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A Take On Communal Violence In India

Mad Scientist 2.0

Apr 14, 2020
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In the following video the narrator tried to explain the relation between segregation and communal violence though he missed many points and according to his own data it does not collaborate well like in Hyderabad it is more segregated second to Ahmedabad but communal disturbance is much lower in Hyderabad with all its shortsightedness the video do explain in lucid way the co-relation between segregation and communal violence. Do watch and share your views.

@jamahir @xeuss @TheGreatMaratha @Joe Shearer @SecularNationalist @secular.muslim @AfrazulMandal @Politico @Areesh @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Pandora @masterchief_mirza @Naofumi @prashantazazel @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee
I think most communal violence in India stems from negative perceptions of the other's food habits.

The communal violence and religious segregation problems are quite serious in vegetarian Hindu/Jain dominated states such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka etc. These states are dominated by militant vegetarian communities that don't even eat eggs, and some won't even eat onion/garlic etc. Many Hindu/Jain religious customs practiced in these states revolve around ritual fasting, temple visits.

Many Hindus who do eat meat in Northern India (only chicken and mutton at the most) are often against Halal slaughter. They think it's unnecessarily cruel, and a bloodsport. Some Hindus have lately started eating pork to antagonize Muslims although they never did in the past as pork is just not a part of mainstream Indian cuisine. It's a whole new rabbit hole of poison which is compounding each year, each day BJP remains in office the problem is getting worse. At least when Congress was in power, these negative beliefs remained buried in one's closet. Now it's all out in the open.

On the other hand, Indian Muslims must sacrifice a goat for Qurbani (they are unable to sacrifice a cow, bull or calf anymore but I guess, buffalo is still legal) - the Hindus fail to understand the significance of this rituals, and why Muslims are doing it. They haven't heard of Abraham or Ishmael, or any other stories. So when Pakistani posters on here talk about those things, it bounces right off their heads.

According to Hindu theology as practised in these states, only Asuras (demons) will consume meat with so much gusto. That is the exact thought process that governs the minds of tens of millions of Hindus, all of whom are BJP voters = their core base.

In the worldview of such Hindus, the Muslims are committing and accumulating serious sins by murdering the animals for their rituals. The word "non vegetarian" in India is not just used for food habit preferences but also a way of life which is unclean, and impure. According to the communalized vegetarian Hindus and Jains of Brahmin, Kshtriya, and Banya class, Muslims since they must eat non-vegetarian, are unclean and impure by definition. Amusingly, p*rn videos are often labelled as "non-veg videos".

Never mind that in states such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, etc. many Hindus eat non-vegetarian products. Also all tribals in India eat meat. The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%, but that is also the BJP's vote share.

So, basically India is being held hostage by the most rabid supporters of PETA = on steroids.

@xeuss your thoughts on this? Don't have to answer if this topic cuts very close, and brings back any unpleasant memories.
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I think most communal violence in India stems from negative perceptions of the other's food habits.

The communal violence and religious segregation problems are quite serious in vegetarian Hindu/Jain dominated states such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka etc. These states are dominated by militant vegetarian communities that don't even eat eggs, and some won't even eat onion/garlic etc. Many Hindu/Jain religious customs practiced in these states revolve around ritual fasting, temple visits.

Many Hindus who do eat meat in Northern India (only chicken and mutton at the most) are often against Halal slaughter. They think it's unnecessarily cruel, and a bloodsport. Some Hindus have lately started eating pork to antagonize Muslims although they never did in the past as pork is just not a part of mainstream Indian cuisine. It's a whole new rabbit hole of poison which is compounding each year, each day BJP remains in office the problem is getting worse. At least when Congress was in power, these negative beliefs remained buried in one's closet. Now it's all out in the open.

On the other hand, Indian Muslims must sacrifice a goat for Qurbani (they are unable to sacrifice a cow, bull or calf anymore but I guess, buffalo is still legal) - the Hindus fail to understand the significance of this rituals, and why Muslims are doing it. They haven't heard of Abraham or Ishmael, or any other stories. So when Pakistani posters on here talk about those things, it bounces right off their heads.

According to Hindu theology as practised in these states, only Asuras (demons) will consume meat with so much gusto. That is the exact thought process that governs the minds of tens of millions of Hindus, all of whom are BJP voters = their core base.

In the worldview of such Hindus, the Muslims are committing and accumulating serious sins by murdering the animals for their rituals. The word "non vegetarian" in India is not just used for food habit preferences but also a way of life which is unclean, and impure. According to the communalized vegetarian Hindus and Jains of Brahmin, Kshtriya, and Banya class, Muslims since they must eat non-vegetarian, are unclean and impure by definition. Amusingly, p*rn videos are often labelled as "non-veg videos".

Never mind that in states such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, etc. many Hindus eat non-vegetarian products. Also all tribals in India eat meat. The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%, but that is also the BJP's vote share.

On an uninvited point of information - ALL Hindus in West Bengal eat fish and meat (except that freakish micro-minority who are vegetarians).

So, basically India is being held hostage by the most rabid supporters of PETA = on steroids.

@xeuss your thoughts on this? Don't have to answer if this topic cuts very close, and brings back any unpleasant memories.
I think most communal violence in India stems from negative perceptions of the other's food habits.

The communal violence and religious segregation problems are quite serious in vegetarian Hindu/Jain dominated states such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka etc. These states are dominated by militant vegetarian communities that don't even eat eggs, and some won't even eat onion/garlic etc. Many Hindu/Jain religious customs practiced in these states revolve around ritual fasting, temple visits.

Many Hindus who do eat meat in Northern India (only chicken and mutton at the most) are often against Halal slaughter. They think it's unnecessarily cruel, and a bloodsport. Some Hindus have lately started eating pork to antagonize Muslims although they never did in the past as pork is just not a part of mainstream Indian cuisine. It's a whole new rabbit hole of poison which is compounding each year, each day BJP remains in office the problem is getting worse. At least when Congress was in power, these negative beliefs remained buried in one's closet. Now it's all out in the open.

On the other hand, Indian Muslims must sacrifice a goat for Qurbani (they are unable to sacrifice a cow, bull or calf anymore but I guess, buffalo is still legal) - the Hindus fail to understand the significance of this rituals, and why Muslims are doing it. They haven't heard of Abraham or Ishmael, or any other stories. So when Pakistani posters on here talk about those things, it bounces right off their heads.

According to Hindu theology as practised in these states, only Asuras (demons) will consume meat with so much gusto. That is the exact thought process that governs the minds of tens of millions of Hindus, all of whom are BJP voters = their core base.

In the worldview of such Hindus, the Muslims are committing and accumulating serious sins by murdering the animals for their rituals. The word "non vegetarian" in India is not just used for food habit preferences but also a way of life which is unclean, and impure. According to the communalized vegetarian Hindus and Jains of Brahmin, Kshtriya, and Banya class, Muslims since they must eat non-vegetarian, are unclean and impure by definition. Amusingly, p*rn videos are often labelled as "non-veg videos".

Never mind that in states such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, etc. many Hindus eat non-vegetarian products. Also all tribals in India eat meat. The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%, but that is also the BJP's vote share.

So, basically India is being held hostage by the most rabid supporters of PETA = on steroids.

@xeuss your thoughts on this? Don't have to answer if this topic cuts very close, and brings back any unpleasant memories.

Interesting take. I realized this long ago, growing up with Indian friends and observing their mannerisms. Many Hindus who even do not believe in Hinduism as a faith still follow these vegetarian guidelines as a matter of culture. It is very strong in their communities.

They would have a hard time believing that Aryans who settled Afghanistan and Pakistan consumed meat in large quantities and rejected the caste system. Indeed their religion was much like pagan idolatry of ancient Greece, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, and other regions.
Never mind that in states such as West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, etc. many Hindus eat non-vegetarian products. Also all tribals in India eat meat. The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%,
Yep. That's the shizznit right there. Bhaktistanis be like "malfunction, source programming conflict detected, initiate self destruct sequence".

When Muslims do it, it's dirty and demonic . When non-muslims do it, let's simply look away. There are reasons behind this contradiction. I've lost count of the number of times I have mentioned these reasons.

They're purely within the psychological sphere.
I don't know which world Shantanu lives in with his statistics of 40% vegetarians. The percentage of Vegetarians is not that high and all of them don't vote BJP also. Punjab for example.has a very good number of vegetarians and the.hindus there more than the Sikhs vote congress than BJP.

More hindus eat pork to spite hindus? LoL. There are communities in parts of the country who traditionally eat pork and those continue to eat pork. Nobody else does so apart from some enthusiasts in urban areas.

Hindu religion does discourage meat everyday for many reasons and hindus like to eat all kinds of food including vegetables, diary, pulses,.legumes,eggs and meat.
I don't know which world Shantanu lives in with his statistics of 40% vegetarians. The percentage of Vegetarians

You clearly have reading comprehension problems. This is what I said:

The real percentage of vegetarians in India is not more than 40%
Interesting take. I realized this long ago, growing up with Indian friends and observing their mannerisms. Many Hindus who even do not believe in Hinduism as a faith still follow these vegetarian guidelines as a matter of culture. It is very strong in their communities.

They would have a hard time believing that Aryans who settled Afghanistan and Pakistan consumed meat in large quantities and rejected the caste system. Indeed their religion was much like pagan idolatry of ancient Greece, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, and other regions.

The caste or institutionalised class system based on role within the community is VERY Aryan. And was equally found in Zoroastrianism near mirroring that of Hinduism.

Please read more.
When Muslims do it, it's dirty and demonic .
They're purely within the psychological sphere.

There are substantial Hindus in India who have never even seen that many Muslims (except on TV and movies) due to residential segregation. That is why those memes around "Abdul Puncturewala' are so popular.

I once asked a Modi supporter (it was a Gujarati Jain type) to tell me Top 5 words that came to his mind when I said "Muslim." I shit you not. this is what that genius told me after drawing a few heavy breaths.

1. Biryani
2. Non-veg
3. Pakistan
4. Jihadi
5. Shahrukh Khan

Of course, it triggered a volatile reaction. He immediately burst into a rant about how Muslims of India are traitors etc. He also used a lot of unspeakable words to describe Muslims but I leave that to your imagination.

I wish I could say this was an EXTREME nutcase, and the average Modiphile doesn't think this way. But I know it's just not true.

I am not a wannabe glorified clerk shashi tharoor like you. I won't get that stenographer job which puts my life at peril now. Ooooohhh

That's it. I'm done with you: you are on iggy now. What an annoying person. Sorry to say but some of my fellow Indians on this forum sound like a broken record. They are not adding to the discussion but only nitpicking with Modilogics 2.0, constantly derailing the topics. I am not going to engage with these posters anymore. They are a complete waste of time. As soon as these guys talking sh*t, I'll put them on Ignore bin without exceptions.
and hindus like to eat all kinds of food including vegetables, diary, pulses,.legumes,eggs and meat.

The Iskcon-run Akshaya Patra Foundation which the Karnataka state government has contracted to supply food for the school mid-day meal program, doesn't provide eggs to the students - for religious reasons. Eggs are the best non-meat source of protein but no supply here.
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On an uninvited point of information - ALL Hindus in West Bengal eat fish and meat (except that freakish micro-minority who are vegetarians).

I will say Bengalis are generally an educated and enlightened community except for a small minority of nutcases, such as Arnab....never mind, he's not Bengali as you said earlier. I didn't know that. I personally like Calcutta very much, very appropriate place for non-vegetarians and radical leftist people like me. o_O
I will say Bengalis are generally an educated and enlightened community except for a small minority of nutcases, such as Arnab....never mind, he's not Bengali as you said earlier. I didn't know that. I personally like Calcutta very much, very appropriate place for non-vegetarians and radical leftist people like me. o_O

Just concentrate on the educated and enlightened ones, ignoring this nutcase.

Please also tag your post on the importance of humanities to @Nilgiri, adding a smirk somewhere if you can. Coming from me, it would seem triumphant, and that would never do.

Interesting take. I realized this long ago, growing up with Indian friends and observing their mannerisms. Many Hindus who even do not believe in Hinduism as a faith still follow these vegetarian guidelines as a matter of culture. It is very strong in their communities.

They would have a hard time believing that Aryans who settled Afghanistan and Pakistan consumed meat in large quantities and rejected the caste system. Indeed their religion was much like pagan idolatry of ancient Greece, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, and other regions.

Those Aryan-speaking people who first came into South Asia were herders. What else would they eat? It is baffling to see the modern-day Brahmin insistence that they can take the hymns of the Rg Veda and the dietary habits of the mediaeval ages, combine the two and declared it a stabilised, fused culture.

Yep. That's the shizznit right there. Bhaktistanis be like "malfunction, source programming conflict detected, initiate self destruct sequence".

When Muslims do it, it's dirty and demonic . When non-muslims do it, let's simply look away. There are reasons behind this contradiction. I've lost count of the number of times I have mentioned these reasons.

They're purely within the psychological sphere.


Welcome to our world of contradictions living happily cheek to jowl with each other.
Please also tag your post on the importance of humanities to @Nilgiri, adding a smirk somewhere if you can. Coming from me, it would seem triumphant, and that would never do.

I don't like tagging other users generally. You feel free to use that post anywhere you like and pass it as your own, if you really liked it that much. I give you full copyright access to publish it anywhere. Have fun.

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