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Featured Two Muslim women are stabbed under the Eiffel Tower by 'pair of white female attackers shouting 'Dirty Arabs' amid rising tensions in Paris

Your French buddies have time and time again demonstrated they have a BIG problem with Muslims and Islam in general. Why else would the French people support the hateful drawings against Muslims? Why else would the French government support the drawings? Why else would there be the need to draw distasteful and hate filled drawings against Muslims and their final prophet? You are too stupid to understand.

France is a conflicted society. A militantly Christian socitey that has deep roots in Catholicism. Yet it has betrayed its own roots to become ardent followers of secularism. I am not surprised at the hate that specifically the French people are conveying against Muslims. French people have an identity issue.

Hold on one minute French ambassador. France did more than just drawing cartoons. It has colonised and murdered countless people in former colonies including many Muslims. France has stood shoulder to shoulder in wars where the US and Western countries have torn apart Muslim countries. France has a history of hate against Muslims and this is well documented. Cartoons are just another hate manifestation.

Saudi Arabia and Iran don't draw cartoons to ridicule an entire religion or civilisation. Western nations do more than just drawing cartoons. They invade and occupy nations. Nations are destroyed. Here you are telling us to laugh it off.

I understand that you Indians have found a very useful anti-Muslim ally in France. Don't preach us to laugh it off. Don't burn whilst we condemn the French hypocrisy.

Now be a man and preach France to abandon relations with Islamic nations they disapprove so much. You cannot have it both ways.
They have deeper roots in secularism than Catholicism for a very long time now, they are militantly secular if anything.

How is your throwing that whole country under the bus any different from people generalizing about the muslim populace there ?

It is a clash of cultures/civilizations.. the proper thing to do is for the westerner migrants to Islamic countries to accept the local laws and customs (which they by and large do) , and for deeply conservative religious muslims to accept how the western folk live their lives and how their culture is.. those guys ridicule and make fun of everything.

Didn't the GIGN forces for example convert to Islam before the grand mosque siege and subsequent raid ?

To murder someone so brutally on the streets is not acceptable, imagine if some French immigrant in Pakistan would have killed a local in Peshawar for speaking ill against France or something.

lol, can't even imagine, right ?

think about that for a bit.
What this man did is an act of terrorism and no different than what the Muslim boy did to the teacher
You serious ?

so the teacher who got his head chopped off is as much as fault for displaying those cartoons as his killer is ?

There is nothing to reason here. We have passed that stage a long time ago. We are now at a stage where both Muslim and Western states can only hate each other through various ways.

So what do you propose ? War ? Regime change in the West ? In case of the latter you would need the help of Russia and the intellectuals in the West and this would be a long effort.

You should also ask yourself who has more blood on their hands. Assad who you are holding up as a role model or these women?

Why are you mouthing words presented by Western governments and their stooges among Muslims ? Do you really think groups like the SNC ( Syrian National Council ) or the White Hats are innocent, non-aligned, kindly, intellectual people who have the utmost empathy for Syrians and will take Syria into a shining, harmonious future ?

Below are the burqas of the all-women-crewed Maria TV which was an Egyptian channel started by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists :


This channel was abolished after the Egyptian citizens overthrew the MB government of Morsi.
This is what French people want Muslims to accept.
Mod edited:pictures removed due to offence caused

Let's talk about the images themselves. There are many more, but I will post a few. What is France trying to prove by conveying such messages? After all such images are drawn with a clear and intent message in mind. When the govenment stands up and supports such vile messages towards a minority group what are we to make of it?

Now put that into perspective. The mods had to remove the pictures because they are offensive.

So what do you propose ? War ? Regime change in the West ? In case of the latter you would need the help of Russia and the intellectuals in the West and this would be a long effort.

Why are you mouthing words presented by Western governments and their stooges among Muslims ? Do you really think groups like the SNC ( Syrian National Council ) or the White Hats are innocent, non-aligned, kindly, intellectual people who have the utmost empathy for Syrians and will take Syria into a shining, harmonious future ?

Below are the burqas of the all-women-crewed Maria TV which was an Egyptian channel started by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists :


This channel was abolished after the Egyptian citizens overthrew the MB government of Morsi.

I think we are going to see more of the same. Hate crimes, killings more cartoons and the vicious circle won't end. We are in this for the very long run.

Do you know why France and the Western world is behaving in such an inappropriate manner? They are insecure and unsatisfied with their efforts to change Islamic nations according to their way of life. They tried to destabilise the Middle East through wars and bloodshed. It didn't work out. Many Muslims aren't willing to give up their faith and way of life to follow the Western model. The West absolutely hates people who don't follow their way of life. The West believes it is entitled to impose its way of life onto others. Even through force.
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I ask the readers to do a deep think.

Asma al Assad, the wife of the Syrian President :


And what seems to be common in France :

View attachment 681280

What's your point here? That's just some anecdotal "evidence" for what exactly? Are you saying its ok for France to restrict speech or religious expression? Kind of like how they do with denying the holocaust?
Arabs are breeding hindu termites in their land, any self respecting muslim govt wouldn't allow hindu terrorist RSS build temple there. UAE does. They are in deep bed with Zionists, your daddy.


oh my, are arabs invading and ruining europe like libya, syria, iraq, afghanistan.

Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are headquarters of ISIS and Taliban.
Irony is that they are doing exact same thing for which they hate Muslims for, When western Armies attacked Muslims in their own countries, some Muslims launch attacks in West, using the logic that they will target innocent to raise the human cost of war, now a teacher was beheaded and days late 2 random Muslim women were attacked for no reason , isn't that the same thing AQ and ISIS do ?
Makes sense that you fear ISIS but why the Taliban?? What did those folks ever do to you? :lol:
Why are his people even living in Arab countries?
you are so clueless and absurd that you exposed your ignorance in the first sentence.
Europeans are treated like royalty in the Arab princely states. they are well looked after and live in exclusive accommodations. dont confuse the terrorist groups with general population the Arab governments. they look after them very well.

if you are pointing at how daesh treated Christians then its treatment was equally brutal to other Muslims too.
Why is a bigot like him even allowed on this forum?
imperialists must accept the conquered as their own citizens, Europe must take responsibility.

All those African countries speach European languages
Right? That guy needs to be banned. All he does is spew hatred and never learns.
If this happened in China, the whole hell will break loose...
In China atheists stay away from religion
In west atheists are obsessed with religion more than religious nutters themselves.
Albinism is a disease that can't be cured.
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