can choose to not attend the lecture.

And Muslims revere Prophet Muhammad saws and his wives many times more than we do our parents, whom are also beloved to us.
:china: :pakistan:
I'm not surprise that most of the negative news about Muslims are posted by these pitiful indians. These cesspool dwellers seriously love to troll the internet with their sensationalized and fake contents, that's why india remains a cesspool even after 70 years of independence from their white master.

Either way, this is an extreme minority, what about the insane white man who went on a killing spree in NZ targeting muslims? Are they being reported like what is being reported when it comes to the Muslims? What about the genocide being done by the U.S invasion of Iraq and other Muslims countries on the ground of liberation? What about how those delusional hindus treating Muslims in india? What about how Myanmar persecuting the Muslims? The list goes on, are the persecution of Muslims being reported fairly at all? They are all bias and being fan by the media from the west and also from the cesspool india.

I find that Muslims are the most genuine people out there, they are down to earth and are one of the most peaceful and most pleasant people around. The real pest are the indians, they go around with their extreme hindu nationalism spreading fake news to other worthless contents to boost their nationalism because they have nothing to be proud of apart from their cesspool country. The indians contribute absolutely nothing to the world, with their extreme nationalism going I can't imagine of the atrocities they will commit in the near and far future against minority.

Thanks friend for posting your thoughts. We are very glad to have allies like you..
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