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A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

Let them dream mate, China cannot take on India in IOR (our back yard) If we continue in our naval build up we can not only negate China but also teach a lesson who ever sides with China. :agree:

Correct, China has no chance against India if it venture into Indian ocean with its current capability. It's just too far for a green water navy. But I don't think China's military would be foolish enough to do this.
Synopsis: India gets involved in the South China sea disputes by drillings and Maritime manovours using the nicobar Islands as its main Naval base. A CPC hawk gets into power and get annoyed and urges India to show constriant, or the consequence will be severe. India is reluctant to act upon the Chinese warning assuming its another complaints from the commies. Chinese general staff then advises the Party secutary to make naval exercises in the nicobar islands. The Chinese fleet consists of 4 Type 054As and 2 052C/D which docks in bay near the indian islands and clashs with a merchant vessel and MOD coast gaurd. This clash eurpts into violence when a Kolkota class DDG intervene and mistakes the dispute between the merchant/Coast guard and the chinesr fleet as an an provocotive action and fires blank shots at the Chinese vessels. The chinese fire a mock AshM but the Indian DDG fires an Bahomas block 2 or 3 missile sinking a Type 054A and damaging another. The Type 052s flees while overhauling the damage vessel. The incident sparks mass protest in China focuing attention from the goverment actions and Japan to India. Hawkish elemants in the PLA high command and the conservative oriented party officals force the Party secutary to send a Carrier tasks force to protect rescure vessels and recive the damaged Type 054A and its remaining personnels. However the objective changed when the Indian navy threatern to block the Malaca straits as part its naval doctrine for incidents like this. Two IN carriers are deployed from the eastern command heads of to the nicobar island base and then closes of the Malaca straits in an attempt of blocking chinese trade. The Indian Carrier Group consist of 5 P-15 or Shilka stealth frigate and 5 Kolkata style DDG with Barak 8 AAM and Bahomas CM. The chinese carrier consists of 4 Type 052A for Medium level AD and 5 Type 052D and 2 Type 055 new 11,000 DDG with 90 H-9/H-18 with long range ABM capability and RW jammers, non radar detective communication with Data link update system and land attack CM with march 2 (lower than bahomas but more smart and sea skimming) and naval version of D-21 Anti carrier/AshM. The IN carrier contains poorer AAD but carriers 40 Mig 29K while China has stronger AAD for its carrier ( Goalkeeper with smart bullets and F-2000 RAAM) and 30 J-15. At the first battle, Indian AWACs discovers a Chineses CBG and alerts the IN CBG blocking malaca to fire fire long range Bahomas. Bahomas travelling March 4 fails to hit the Carrier because the type 052D knocks it out by firing HQ missiles in a rush and damages its VLS modules in a hast to down the Indian missiles. A Indian kilo fires a topedo at the Damaged type 052D and distroys it rudder pralysing it. However a Type 054 detects the sub and fires topedoes at the Kilo and it is distroyed with lose of crew. The 2 Type 55 fires a barrage of DF-21 at the indian Kolkota DDG and Sinks all but one. Knowing it Barak 8 is useless the indians fire every bahomas and sinks the already damaged Type 052DDG and a Type 054A but fails to distroy the PLA CBG. The Carrier of PLA gets close and uses EW warfare against the frigates and lone Kolkota and detects the carrier using OVTL radar and Satallites. Under EW protection a J-15 group task forces gets into air hunts down the IN carrer but fails to sink it as thme face airborne Mig-29K. J-15 trikes the migs into flying the SAM umberella of the medium range missiles of the remaining type 054 and few Migs survive. The superior ASEA of J-15 finish of the last of the migs and gets air dominance. How the Indian carrier retreats with few survivors and China wins.

Looks like mom took away his playstation.Hey kid,here is a piece of advice too much Halo is not good for your brain.
The so called stealth Frigate "Shivalik" would struggle against Type 054A with HQ missiles. Brahmos wouldcbe facing Jammings, Electro maganetic pulses to derail its track, laser blinding (in development), ABM, AA and CIWS+ Rail gun.

A Talwar is far superior to Type 054A and enough to take it out. Shivalik would be overkill.
1.These islands belong to us,BD. The mischievous British, always ready to please Hindu India quietly gave these islands to that country. The people here are mostly Muslim and use Arabic and Urdu languages. IN is going to vacate these at the first booming of PLAN guns. We would then like BN to occupy these and fly the BD flag.

It is guarded by Coast Guard and the Tri-Service Command backed by the IN Eastern Fleet.

Kolkata Marine Police is more than enough for Bangladesh. :lol:

2. Regarding a Sino Indian naval engagement. The outcome will come even before the start. IN is all junk. It is unprofessional, too slow to act/react and is horribly bureaucratic. IN will sink and drown even before the engagements begin in earnest.

Indian Navy is the same who Bombed Bangladesh to Death using Aircraft Carriers. :lol:

the Sea Hawks struck shipping in the Chittagong and Cox's Bazar harbors, sinking or incapacitating most ships in harbor. On the morning of 4 December 1971, the eight Sea Hawk aircraft on the Vikrant launched an air raid on Cox's Bazar from 60 nautical miles (110 km) offshore. On the evening of 4 December, the air group struck Chittagong Harbor. Later strikes targeted Khulna and Port of Mongla. A PTI report of 4 December read, "Chittagong harbour ablaze as ships and aircraft of the Eastern Naval Fleet bombed and rocketed. Not a single vessel can be put to sea from Chittagong." Air strikes continued until 10 December 1971 with not a single Sea Hawk lost.

INS Vikrant (R11) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sinking the whole indian navy would be child's play for the PLAN. Let's face it, they are just a third world country with a big mouth. Everybody knows they lack even basic manufacturing and maintenance ability, not even rudimentary standards of cleaniless can be found on indian ships. Truth is as soon as indian ships start sailing everything breaks down and stops working. It would surprising if an indian ship doesn't blow itself up while trying to fire something. PLAN is built to defeat real threats, not a tub full of third world corrupt politician toys like indian navy.
Sinking the whole indian navy would be child's play for the PLAN. Let's face it, they are just a third world country with a big mouth. Everybody knows they lack even basic manufacturing and maintenance ability, not even rudimentary standards of cleaniless can be found on indian ships. Truth is as soon as indian ships start sailing everything breaks down and stops working. It would surprising if an indian ship doesn't blow itself up while trying to fire something. PLAN is built to defeat real threats, not a tub full of third world corrupt politician toys like indian navy.



:rofl: :rofl:

Always enjoy reading your posts brother :lol:
Why are we even comparing a navy which has to see action and sends fishing trawlers to solve disputes with a battle hardened navy.....i have more respect for the pak navy has more experience than the PLAN and does good with the measly resources it has and thats a fact :P.

All the weaponry is of no use if you end up using fishing boats. Let the PLAN first deal with Thai Navy or Taiwan Navy first. Kindergarten before high school.
First china needs to be good enough to make sure that 'blind' dissents don't escape their elite ring of guards around the house... then we can discuss any naval prowl :lol:
Why are we even comparing a navy which has to see action and sends fishing trawlers to solve disputes with a battle hardened navy.....i have more respect for the pak navy has more experience than the PLAN and does good with the measly resources it has and thats a fact :P.

All the weaponry is of no use if you end up using fishing boats. Let the PLAN first deal with Thai Navy or Taiwan Navy first. Kindergarten before high school.

fishing trawlers are exaggerated. we can just send our coastal surveillance to deal with indian navy's poorly maintained fleet. The first massive indian casulties will happen here:

India's submarine fleet in poor health: CAG - India News - IBNLive

New Delhi: The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in his latest report has painted a bleak picture of India's defence preparedness.
The report, tabled in Lok Sabha on Friday, says half of India's submarine fleet is in disrepair and a grossly inadequate, three decade-old radar network has left the country vulnerable to enemy attack.
The stinging CAG report states that no more than 48 per cent of India's submarine fleet is available for waging war, should India be attacked.
The auditors have blamed this situation on an ageing fleet, which the Defence Ministry has failed to replace.
Also, the numbers falls far short of the requirement. India's submarine fleet is only 67 per cent of the force levels approved 23 years ago.
"The Indian Navy currently hold just 67 per cent of the force level envisaged in its 1985 plan," the report says.
At present, the submarine fleet strength of the Navy includes 12 Kilo-class and four HDW. Currently, six Scorpene submarines are under construction at the Mazgaon Docks in Mumbai and the Navy has floated fresh Request for Information to acquired submarines.
"Some of the submarines have already outlived their maximum service life," it adds.
The report also castigates the performance of the newly acquired sonars costing Rs 168 crore as being unsatisfactory.
The report also sounded a grave alarm about the status of India's air defence, which are based on outdated, 32-year-old technology.
Shortage of key radars was to the tune of 76 per cent making India particularly vulnerable to air attacks.

and the status of your "navy"?!? Is it the joke of the year?

PLAN is meant for coastal defence anyway,they send fishing trawlers and surveillance boats for their invasions.
PLAN is meant for coastal defence anyway,they send fishing trawlers and surveillance boats for their invasions.

1. we dont need to "invade" india. it is collapsing from within.

2. all indian warships will become additions to their submarine fleet that challenge the greatest depths towards their long term settlement at the bottom of the sea
China’s Noisy Subs Get Busier — And Easier to Track
China's Noisy Subs Get Busier -- And Easier to Track | Danger Room | Wired.com

and ofcourse we know about their bad a s s AC training ship :lol:

we dont even need to deploy our submarines over there!

indian navy sinks by itself:

Indian Navy afflicted with common defence diseases: Hopelessly low indigenisation and criminal cost overruns - Economic Times
Aug 31, 2012, 06

You dont have money to buy the most sensitve radar, even if you can spot the sound the indian navy will jump ships terrified swimming towards usa - better to be illegal immigrants than to sacrifice feeding the sharks!
fishing trawlers are exaggerated. we can just send our coastal surveillance to deal with indian navy's poorly maintained fleet. The first massive indian casulties will happen here:

India's submarine fleet in poor health: CAG - India News - IBNLive

New Delhi: The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in his latest report has painted a bleak picture of India's defence preparedness.
The report, tabled in Lok Sabha on Friday, says half of India's submarine fleet is in disrepair and a grossly inadequate, three decade-old radar network has left the country vulnerable to enemy attack.
The stinging CAG report states that no more than 48 per cent of India's submarine fleet is available for waging war, should India be attacked.
The auditors have blamed this situation on an ageing fleet, which the Defence Ministry has failed to replace.
Also, the numbers falls far short of the requirement. India's submarine fleet is only 67 per cent of the force levels approved 23 years ago.
"The Indian Navy currently hold just 67 per cent of the force level envisaged in its 1985 plan," the report says.
At present, the submarine fleet strength of the Navy includes 12 Kilo-class and four HDW. Currently, six Scorpene submarines are under construction at the Mazgaon Docks in Mumbai and the Navy has floated fresh Request for Information to acquired submarines.
"Some of the submarines have already outlived their maximum service life," it adds.
The report also castigates the performance of the newly acquired sonars costing Rs 168 crore as being unsatisfactory.
The report also sounded a grave alarm about the status of India's air defence, which are based on outdated, 32-year-old technology.
Shortage of key radars was to the tune of 76 per cent making India particularly vulnerable to air attacks.

and the status of your "navy"?!? Is it the joke of the year?


First of all you are making reckless assertion. And please open the original link provided in that thread. If you do not have time to open it then I am pasting it for you.
IAmA US Naval Officer who spent 5 days onboard an Indian Navy warship, INS Delhi. AMA. : IAmA
Then read caution: Ask the op to provide proof. And all comments are removed.
This is the height of story. Leave trolling man.
First of all you are making reckless assertion. And please open the original link provided in that thread. If you do not have time to open it then I am pasting it for you.
IAmA US Naval Officer who spent 5 days onboard an Indian Navy warship, INS Delhi. AMA. : IAmA
Then read caution: Ask the op to provide proof. And all comments are removed.
This is the height of story. Leave trolling man.

keep cheerleading troll!

all my quotes are from your media! except:

the one on USNO's experiience onboard INS - I have stated clearly -" is this the joke of the year""?" - may be it is may be not!

Learn how to read and comphrend before trolling and cheerleading!
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