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A call for Pakistani Unity

Why are you getting so sensitive?
Please don't get your knickers in a twist.

And stop being obsessed with the western world, I thought you guys hated them, you old masters. The world knows what's what and who's who, and we don't really give a crap about what the world thinks.

We don't have a problem with having similarities with our neighbours, you cant change history. But similarities does not mean the same. If you have such a problem then please go discuss it with your own lot.
What are you doing here?
Don't you know it's rude to enter uninvited.
Similarity is okay since we are in same geography, people make us same right? That's the issue!
I wanted to leave this thread just after my first post thinking it would suffice but I keep getting requoted though :lol: I'll go now thanks!
Again, you are getting the Point are you, its a concept of Unity like European Power made one for themselves, you know the history of Europeans right, they kill each other for centuries and in millions and yet they come together because they know the importance of unity among themselves, they based their unity based on Geographic locations and ethnic connections but we have something that makes us, not just connected to other Muslim countries but it makes us literally a brother of any Muslim around the world, this is no joke especially when you hear Prophets last sermon, Plus Pakistani's should speak for themselves if they like to follow up the Idea of Ummah or go towards nationalism, because Arabs can definitely speak for themselves, and by Arabs and Persians I don't mean those who are on PDF but a large consensus which no one has.

ALL white Europeans are ALL EXACTLY the same race, dna, genetics and heritage. They only differ in language and slightly culturally. It is easy for them to unify. The last time we tried to form an Ummah with those that are 1000s of miles away from us, they joined forces with the idol-worshippers and fought the Muslim Pakistanis.

With the various ethnicities within Pakistan, Pakistan ITSELF is an "Ummah". So Pakistani patriotism and nationalism is promoting the Ummah. Win-Win for all.
Rehabilitation? Perhaps life on prison without the possibility of parole?
To many...
They have too much influence.
Look at the bhutto family. Kill one and like weeds a dozen rise...Best eradicate the lot.
Look at khadam razwi...he dies his son replaces him...is this Islam.

F them and kill the lot so we can develop as a nation.
Nationalism is a short-sighted idea, which by its nature bound to fall or get corrupt we have seen it in Europe and most recently in USA, I notice a lot of people here despise the concept of Ummah and even abuse it, forgetting that this was given by Prophet with full authority from Allah, a system that Allah put for you would be best because he knows best, if a concept such as Ummah is not working, don't blame the concept but blame those who failed to strengthen it, if your results are wrong because you put wrong numbers in any equation, you don't blame the equation you check for your mistake and where did you put wrong numbers, correct it until you get the desired results.

Remember nationalism and just one incident away from Fascism and history told us that it's not good for any healthy nation, but if this is what Pakistani's do want for themselves, then good for them and they are welcome to it, but they should also change their official name from the " Islamic Republic of Pakistan " to " People's republic or just Pakistan ", No need to keep the name of Islam attach to Pakistan when one is making fun of a concept which Prophet prescribed for his nation.

Hubbul Watani is part of creed.

Muslims are expected to even not follow their parents when it comes to forceful impositions which a person may judge to be unislamic. This goes beyond the practice of rituals and into the territory of way or ways of life.

Pakistani Nationalism is akin to an Ijtehad undertaken by the Muslimeens.
To many...
They have too much influence.
Look at the bhutto family. Kill one and like weeds a dozen rise...Best eradicate the lot.
Look at khadam razwi...he dies his son replaces him...is this Islam.

F them and kill the lot so we can develop as a nation.

I'd say make them ALL do forced labour for the rest of their lives. No quarter given.
I'd say make them ALL do forced labour for the rest of their lives. No quarter given.
If you knew Pakistan you wouldn't say that

Judges are corrupt bought easily with money and hooker.
Police biggest haramis

You want to fix Pakistan. Then understand one thing Pakistanis only understand one thing brute force.
We Indians are clear in who we are. We do not need any disassociation. Let others disassociate if they want. Why should we forsake Pakistani cuisine. Do we not have West Punjabi and Sindhi migrants in India? We proudly claim the culture and heritage of the entire subcontinent. We are not asking them to forsake this shared heritage. If they want to, thats their choice.
We are together but there are so many traitors. There is no accountability. only anarchy and corruption. Educated people are now taxi drivers and uneducated people are directors, Ceo, Managers, head of companies etc. No government jobs for everyone. all government jobs only for specific people. everyone knows reality. everyone is silent. continue like this. We educated don't care now. we know where this country is heading.
We Indians are clear in who we are. We do not need any disassociation. Let others disassociate if they want. Why should we forsake Pakistani cuisine. Do we not have West Punjabi and Sindhi migrants in India? We proudly claim the culture and heritage of the entire subcontinent. We are not asking them to forsake this shared heritage. If they want to, thats their choice.
Please stop talking crap

When you sa WE

nagas want independence
Tamils want independence
Kashmiris want independence
Sikhs want freedom...

That's just a few I could go on but there is no WE in India
Similarity is okay since we are in same geography, people make us same right? That's the issue!
I wanted to leave this thread just after my first post thinking it would suffice but I keep getting requoted though :lol: I'll go now thanks!

Your first comment was rude and inappropriate.
Geography is not an issue in our case, with regards to India, because Pakistan straddles South Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia, plus the Arabian peninsula across the sea, and China, it crosses many cultures.

But you can't ignore the facts we share a similar South Asian culture.
It's good that you are going, you should not have come in the first place.
Please stop talking crap

When you sa WE

nagas want independence
Tamils want independence
Kashmiris want independence
Sikhs want freedom...

That's just a few I could go on but there is no WE in India
I am here to listen, not running away. Lava kyu foot pada? Chill man.

Common folks from Nagaland consider themselves as Indian as any other. There may be fringe groups having some issues and the govt is talking to them.
Tamils want independence? This is news to me. Any source?
Kashmiris want independence or merger with Pak ? Please make up your mind, then we can talk.
Sikhs are the most patriotic Indians. We cannot think of India without them.
If you knew Pakistan you wouldn't say that

Judges are corrupt bought easily with money and hooker.
Police biggest haramis

You want to fix Pakistan. Then understand one thing Pakistanis only understand one thing brute force.

EXACTLY! You are precisely correct. But that's the point. Violence is not the answer. The solution lies in the psychology of these people. Why do they think like this? How can they be rehabilitated? Once we can control their minds, we can control them to a tee. There are sufficient techniques for this via MKUltra and the Manchurian candidate programs.
That won't cleanse them of sin.

Redemption for them lies in converting that valley of sorrows back to Shangri La.

You have very impressive written skills. Obviously a graduate with high honours.
I am here to listen, not running away. Lava kyu foot pada? Chill man.

Common folks from Nagaland consider themselves as Indian as any other. There may be fringe groups having some issues and the govt is talking to them.
Tamils want independence? This is news to me. Any source?
Kashmiris want independence or merger with Pak ? Please make up your mind, then we can talk.
Sikhs are the most patriotic Indians. We cannot think of India without them.
I am glad you live in a bubble.
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