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A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

I am still confused :what: about why our brahmos will miss chinese carrier and their DF-21 will hit our destroyer ?? Is there some chinese advanced kala jadu (black magic) involved ??
And how your single CBG is larger than our two CBG ???
And why would Indian navy only target that already damaged ship :what: some type-25D ??
Looks you have just opened this thread to get your cent so that u can buy your Noodles for dinner... go have a dinner and sleep well.. :Wave: I just ate and don't want to laugh so stop making jokes..
I am still confused :what: about why our brahmos will miss chinese carrier and their DF-21 will hit our destroyer ?? Is there some chinese advanced kala jadu (black magic) involved ??
And how your single CBG is larger than our two CBG ???
And why would Indian navy only target that already damaged ship :what: some type-25D ??
Looks you have just opened this thread to get your cent so that u can buy your Noodles for dinner... go have a dinner and sleep well.. :Wave: I just ate and don't want to laugh so stop making jokes..

Because the DF-21 is march 10 and is intented for land based A2/AD warfare against US carrier fleets in case of a war. Bohamas is march 4 max and lacks 1000-5000 mile range like DF-21 ICBM/AD
I am still confused :what: about why our brahmos will miss chinese carrier and their DF-21 will hit our destroyer ?? Is there some chinese advanced kala jadu (black magic) involved ??
And how your single CBG is larger than our two CBG ???
And why would Indian navy only target that already damaged ship :what: some type-25D ??
Looks you have just opened this thread to get your cent so that u can buy your Noodles for dinner... go have a dinner and sleep well.. :Wave: I just ate and don't want to laugh so stop making jokes..

Carrier is biggef because china plans for 4 more. But Indian payload is bigger as it carries more Mig-29K. And AshM would fail against Type 052D as it can shoot it down via HQ 9
Because the DF-21 is march 10 and is intented for land based A2/AD warfare against US carrier fleets in case of a war. Bohamas is march 4 max and lacks 1000-5000 mile range like DF-21 ICBM/AD

Carrier is biggef because china plans for 4 more. But Indian payload is bigger as it carries more Mig-29K. And AshM would fail against Type 052D as it can shoot it down via HQ 9

First of all, the name of our missile is brahmos ("BRAH" + "MOS") and it has got speed of "MACH" 2.8, yeah brahmos-2 will have speed around 4-5 mach... and not to forget that it is a cruise missile and your DF-21 is ballistic missile and still not a single video of it is released...
And this hypothetical claim of hitting IN carrier by df-21 is way of the table because barack sams are believed to be one of the best.. Not because an Indian is speaking about it.. go to youtube and check it..
secondly in this hypothetical war, you havn't mentioned scorpene submarines.. as of 2016-17 they will be inducted in to our navy and if i am not wrong then they are much better than your 80-90s gen subs...if they are not advanced why would we buy that.. if you doubt my claim do ask your cheerleaders they operate augusta and they have claimed that their subs are superior..
And FYI, scorpene is successor of augusta..
In the end peace returns to the region because of several nuclear bombs which explodes itself in the region ...all hail the great peace maker ...kabooom
I stopped reading after df-21 hitting moving ships thousands of miles away in the indian ocean.Novice chinese troll as usual.Plus the fact that if u come to the indian ocean your combat group will be sarrounded by just about the whole IN including subs,carriers,destroyers AND crucially land based sukhois from andaman nicobar.Chew on that.

As for a marine attack u don't have the guts to launch a naval amphibious attack on taiwan,lol about the nicobar.The only thing your misadventure would lead to is the total destruction of the chinese expeditionary force,blockade of chinese shipping.thousands of chinese sailors and marines dead and the loss of credibility of the PLAN as a competent force.
I stopped reading after df-21 hitting moving ships thousands of miles away in the indian ocean.Novice chinese troll as usual.Plus the fact that if u come to the indian ocean your combat group will be sarrounded by just about the whole IN including subs,carriers,destroyers AND crucially land based sukhois from andaman nicobar.Chew on that.

As for a marine attack u don't have the guts to launch a naval amphibious attack on taiwan,lol about the nicobar.The only thing your misadventure would lead to is the total destruction of the chinese expeditionary force,blockade of chinese shipping.thousands of chinese sailors and marines dead and the loss of credibility of the PLAN as a competent force.

First of all, All air bases would taken out if it came to an assault on nicobar islands by cruise missiles from Land bases in the SSC or Naval DDG like Type 052D which can carry 20 DLCM. Secondly, if Su 30MKI got from Missile attack in the Groung then it would face J-15 with ASEA radar and ISRT capability. Thirdly, if the MKI won in the dogfight then it would be swated out the sky by HQ 9 from naval assets.
First of all, All air bases would taken out if it came to an assault on nicobar islands by cruise missiles from Land bases in the SSC or Naval DDG like Type 052D which can carry 20 DLCM. Secondly, if Su 30MKI got from Missile attack in the Groung then it would face J-15 with ASEA radar and ISRT capability. Thirdly, if the MKI won in the dogfight then it would be swated out the sky by HQ 9 from naval assets.

First of all, All air bases would taken out if it came to an assault on nicobar islands by cruise missiles from Land bases in the SSC or Naval DDG like Type 052D which can carry 20 DLCM. Secondly, if Su 30MKI got from Missile attack in the Groung then it would face J-15 with ASEA radar and ISRT capability. Thirdly, if the MKI won in the dogfight then it would be swated out the sky by HQ 9 from naval assets.

Firstly your 052D and other Naval Assets will all be taken out by Brahmos... then your J-15 will not dare into the Sky with full Air Superiority for India...

the Chinese Navy would be so badly HUMILIATED in a Navy battle with India.. that China would not dare a Naval fight with India in Indian Ocean for next two centuries
First of all, All air bases would taken out if it came to an assault on nicobar islands by cruise missiles from Land bases in the SSC or Naval DDG like Type 052D which can carry 20 DLCM. Secondly, if Su 30MKI got from Missile attack in the Groung then it would face J-15 with ASEA radar and ISRT capability. Thirdly, if the MKI won in the dogfight then it would be swated out the sky by HQ 9 from naval assets.

Buddy you are making fun of yourself, don't post such baseless things like j-15 and aesa as both are not operational and no ones is sure of their capability.. not even any chinese think tank..
No politics please. Stick to topic. How well would Indian DDG stand against Type 052 and future 90 cells Type 055

Hypersonic Brahmos at Mach 7 - 500 Km Range Launched from P15B. How will Type 055 fair?

For Type 052 - Shivalik class is more than enough.
Hypersonic Brahmos at Mach 7 - 500 Km Range Launched from P15B. How will Type 055 fair?

For Type 052 - Shivalik class is more than enough.

The so called stealth Frigate "Shivalik" would struggle against Type 054A with HQ missiles. Brahmos wouldcbe facing Jammings, Electro maganetic pulses to derail its track, laser blinding (in development), ABM, AA and CIWS+ Rail gun.
I have seem this Type 052 D troll putting articles like Hypothetical Indo- China war,

and obviously being Chinese he declares India will loose war, thrashed by superpower china etc etc:taz::lol:
It will be very hard for Chinese navy to match the Indian Navy.

People's Liberation Army Navy is the weakest link of all its three services.

A naval war between Chinese navy and Indian Navy in Indian ocean region means a certain defeat for Chinese navy
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