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A dream that the world conspired against: Manufacturing a warplane in Egypt and the position of the JF-17 Block 3

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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In the sixties, Egypt succeeded in the project of the Helwan 300 fighter, and the Soviets plotted against it.

In the eighties, Egypt asked France to manufacture Mirage 2000 fighters, so the Americans intervened to waste the opportunity for Egypt and made an offer to Egypt to manufacture the Falcon locally from aid funds, which Egypt preferred at the time to reduce the burden on the budget.

Unfortunately, the Americans never fulfilled this contract and paid the penalty clause in the mid-nineties after wasting the opportunity for Egypt.

The Egyptian dream is now renewed and the manufacture of this plane is on the table if China meets the Egyptian demands to produce a tactical plane that is cheap in price and has low costs in maintenance and operation, allowing the operation of a large number of them.

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InshaAllah we will see greater cooperation between Muslim nations on such matters. It needs to be a mix of private public joint ventures. There are so many obstacles that can be overcome through collaboration.

When China or the USA wants a 5th generation fighter they have multiple companies competing for designs. In the end product that wins they take advantage of the different tech engineered by these different companies.

We should also take a similar pan national approach amongst ourselves.

Small disputes will always remain but we are not mortal enemies.
Jf17 is for replacing
Upgrading them will cost more than making own light fighter plane .. so the choice is obvious..
Is Egypt looking to replace 220 of it's medium-weight F-16s with a light-weight fighter fleet?

I would've thought Egypt going for the F-35s to replace their F-16s was a more practical approach.
Is Egypt looking to replace 220 of it's medium-weight F-16s with a light-weight fighter fleet?

I would've thought Egypt going for the F-35s to replace their F-16s was a more practical approach.
You never replace a medium weight fighter with a light weight one.. it is mostly to replace the Mirage 5, the Mig-21 and J-7 that went out of service.. and most important is to have some kind of independence in Egypt's airforce..

Trump wanted to sell the F-35 to Egypt but it didn't go trough Congress.. so Egypt bought the SU-35S.. and more Rafale..
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my dear if you have will power no matter how much world conspired against you you will reach the goal . nukes in our hands is biggest example
As you can see in the article Egypt never gave up and still going ahead with its objective of making its own fighter jet..so the will is there and as you said it will certainly be attained..
As you can see in the article Egypt never gave up and still going ahead with its objective of making its own fighter jet..so the will is there and as you said it will certainly be attained..
my best wishes to them they deserve it
Are 220 F-16s with the Egyption Air Force not enough?
no they are not enough at all they are harmless while israilis are best armed . its like airliner fighting with f-16.
Lol.....mighty Egypt doesn't need this poor lightweight fighter. Egypt should be content with F16, Mig35, Su35, Rafale.

Edit: Forgot EFT :p:
InshaAllah we will see greater cooperation between Muslim nations on such matters. It needs to be a mix of private public joint ventures. There are so many obstacles that can be overcome through collaboration.

When China or the USA wants a 5th generation fighter they have multiple companies competing for designs. In the end product that wins they take advantage of the different tech engineered by these different companies.

We should also take a similar pan national approach amongst ourselves.

Small disputes will always remain but we are not mortal enemies.
If only we had Muslims
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