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A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

For that to happen, you will have first dominate the South-East Asia. Right now, China cannot even dominate the South-China sea, let alone getting past the Malacca straights between Singapore and Indonesia.

domination is not in our dictionary. we only claim what are ours! freedom of navigation will not be impeded in peace time!
is this equation established: india = usa?

I have thrown our Lioaning out of the equation for a defeat of the indian navy and I have stated my opionion on our submarines's approach in the indian ocean and the reaction of the people on board of you warships

by that time the whole india will feed on imported mixuture of steel, some fully rusted, some semi the remaining fresh from the foreign naval shipyards

you are getting desperately gibberish now. As I have said , your tech is old , your claims are untrue and shown to be so... you have claimed great submarines but they are actually tin pots putting out a racket that makes it a Chinese new year celebration underwater.

The only thing you have to go on is your state run propaganda media that knew it's own public ( you) would be naive enough to think that floating wok was a real A/C.

you need to worry about this more because we are coming for you, while India is non confrontational

US missile shield to encircle Chinese economic tiger
China has never fought a naval battle and has no experience in naval warfare.
The only tactic the PLA knows is the human wave attack on land with overwhelming number of ill trained soldiers acting as cannon fodder.
:lol: somebody's feeling inferior from 1962.....

you are getting desperately gibberish now. As I have said , your tech is old , your claims are untrue and shown to be so... you have claimed great submarines but they are actually tin pots putting out a racket that makes it a Chinese new year celebration underwater.

The only thing you have to go on is your state run propaganda media that knew it's own public ( you) would be naive enough to think that floating wok was a real A/C.
LOL at indian self-delusion. But self-delusion didn't stop your museum piece Kiev class from being turned into scrap metal from an internal explosion and won't stop Russia from bending over india and screwing her over and over again. :rofl:

After all, a third world hole with a big mouth can't succeed in anything except internet boasting.
won't stop Russia from bending over india and screwing her over and over again. :rofl:

Sino you are quite creative in your thinking but nanking showed us who is best at being bent over. Have you done a gynecology test on yourself? :lol:
Sino you are quite creative in your thinking but nanking showed us who is best at being bent over. Have you done a gynecology test on yourself? :lol:
You should be grateful Russia is only bending you over to take away your wealth, look at the hindu kush Timur, Ghauri, Ghazni and Babur did on you guys for 800 years! :rofl:
You should be grateful Russia is only bending you over to take away your wealth, look at the hindu kush Timur, Ghauri, Ghazni and Babur did on you guys for 800 years! :rofl:

whatever those invadors did in 800 years was way lesser than what Japanese did to chinies in nanjing? or did you forget that? :azn:
You should be grateful Russia is only bending you over to take away your wealth, look at the hindu kush Timur, Ghauri, Ghazni and Babur did on you guys for 800 years! :rofl:

Have you done a DNA test yet?:P That Han may turn out to be JA- pan :no::yahoo:
whatever those invadors did in 800 years was way lesser than what Japanese did to chinies in nanjing? or did you forget that? :azn:
:lol: so you accepted your hindu kush, castration, slavery for 800 years! Now you are proud to speak English and hindi two languages of subcontinent conquerors.
Have you done a DNA test yet?:P That Han may turn out to be JA- pan :no::yahoo:

Have you check your's? since 69% of Indian kids happened to be victims of Indian style close family affair for decades:lol:
:lol: so you accepted your hindu kush, castration, slavery for 800 years! Now you are proud to speak English and hindi two languages of subcontinent conquerors.

:rofl:I understand CCP education guideline might not be that high.. but do you even understand your own comments? :P

Have you check your's? since 69% of Indian kids happened to be victims of Indian style close family affair for decades:lol:

grey boy- is that CCP approved figure you are quoting? ... :cheesy:
:lol: somebody's feeling inferior from 1962.....

LOL at indian self-delusion. But self-delusion didn't stop your museum piece Kiev class from being turned into scrap metal from an internal explosion and won't stop Russia from bending over india and screwing her over and over again. :rofl:

After all, a third world hole with a big mouth can't succeed in anything except internet boasting.

Its funny when chinese posters like you talk about dilution. Your cpc mouth is the biggest on the globe you know that!! your navy knows if they ever try to enter in IOR they'll be asskicked. why don't you chinese accept the reality?? world has changed a lot in 50 years so as India and China!! Its impossible for your unproven inexperienced navy to sustain against the indian navy which is one of the most experienced navies. even pakistani navy could buttfuck your so called CPC hyped plan.:agree:
You should be grateful Russia is only bending you over to take away your wealth, look at the hindu kush Timur, Ghauri, Ghazni and Babur did on you guys for 800 years! :rofl:

hey do some DNA you'll definitely get some trace of japanese and mongol DNA. afterall mongols ruled you for more years and then how can you forge about those few japanese??:azn:
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