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A Take On Communal Violence In India

In the following video the narrator tried to explain the relation between segregation and communal violence though he missed many points and according to his own data it does not collaborate well like in Hyderabad it is more segregated second to Ahmedabad but communal disturbance is much lower in Hyderabad with all its shortsightedness the video do explain in lucid way the co-relation between segregation and communal violence. Do watch and share your views.

@jamahir @xeuss @TheGreatMaratha @Joe Shearer @SecularNationalist @secular.muslim @AfrazulMandal @Politico @Areesh @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Pandora @masterchief_mirza @Naofumi @prashantazazel @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee
I think Muslims in Hyderabad are stronger due to Owaisi
In the following video the narrator tried to explain the relation between segregation and communal violence though he missed many points and according to his own data it does not collaborate well like in Hyderabad it is more segregated second to Ahmedabad but communal disturbance is much lower in Hyderabad with all its shortsightedness the video do explain in lucid way the co-relation between segregation and communal violence. Do watch and share your views.

@jamahir @xeuss @TheGreatMaratha @Joe Shearer @SecularNationalist @secular.muslim @AfrazulMandal @Politico @Areesh @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Pandora @masterchief_mirza @Naofumi @prashantazazel @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee

The map itself says so much about vaunted Hindu tolerance and inherent secularism.
Do you even understand what "not more" than means? Anyways I'm done with you.


You have obviously never walked on a street in a country where gum is chewed.

Has he done with you?

The Iskcon-run Akshaya Patra Foundation which the Karnataka state government has contracted to supply food for the school mid-day meal program, doesn't provide eggs to the students - for religious reasons. Eggs are the best non-meat source of protein but no supply here.

It doesn't matter.

What they are doing is a 1000% better than the next best alternative.
There are substantial Hindus in India who have never even seen that many Muslims (except on TV and movies) due to residential segregation. That is why those memes around "Abdul Puncturewala' are so popular.

I once asked a Modi supporter (it was a Gujarati Jain type) to tell me Top 5 words that came to his mind when I said "Muslim." I shit you not. this is what that genius told me after drawing a few heavy breaths.

1. Biryani
2. Non-veg
3. Pakistan
4. Jihadi
5. Shahrukh Khan

Of course, it triggered a volatile reaction. He immediately burst into a rant about how Muslims of India are traitors etc. He also used a lot of unspeakable words to describe Muslims but I leave that to your imagination.

I wish I could say this was an EXTREME nutcase, and the average Modiphile doesn't think this way. But I know it's just not true.

That's it. I'm done with you: you are on iggy now. What an annoying person. Sorry to say but some of my fellow Indians on this forum sound like a broken record. They are not adding to the discussion but only nitpicking with Modilogics 2.0, constantly derailing the topics. I am not going to engage with these posters anymore. They are a complete waste of time. As soon as these guys talking sh*t, I'll put them on Ignore bin without exceptions.
The Iskcon-run Akshaya Patra Foundation which the Karnataka state government has contracted to supply food for the school mid-day meal program, doesn't provide eggs to the students - for religious reasons. Eggs are the best non-meat source of protein but no supply here.

I agree with you. While I believe it is possible to provide nutritious food to students without eggs, they are used to eating eggs and meat at home. It is not correct to deny them that.

You have obviously never walked on a street in a country where gum is chewed.

Has he done with you?

I'm getting too many soft warnings on this forum. It seems all the Hindutvadi Indian posters are reporting me left, right and centre. And the mod's aren't exactly dismissing their frivolous appeals. I have been called a sexist, a bigot, and a racist for some of my statements.

Is it very common and does it happen to everyone else?
I don't like tagging other users generally. You feel free to use that post anywhere you like and pass it as your own, if you really liked it that much. I give you full copyright access to publish it anywhere. Have fun.

I did, and I shall. Many thanks.
I think Muslims in Hyderabad are stronger due to Owaisi

It's cultural; goes beyond Owaisi. Not everything is political. In Telangana (not Hyderabad, Telangana), it's about the Telangana people against encroaching Telugus.
It doesn't matter.

What they are doing is a 1000% better than the next best alternative.


And in that case the parents should be encouraged by the government to buy two five rupee eggs for each of their children for breakfast and dinner.

And the state government can subsidize the eggs for home.
I agree with you.

Thank you.

While I believe it is possible to provide nutritious food to students without eggs, they are used to eating eggs and meat at home. It is not correct to deny them that.

I think the Mid-day Meal scheme came about because parents were not able to provide nutritious, three-times-a-day food at home. Below is what Google gives me :

Mid-day meal (MDM) is a wholesome freshly-cooked lunch served to children in government and government-aided schools in India.

Mid-Day Meal Scheme aims to:
  • avoid classroom hunger.
  • increase school enrolment.
  • increase school attendance.
  • improve socialisation among castes.
  • address malnutrition.
  • empower women through employment.
You are a troll. That is evident.

You milk Muslims of their misfortune and derive sadistic pleasure from it.

What are you even talking about? Isn't this a violation of forum rule: "no personal attacks." Mod's? Although I generally never report anybody because it's really beneath me to report other users.

Afrazul, better listen up now, call me "Troll" just one more time, I'll put you in ignore bin. I really hate to do that, believe me. But you're giving me no choice. I hope you improve your behaviour towards me after this request.

I do know it's not always a Hindu versus Muslim thing in India: sometimes it's a CLASS WAR of uniquely Indian kind, sadly which will never end.

I think Muslims in Hyderabad are stronger due to Owaisi
Owaisi's a pushover, and weak. Although he does a lot of good for his constituency - a good representative and parliamentarian.

I personally like Ajaz Khan, I admire his guts. He lambasts Narendra Modi openly.
I'm getting too many soft warnings on this forum. It seems all the Hindutvadi Indian posters are reporting me left, right and centre. And the mod's aren't exactly dismissing their frivolous appeals. I have been called a sexist, a bigot, and a racist for some of my statements.

Is it very common and does it happen to everyone else?

This is awkward.
  1. It isn't just Hindutvavadi (correct spelling; another cause for eyebrow-raising) members, it is also their most bitterly opposed secularist Indian members who are sceptical about you.
  2. Your first two or three posts, as Shantanu_Right, made some of ecstatic. When those posts descended into mindless abuse of women, it led to a shrinking away. THIS segment, about a dozen strong, is not sure about how to look upon someone who says all the right things, but about whom we know nothing. NOTHING.
  3. There are the Hindutvavadis. They cannot stand you at any price, and they are sure that you are a false-flagged Pakistani.
  4. The mods aren't interfering with you; you may have received a polite enquiry or two, a polite caution or two, even a mild rebuke. If they had wanted to take stronger action, you would have been a chittering ghost in the fourth dimension.
  5. You are not alone in being under suspicion from various quarters.
    1. There are Indians suspected of being too good to be true; ask @Ace of Spades; those same Indians, not being bhakts, are hated by the bhakts; you will get that category once the dust settles, if you do indeed turn out to be the real McCoy;
    2. There are Indians who are pure poison. I will not comment further. They are regularly driven out, a process that started with a Mod named @waz going berserk, in the Old Norse sense, and continues now. There is an obvious candidate with whom you seem to be on intimate terms, but it is not my duty to be the forum sheriff, and he will go the way all good Red Injuns go.
    3. There are Pakistanis who are pure poison. At the moment, only two exist, one of them in a neutered form, but reporting them was a bit pointless under the old regime; there was so much work that these nuances were dismissed with an irritable wave of the hand.
    4. There are odd cases of people who baffle everybody, including the Webmaster. No point in going into particulars.
So be of good cheer. You are hated, suspected and doubted by all the right people, and may count yourself in distinguished company.

Akshay Patra is doing a good job?

How is denying protein a good job?

They even refuse to use onion and garlic. Are such Hindu/Buddhist scriptural guidelines acceptable in a 'secular' state?


They stepped into a vacuum. If you think you can do better, feel free.

You are a troll. That is evident.

You milk Muslims of their misfortune and derive sadistic pleasure from it.

This is sui generis. Nobody knows about this member or who or what he truly is.
    1. There are Indians who are pure poison. I will not comment further. They are regularly driven out, a process that started with a Mod named @waz going berserk, in the Old Norse sense, and continues now. There is an obvious candidate with whom you seem to be on intimate terms, but it is not my duty to be the forum sheriff, and he will go the way all good Red Injuns go.
When I first got here back in 2011, I was shocked at how Hindutva Indians were running this place. At one point I thought it was an Indian forum with a Pakistani subsection.

It has been cleaned up but I kind of miss the good old days. It was the wild west back then
This is awkward.
  1. It isn't just Hindutvavadi (correct spelling; another cause for eyebrow-raising) members, it is also their most bitterly opposed secularist Indian members who are sceptical about you.
  2. Your first two or three posts, as Shantanu_Right, made some of ecstatic. When those posts descended into mindless abuse of women, it led to a shrinking away. THIS segment, about a dozen strong, is not sure about how to look upon someone who says all the right things, but about whom we know nothing. NOTHING.
  3. There are the Hindutvavadis. They cannot stand you at any price, and they are sure that you are a false-flagged Pakistani.
  4. The mods aren't interfering with you; you may have received a polite enquiry or two, a polite caution or two, even a mild rebuke. If they had wanted to take stronger action, you would have been a chittering ghost in the fourth dimension.
  5. You are not alone in being under suspicion from various quarters.
    1. There are Indians suspected of being too good to be true; ask @Ace of Spades; those same Indians, not being bhakts, are hated by the bhakts; you will get that category once the dust settles, if you do indeed turn out to be the real McCoy;
    2. There are Indians who are pure poison. I will not comment further. They are regularly driven out, a process that started with a Mod named @waz going berserk, in the Old Norse sense, and continues now. There is an obvious candidate with whom you seem to be on intimate terms, but it is not my duty to be the forum sheriff, and he will go the way all good Red Injuns go.
    3. There are Pakistanis who are pure poison. At the moment, only two exist, one of them in a neutered form, but reporting them was a bit pointless under the old regime; there was so much work that these nuances were dismissed with an irritable wave of the hand.
    4. There are odd cases of people who baffle everybody, including the Webmaster. No point in going into particulars.
So be of good cheer. You are hated, suspected and doubted by all the right people, and may count yourself in distinguished company.

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't know what was hitting me. Yes, I do regret some of the statements I made earlier but I am not a racist, bigot, sexist etc. in real life.

When I first got here back in 2011, I was shocked at how Hindutva Indians were running this place. At one point I thought it was an Indian forum with a Pakistani subsection.

That's something I agree with. This is one forum I would expect not to be harassed by Narendra Modi supporters (rather it should be vice versa). But LOL the world has gone bananas.

Sometimes this just feels like an Indian forum. But, I do admire some of the great posters I have met here including yourself.
In the following video the narrator tried to explain the relation between segregation and communal violence though he missed many points and according to his own data it does not collaborate well like in Hyderabad it is more segregated second to Ahmedabad but communal disturbance is much lower in Hyderabad with all its shortsightedness the video do explain in lucid way the co-relation between segregation and communal violence. Do watch and share your views.

@jamahir @xeuss @TheGreatMaratha @Joe Shearer @SecularNationalist @secular.muslim @AfrazulMandal @Politico @Areesh @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Pandora @masterchief_mirza @Naofumi @prashantazazel @Mangus Ortus Novem @Mentee

A good watch.
There are odd cases of people who baffle everybody, including the Webmaster. No point in going into particulars.

I think probably only dude who has given me both + and - rating lol.

Though the venerable "Chinese-Dragon" also fits this group.... I miss that guy, he was a smart wise well-read one. A loss to this forum by his seeming permanent departure.

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