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A fighter is shotdown near the border

I hardly think that any rational human being would take the Iranians seriously :rofl:

They just sent two crappy rusty ships to the US, it was a huge deal :lol:
Never should you underestimate the power of F-313 ayatollah nuclear powered turquoise stealth subs. :D You need to be braindead to believe in the fact that blue color would camouflage a sub :D No hate to my Farsi brothers, only your supreme beardwarriors need to return to reality :D


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@Serpentine @damm1t

It looks like the guys that came into syria from Turkey were not going openly in full combat gear. They leave weapons in the woods and pick them up then they go into syria.

This is from the Turkish armed Forces website saying that they found weapons hidden under a tree in the woods at the syrian border. (This was yesterday at Yayladagi)

Türkiye-Suriye hududunda, Hatay/Yayladağı İlçe Jandarma Komutanlığı unsurları tarafından, Yayladağı/Çandır köyü mülkî sınırları içerisinde icra edilen önleyici kolluk devriyesinde, dere yatağında ağaçların altına bırakılmış vaziyette;
- Bir adet RPG-7 roketatar, 1 RPG
- Üç adet RPG-7 antitank mühimmatı, 3 RPG antitank rockets
- İki adet RPG-11 antipersonel mühimmatı, 2 RPG 11 Rockets
- Dört adet roketatar sevk fişeği,
- 60 adet 12,7 mm uçaksavar fişeği, 60 12.7mm anti air rounds
- 2.950 adet Kaleşnikof Piyade Tüfeği fişeği, 2950 AK rounds
- Bir adet Kaleşnikof Piyade Tüfeği şarjörü, 1 AK magazine
- Dört adet savunma tipi el bombası, 4 hand grenades
- İki adet taarruz tipi el bombası,
- 100 adet BKC Makineli Tüfeği fişeği,
- Beş adet sırt çantası ve muhtelif yaşam malzemesi bulunmuştur. 5 back packs, and survival supplies

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

Israel owns a superpower to back them everytime mate, and we don't.

Update; It's said that there were two syrian fighters, after warnings one of them left the airspace and escaped and the other one kept closing and that's the one we shot down.

That news is confirmed by The Turkish Armed Forces

TARIH : 23 Mart 2014

SAAT : 16:15

NO : BA - 04 / 14

(2 Syrian Mig 23's approached the Turkish border so F-16's were dispathched. The Mig 23's were warned as they approached the Turkish border)

Suriye’ye ait iki adet MIG-23 uçağının, Suriye hava sahasında kuzeye doğru uçuşu, 23 Mart 2014 saat 13.01’den itibaren Diyarbakır’daki Birleştirilmiş Kontrol İhbar Merkezi (BİKİM) tarafından 80 deniz mili mesafeden izlenmeye başlanmış ve Suriye uçakları Türk hududuna on deniz mili mesafeden itibaren Türk hava sahasına yaklaştığına ilişkin dört kez ikaz edilmiştir.

(1 of the migs did flew away from our border but the 2nd mig entered turkish airspace and flew 1km deep into it. This happened in the Yayladah area)

Yapılan ikazlar üzerine, Suriye uçaklarından birisi hava sahamıza girmeden bölgeden uzaklaşmış; ancak ikinci Suriye uçağı, uyarılara rağmen saat 13.13 sularında Hatay/Yayladağı’na bağlı Çamlı Tepe Hudut Karakolu bölgesinde Türk hava sahasına girerek yaklaşık bir kilometre kadar hava sahamızı ihlal etmiş, daha sonra batıya doğru yönelerek 1,5 kilometre kadar hava sahamızda uçmaya devam etmiştir.

(1 Turkish F-16 fired an Air to Air missile at the Mig. The Mig crashed into syrian Territory)

Bu esnada bölgede hava devriye görevinde (havada hazır) bulunan iki adet F-16 uçağımızdan birisi, angajman kuralları gereğince saat 13.14’de Suriye uçağına füze atmış ve isabet alan Suriye uçağı hududun 1200 metre güneyinde ve Suriye topraklarında yer alan Kesep bölgesine düşmüştür. Uçağın Kesep bölgesine düşüşü, bölgede bulunan hudut birliklerimiz tarafından gözlemlenmiştir.

Kamuoyuna saygıyla duyurulur.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
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It is not being covered by opposition media, because it's a big deal since there were Al-Nusra elements among them.

All the Syrian sources are reporting it and also, Syria's representative in UN has officially protested it:

It's the first time they are protesting a raid from inside Turkish soil towards Syria and it makes sense too, because that area is isolated from all side by Turkish border and only open route is towards Syria is south.

Also SOHR, an opposition source is admitting that most of the injured rebels are being taken to Turkey for treatment.

Just look at the map of Kesab here:


Google Maps

Syria’s Lattakia- Quick summary on attacks from Turkey

Kesab is surrounded from all sides by Turkish border and Latakia province is one of the best protected areas by SAA. How could thousands of rebels suddenly get in to Kesab over night? If you look at the map and see it from an unbiased military point of view, the only way to attack there is Turkish soil.

its only shia propanganda, you look for terorists ? see the hizbulseytan boys from iran and libanon in syria.
Turkey warns Syria of 'heavy' response if its airspace violated

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday congratulated the military for downing a Syrian warplane near the border and warned of a "heavy" response if its airspace was violated.
"Our response will be heavy if you violate our airspace," Erdogan said during an election rally, referring to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey warns Syria of 'heavy' response if its airspace violated - Region - World - Ahram Online
No, you're dead wrong.

Didn't you declare an ideology a 'terrorist' organization a week ago? The Turkish leadership is sympathetic with that ideology in a way. I don't understand this, maybe your boyfriend knocked out some brain cells of yours.
Didn't you declare an ideology a 'terrorist' organization a week ago? The Turkish leadership is sympathetic with that ideology in a way. I don't understand this, maybe your boyfriend knocked out some brain cells of yours.


Would you please explain the difference to our Pally friend between having a disagreement in terms of foreign policy and hatred?
Didn't you declare an ideology a 'terrorist' organization a week ago? The Turkish leadership is sympathetic with that ideology in a way. I don't understand this, maybe your boyfriend knocked out some brain cells of yours.
Do you really think that MB is that important for Erdogan?
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