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A crazy video: The Truth About the "Useless" F-35 & F-22



New Recruit

Jun 12, 2011
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this video is the most frantic video I ever watched

well, maybe the people in youtube mostly was crazy...

It says:

Then Truth Revealed by the United States Department of Defense, the United States Air Force (USAF), the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the US RAND Corporation Research ANd Development, US and Australia Pacific Vision data.

The exercise PACAFs Pacific Vision on sept 25/08 revealed the United States air superiority is just a fantasy. The exercise was consisted of face the Red Team one hundred Su-27SM, four Su-30 and two Su-35 against Blue Team one hundred F-35, one hundred eighty seven F-22 and four hundred F/A-18E/F. The exercise showed the blue team higher in number of aircraft is double inferior when hundreds of Blue Forces aircraft were lost in the first 20 minutes downed by the Red Forces., on the other hand only 12 aircraft was downed in the Red Team.

Pacific Vision effect the production of the F-22 was canceled and the F-35 project not longer receives investment all since 2008 by Barack Hussein Obama II and Robert Michael Gates.

so what do you think about this video?
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I really don't know that "PACAFs Pacific Vision on sept 25/08" is exist or not. I mean did they have this exercise already?

@Mods dont know where to post this or is this post was breaking the rules in this forum...if this is the wrong section or breaking the rules please move it or delete it thanks .
Wow, this is practically a promotional video for the Russian jets courtesy the Rand corporation. I duno about the JSF but the Hornet has more than proved its battle-worthiness and to call it ineffective is a bit far fetched aka useless.

P.S I think this video is supposed to be satire made by the Orange News Network.
u guyz do understand that the purpose of these exercises like redflag, is to train and ready pilots for combat.
therefore most of the pilots in blue team are either rookies or those who've never performed a combat mission...
high failure rate is expected because the redteam is made up of ace pilots...
^^ yes if rookies are in red flag than professionals or ready to use pilots are poping up bear cans and enjoing honey moon?? red flag is the best event to know one's enemy
American aircraft have never come up to a Russian one they couldn't whip like a red-headed stepchild. Period. Speculation is fun, but the real world record still exist.
Don't under-estimate SU Series @ juice when comparing them with your 4th Gen.
sorry but what is "red flag is the best event to know one's enemy" mean? I can't understand
American aircraft have never come up to a Russian one they couldn't whip like a red-headed stepchild. Period. Speculation is fun, but the real world record still exist.

I take it you arn't familiar with aircraft history. Have you ever heard of Russian pilots secretly flying Mig-15's in Korea? Even though there was a small handfull of them (26) they acheived 241 kills, although the UN only gives them credit for 108 kills. Moreover, this group of pilots acheived more than half of all F-86 kills.

Something a little bit more up to date would be comparing something like the F-4 and Mig-21, both are of the same time period. The F-4 certainly has the better record than the Mig-21 but that is largely in part due to US and Isareli pilots which are exellent pilots. Likewise, the Mig-21 pilots were average to poor at best, (Vietnamese pilots were average, Arab pilots were poor). The record stands something to the tune of 1.68:1 F-4 to Mig-21 kills. Or 89 F-4's lost compared to 150 Mig-21's lost.

Pakistani pilots also shot down a number of Israeli aircraft while flying the Mig-21, all the while the Arabs struggled against the Israelis while using the same aircraft as Pakistani pilots, so pilots have a lot to due with the out come of kill ratios or combat records.
This subject has been beaten into the ground on this site. rather then keep posting the same useless topic please do a search next time. According to the RAND corporation who is supposedly quoted in this video all the claims are totally false and they didnt present any analysis at the war game on the F-35.

Statement Regarding Media Coverage of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter | RAND

September 25, 2008

Andrew Hoehn, Director of RAND Project Air Force, made the following statement today:

“Recently, articles have appeared in the Australian press with assertions regarding a war game in which analysts from the RAND Corporation were involved. Those reports are not accurate. RAND did not present any analysis at the war game relating to the performance of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, nor did the game attempt detailed adjudication of air-to-air combat. Neither the game nor the assessments by RAND in support of the game undertook any comparison of the fighting qualities of particular fighter aircraft.”

Here is another one criticizing F-22.
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Here is another one criticizing F-22.
I stopped the video when it got to the 'Maintainability' and that 30-something hours requirement crap. Just another Rachel Maddow rip-off.
This subject has been beaten into the ground on this site. rather then keep posting the same useless topic please do a search next time. According to the RAND corporation who is supposedly quoted in this video all the claims are totally false and they didnt present any analysis at the war game on the F-35.
Just some new person who just discovered the Internet and who think he just dug up some major dirt that is going to 'shock' everyone.

So let me put on my 'shocked' face...:blink:
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