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A New Look for Pakistani Gate on Wagha.

I want to visit Lahore once the situation improves on my way to Nankana Shib.
Green symbolises islam, yes. But it is an accidental symbolism, it is not based on any theological reasoning. It all started when the dome of the Prophet's mosque was painted green by the Fatimid rulers, and the colour has kind of stuck, since then.
I want to visit Lahore once the situation improves on my way to Nankana Shib.

Wah Guru ji ka khalsa, wahe Guru ji ki Fateh.

You will be most welcome, and it is a great experience.

You will see the hospitatliy of the common man in Pakistan.
Whats the name of that famous bazaar of Lahore? My reletives were there last year and mom also want to go there.
Imagine everything that is green on this earth become red or orange overnight!!

You get out for your office and see a red lawn, your office plants are all orange and all the trees that you traverse along are orange....what a head ache would that be!!!:sick:
Whats the name of that famous bazaar of Lahore? My reletives were there last year and mom also want to go there.

Many famous bazaars in lahore, including Anaarkali, Icchra Bazaar, Urdu bazaar, lunda bazaar, ****** bazaar, plust many others.
lol..why is bhin-di ******? some of these censored words are a joke..lol
Anaarkali!!!!!!!!!, that's the one.:yahoo:
Anarkali....hmmm guud old memories of lahore!!!
i never liked lahore initially, but then i happened to live there for sometime and it was revealed to me that it really is the heart of Pakistan!!
Though i previously called it a 'civilized village which has just expanded'

Loar lore aye!!!!
Nankana Sahib at night:

BTW this one also have Green in it ;)
LOL...gate is lovely? You have no taste or class. Sorry. I'd hang my head in shame if my country came out with something of that sort.

Look at the gate to the Cambodia : Beautiful, tasteful.



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BTW this one also have Green in it

We dont have a prefrence on light but Gurdwara's them selves are usually white.
But Nankana Sahib is yellow and so is Panja Sahib at Hassan abdal.
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