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A Humble Request to all Members

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Rodney King, May 1, 1992, the third day of the L.A. riots, King appeared in public before television news cameras to appeal for calm, asking:

“People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out."
These past few days I've witnessed a lot of threads full of hatred. Khalistan Thrives, Indians exposed, Toilets in India, Pakistan ISI terrorizing and some of that sort. They are very provocative and simply here to bash our countries. I being a human fell for these and created a hate ful thread myself. I am sorry for that. I lost my calm. My apologies. What I wanna say is, these threads just won't stop and will degrade this beautiful forum that we have here. One hate comment can start a whole war of words. I just can't find a reason to bash each other. I don't understand why one opens a thread just to insult another country and not a distant country but our own neighbor and our brothers. No matter what we think, the truth is we are gonna stay here with each other and we better accept it and learn to live with it.

What is hatred gonna give back? Nothing except more hatred.
The world wants India and Pakistan to fight and someday annihilate each other. And we are helping them achieve it. Some would claim what does war of words has to do with the real war? It does. What you say today and get in return is a mentality that you'll create over a period of time. If you find hate here, you'll hate them in return. You'll keep that hatred in your heart and spread it all around. Soon you'll grow old and the hatred would still be in you. That hatred is what will inspire others to keep this hatred going for generations and generations.

Soon you realize this war of words is not limited to words alone.

I am tired of hatred and wanna forget it all and live in peace with the brothers across the border. I think mods should take notice and threads like Balochistan Independence and toilets in India should not be allowed. People should be warned over threads like these.

Anyways, at the end of day I am just one guy wanting some peace and don't wanna destroy this great forum with personal hate and rubbish threads. I humbly request Indian friends and Pakistani Brothers to please stop this hatred, forget what has happened and start a new journey at least for the sake of this forum.

Mods please lock these threads and update the rules, if you find them necessary.

Choudary Sahib,

Both sides were brought up in the environment of war and hatred with each other , how peace and love can be developed between them .

I appreciate your concern but at nation level we need to take few practical steps to finish all our disputes including Kashmir , Infact Indian and Pakistan poor public is suffering from negative politics of our leaders.They both dont want to resolve disputes for sake of their leadership and ego.

Pakistani Canadian will be given Indian visa more easily or not? I want to visit my home town Jhagi Sareef Patiala Gurdas pur.
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Myself, I do have Indian friends, they are nice people same cultures like us in respect.

Yes, we are hating our neighbor due to our disputes even SRK's statement in humble messages for all Indians -"Pakistan is a great neighbour to have. We are great neighbours, They are good neighbours. Let us love each other. Let me be honest. My family is from Pakistan, my father was born there and his family is from there."

Indian Home Minister Chidambaram mentioned Pakistan is most important neighbour of India.

Unfortunately, we found most Indian members here to bash our nations with arrogance and ignorances in making trolling just like Shiv Seno's baseless attacks....

Aman Ki Asha Peace

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I think we can get along easily, its language and culture binding force among us. During college i took many classes from Indian teachers, we had good mutual understanding. Specially what i have to say when am unable to submit my assignment in time...hehehehe...me and my laziness
These past few days I've witnessed a lot of threads full of hatred. Khalistan Thrives, Indians exposed, Toilets in India, Pakistan ISI terrorizing and some of that sort. They are very provocative and simply here to bash our countries. I being a human fell for these and created a hate ful thread myself. I am sorry for that. I lost my calm. My apologies. What I wanna say is, these threads just won't stop and will degrade this beautiful forum that we have here. One hate comment can start a whole war of words. I just can't find a reason to bash each other. I don't understand why one opens a thread just to insult another country and not a distant country but our own neighbor and our brothers. No matter what we think, the truth is we are gonna stay here with each other and we better accept it and learn to live with it.

What is hatred gonna give back? Nothing except more hatred.
The world wants India and Pakistan to fight and someday annihilate each other. And we are helping them achieve it. Some would claim what does war of words has to do with the real war? It does. What you say today and get in return is a mentality that you'll create over a period of time. If you find hate here, you'll hate them in return. You'll keep that hatred in your heart and spread it all around. Soon you'll grow old and the hatred would still be in you. That hatred is what will inspire others to keep this hatred going for generations and generations.

Soon you realize this war of words is not limited to words alone.

I am tired of hatred and wanna forget it all and live in peace with the brothers across the border. I think mods should take notice and threads like Balochistan Independence and toilets in India should not be allowed. People should be warned over threads like these.

Anyways, at the end of day I am just one guy wanting some peace and don't wanna destroy this great forum with personal hate and rubbish threads. I humbly request Indian friends and Pakistani Brothers to please stop this hatred, forget what has happened and start a new journey at least for the sake of this forum.

Mods please lock these threads and update the rules, if you find them necessary.

i couldnt have put it any better - generally i try to avoid these 'flaming each other' threads as they serve absolutely no purpose. human beings are 'inherently' good hearted, it is the 'atmosphere' and history which influences our likes and dislikes. i have visited east punjab on many occasions and when people found out that i am a punjabi from pakistan, i was treated like a 'king' and had a wonderful time. my personal 'feelings' abt people of india changed forever!:cheers:
I tell you another story. But no one will ask questions.

My Urdu teacher wanted to visit India and see Mirza Galib house and many other places related to Urdu Literature. But she couldn't get visa because his Husband was a serving Army Officer.

Because GoI feared that she might be an agent of ISI :rofl::rofl:

this happened around 2004-2005

i think you have much of fear to ISI.
that's you ever feel it in nightmares.
don't you worry if you are natural ISI not take you.ok:pakistan:
Choudary Sahib,

Both sides were brought up in the environment of war and hatred with each other , how peace and love can be developed between them .

I appreciate your concern but at nation level we need to take few practical steps to finish all our disputes including Kashmir , Infact Indian and Pakistan poor public is suffering from negative politics of our leaders.They both dont want to resolve disputes for sake of their leadership and ego.

Pakistani Canadian will be given Indian visa more easily or not? I want to visit my home town Jhagi Sareef Patiala Gurdas pur.

There is no dispute in the world. Its all in our brains. Btw even I belong to Gurdaspur dist.
Rather than trying to solve these disputes, we should help the people around us. The solution to Kashmir would come at a cost, just like Pakistan and India in 1947. Its better we forget about Kashmir and live in peace.

Btw calling someone chaudhary sahib is insulting someone here in Punjab. ;)
so matter is done we will never flame in future?
I think we can get along easily, its language and culture binding force among us. During college i took many classes from Indian teachers, we had good mutual understanding. Specially what i have to say when am unable to submit my assignment in time...hehehehe...me and my laziness

In America ppl from subcontinent are united and call them-self's DESI, its only on this forum we fight.
woh ..kahawat hain na!! "900 chuhhe kha ke billi Haj ko chali"

I think it is reflecting in this thread, after bashing up each other we want to change , lets hope it lasts for at least today.
These past few days I've witnessed a lot of threads full of hatred. Khalistan Thrives, Indians exposed, Toilets in India, Pakistan ISI terrorizing and some of that sort. They are very provocative and simply here to bash our countries. I being a human fell for these and created a hate ful thread myself. I am sorry for that. I lost my calm. My apologies. What I wanna say is, these threads just won't stop and will degrade this beautiful forum that we have here. One hate comment can start a whole war of words. I just can't find a reason to bash each other. I don't understand why one opens a thread just to insult another country and not a distant country but our own neighbor and our brothers. No matter what we think, the truth is we are gonna stay here with each other and we better accept it and learn to live with it.

What is hatred gonna give back? Nothing except more hatred.
The world wants India and Pakistan to fight and someday annihilate each other. And we are helping them achieve it. Some would claim what does war of words has to do with the real war? It does. What you say today and get in return is a mentality that you'll create over a period of time. If you find hate here, you'll hate them in return. You'll keep that hatred in your heart and spread it all around. Soon you'll grow old and the hatred would still be in you. That hatred is what will inspire others to keep this hatred going for generations and generations.

Soon you realize this war of words is not limited to words alone.

I am tired of hatred and wanna forget it all and live in peace with the brothers across the border. I think mods should take notice and threads like Balochistan Independence and toilets in India should not be allowed. People should be warned over threads like these.

Anyways, at the end of day I am just one guy wanting some peace and don't wanna destroy this great forum with personal hate and rubbish threads. I humbly request Indian friends and Pakistani Brothers to please stop this hatred, forget what has happened and start a new journey at least for the sake of this forum.

Mods please lock these threads and update the rules, if you find them necessary.
Since most of the flak is directed towards me, hence a reply is essential. First of all this is a prestigious Pakistan Forum, the Indian members are privileged to be here and they are indeed welcome guests. No such joy for me on say Bharat Rakshak, in any case, i my self have been here for just three months. Some Indian members while complementing me on previous threads and posts question and wonder about other subjects which i may submit. Regrettably, if you browse through the forum and as admitted by you, so much anti-Pakistan material , such as Balochistan issue, the suicide bombings Pakistan being a failed state and even on the performance of our Cricket team, exists that you wonder if some members have even heard of the term, moral values. I am all in favour of healthy debates as it enhances your knowledge, but when some characters merely resort to mud slinging, maligning, being critical and sarcastic, then i am afraid you will find, gloves tend to come off. Basically compared to this, my thread(s) are just a walk in park.
Coming back to my topics, i usually don't tend to utilize derelict or destitute dialect, nor do i have the bankrupt mentality to create and produce imaginary castles, you WILL find that my topics do contain a substance and material to back up any claim, otherwise i HAVE discovered to my experience that the Admins. Mods and related staff are very efficient in stopping and removing any nonsense. Sir, you were trying to champion your country fellows and asking them not to post any replies and let my thread SINK. Well, some of them haven't heeded your advise and instead of putting up a genuine argument have digressed and even resorted to personal insults. Although i paused for the sake of it, and i don't take pride in having the last say, but more often than not, a called for reply is detrimental.
You see in recent past, we Pakistanis were being labelled as fanatics, fundamentalists, and what not, but in the same breath the very accusers would concede that Pakistanis are amongst the best hosts in the world and we are proud of that as this is our practice, teaching and part of our society, hence we are all for peace but not peace at any price. !!! REGARDS.
We all have to learn to exercise a little patience. I believe most of us here are decent folk who mean no harm to each other.

Yet there are some others who come here with the sole purpose of trolling and putting others down. And I have seen many good members replying to their flamebaits with passion and venom, and soon even the best threads turn to flamewars, and a lot of good members get banned.

Before posting a reply, we should just assess how our reply will be taken by others. If it contains something offensive or hurtful, just think, "hmm...i can avoid that and phrase the post in a better way." If someone posts a flamebait, politely ask them to provide a neutral source to back it up, or just ignore them, no matter how much it gets your blood boiling. Just report the post and have the Mods clean it up.

There are many who want to promote hatred. The best way to ensure their defeat is to work together to promote peace, good culture and harmony amongst ourselves. The trolls should be isolated and find no replies to their flamebaits. They will stop when they realise that no one is even bothering to consider their posts and that their posts just keep getting deleted without snagging a single hate reply.

Think of it like diffusing IEDs! Instead of trying to deal with it yourself and having it blow up in your face, just get the proper authorities (Mods) to clean it up!
In America ppl from subcontinent are united and call them-self's DESI, its only on this forum we fight.

Its universal rule that whenever you are in minority anywhere you come along ;)

Same for desies they have to face racial discrimination in the West and thats what bring them togather as its better to be with your desies heheheh
Since most of the flak is directed towards me, hence a reply is essential. First of all this is a prestigious Pakistan Forum, the Indian members are privileged to be here and they are indeed welcome guests. No such joy for me on say Bharat Rakshak, in any case, i my self have been here for just three months. Some Indian members while complementing me on previous threads and posts question and wonder about other subjects which i may submit. Regrettably, if you browse through the forum and as admitted by you, so much anti-Pakistan material , such as Balochistan issue, the suicide bombings Pakistan being a failed state and even on the performance of our Cricket team, exists that you wonder if some members have even heard of the term, moral values. I am all in favour of healthy debates as it enhances your knowledge, but when some characters merely resort to mud slinging, maligning, being critical and sarcastic, then i am afraid you will find, gloves tend to come off. Basically compared to this, my thread(s) are just a walk in park.
Coming back to my topics, i usually don't tend to utilize derelict or destitute dialect, nor do i have the bankrupt mentality to create and produce imaginary castles, you WILL find that my topics do contain a substance and material to back up any claim, otherwise i HAVE discovered to my experience that the Admins. Mods and related staff are very efficient in stopping and removing any nonsense. Sir, you were trying to champion your country fellows and asking them not to post any replies and let my thread SINK. Well, some of them haven't heeded your advise and instead of putting up a genuine argument have digressed and even resorted to personal insults. Although i paused for the sake of it, and i don't take pride in having the last say, but more often than not, a called for reply is detrimental.
You see in recent past, we Pakistanis were being labelled as fanatics, fundamentalists, and what not, but in the same breath the very accusers would concede that Pakistanis are amongst the best hosts in the world and we are proud of that as this is our practice, teaching and part of our society, hence we are all for peace but not peace at any price. !!! REGARDS.

Well, with any thread, its not just the substance to back you up that matters, its the intention behind it. On the internet you can claim anything and find someone/something to back you up. It just doesn't matter. If you yourself would have spent some time researching the matter you started in your threads, you would have understand how immature it was. I am not being aggressive or anything. I wanted these threads to sink, cause if they didn't, more and more members would be prone to replying to those threads and it was obvious, Indians weren't gonna be any generous to you.

I just want you to change your attitude a little on the forum. It would make this place more friendly. Because of those threads, Indians would start being hostile to other Pakistani members also. You don't want that, do you?

I am sorry if I sounded offensive, but trust me, it was just a suggestion.

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