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A Humble Request to all Members

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i didnt heard any such news on indian side!!!!
After Mumbai attack the visa process has been made more complicated and now its difficult to get Indian visa for a Pakistani even if he/she is cleared of all doubts.

i went before Mumbai attacks, though still the process and the problems created deliberatly was irritating, but i think it might be the same on both sides.

i heard being a Pakistani, it is not easy to obtain visa............ only those who have relatives in India can get visa with some ease

But not only me but my say 10 generations only lived in Pakistan so there is no chance i get sponsor from India :cry:

Only two options i see is either apply from UK as a british citizen or get a sponsor from one of my friend's relative :cry:
i heard being a Pakistani, it is not easy to obtain visa............ only those who have relatives in India can get visa with some ease

But not only me but my say 10 generations only lived in Pakistan so there is no chance i get sponsor from India :cry:

Only two options i see is either apply from UK as a british citizen or get a sponsor from one of my friend's relative :cry:

I dont have any relative there :). So dont think so its mandatory

But indeed as a process and rule you have to mention details of your stay and references in India.
I dont have any relative there :). So dont think so its mandatory

But indeed as a process and rule you have to mention details of your stay and references in India.
Looks like Jana is working for ISI. :lol:
I dont have any relative there :). So dont think so its mandatory

But indeed as a process and rule you have to mention details of your stay and references in India.

well for this year i have only planned to go to Saudi Arabia, probably Dubai or any other european country and thats it :P once i prepare my mind to travel india i will contact you ;) and that is probably after 3-4 years at least
Looks like Jana is working for ISI. :lol:

:lol: And thats why i was even exempted from police reporting there :azn: while the Germans who had visited almost every year had to report to the police on the first day and before leaving.
well for this year i have only planned to go to Saudi Arabia, probably Dubai or any other european country and thats it :P once i prepare my mind to travel india i will contact you ;) and that is probably after 3-4 years at least

Hey Saudia sounds odd among other countries you mentioned in the post. What you going to see in Saudia :P
Hey Saudia sounds odd among other countries you mentioned in the post. What you going to see in Saudia :P

For Umrah or Hajj :yahoo: so i will be visiting the most sacred places on Earth...... Makkah and Madina :angel: (not sure yet because i was there in Hajj last year but i have planned to visit again this year lets see if Allah wishes that to happen or not)
For Umrah or Hajj :yahoo: so i will be visiting the most sacred places on Earth...... Makkah and Madina :angel: (not sure yet because i was there in Hajj last year but i have planned to visit again this year lets see if Allah wishes that to happen or not)

Best of luck from all the Indians. Its a must do thing.
Allah sure wishes that to happen. Don't worry.
Best of luck from all the Indians. Its a must do thing.
Allah sure wishes that to happen. Don't worry.

thank you very much sir

May Allah show the right path to both of us
For Umrah or Hajj :yahoo: so i will be visiting the most sacred places on Earth...... Makkah and Madina :angel: (not sure yet because i was there in Hajj last year but i have planned to visit again this year lets see if Allah wishes that to happen or not)

:) May Allah grant you the chance to perform again.

And pray for us too to have a right path in our lives
:) May Allah grant you the chance to perform again.


i wanted my parents to perform Hajj so they insisted me to join also :yahoo: and trust me the days i spent there were like I am in heaven :angel:

Can't describe the feelings so i want to go again soon so that i can enjoy that feeling once again
:) May Allah grant you the chance to perform again.

And pray for us too to have a right path in our lives

Well, I never thought we'd get to know each other better in this thread. It turned out better than I thought. I wonder how we all would have been so rude at times. Just doesn't feel I am at the same forum. :lol:
For Umrah or Hajj :yahoo: so i will be visiting the most sacred places on Earth...... Makkah and Madina :angel: (not sure yet because i was there in Hajj last year but i have planned to visit again this year lets see if Allah wishes that to happen or not)
Its a good thing to perform Umrah And Hajj more than once but i personally think that if a person performs it once he should not apply again. My logic is he leaves his seat it could be used by someone who didn't went for umrah or Hajj at all. Its just my thought.
Its a good thing to perform Umrah And Hajj more than once but i personally think that if a person performs it once he should not apply again. My logic is he leaves his seat it could be used by someone who didn't went for umrah or Hajj at all. Its just my thought.

well for Hajj may be thats ok but Umrah is something that you can perform again n again except the month of Ramadhan people go to Saudi Arabia in less numbers.

Yes in Hajj if you have performed once you should better send somebody else next time but when you actually go there once, u feel like going again and again

That was cool
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