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He was the one guy who deserved extension

And we didn't give him
He didn't want the extention because he was given a higher post of the commander of Muslim NATO.Otherwise, he would be our current general. :D
this is the plight of many in balochistan.........
what he may become-----
is a question for all of us,
he needs books ,
not toy guns, and granades.
Pak army would have been reduced to Punjab police if Nawaz Sharif rule this country for another 5-10 years. This is what NS wants since 1993 onwards. Inviting Vajpai to Lahore, going to ceremony of Modi's first premiership and not meeting Huriyat, inviting Modi at his granddaughter's ceremony, inviting Jindal, Dawn leaks etc. were all part of the scheme. NS is hell bent on improving relationship with India even at the cost of Kashmir and sovereignty so that role of Pak army will diminish and then NS and his dynasty will rule without any fear from any pillar of the state.

The GDP growth under NS was all due to huge imports and insensible spending. This was never sustainable. This was the recipe for disaster. This will take years for Pak to come out of the burden of loans.

On the other hand, IK is good speaker and sometimes it does help Pak when he speaks against Indian hegemony and its atrocities in Kashmir. We should not forget NS didn't even utter a word against modi in 4 years of his last tenure.

But IK is too naive and stupid on so many other fronts and I don't think he will ever learn. Still he is far far better than NS and Zardari.
Imran was not in charge when Raheel was there infact as per some news, Raheel himself didn't want an extension. It was always Nawaz Sharif call, what ever Imran said that time, didn't had any value.

P.S. Baluchistan has been totally outsourced to F.C for the last 15 years or so and because of CPEC, it will be GHQ who will take decisions when it comes to Baluchistan so if GHQ doesn't want to anguish Iran than Imran Khan will not speak.
If you are on a such a great fire then go to the hills of blouchistan and fight them....if you don't have the balls then try not to....
And remain it to the professionals.... What do you think PA wouldn't have pain of these shadaats? Or you have more affection towards PA soldiers then their officers which considered their soldier as their family members?
Ask GHQ , they ain't interested. FC solider life doesn't mean to them much.
Americans and NATO soldiers were also died in Afghanistan having their so called Humvees.
Pak army would have been reduced to Punjab police if Nawaz Sharif rule this country for another 5-10 years. This is what NS wants since 1993 onwards. Inviting Vajpai to Lahore, going to ceremony of Modi's first premiership and not meeting Huriyat, inviting Modi at his granddaughter's ceremony, inviting Jindal, Dawn leaks etc. were all part of the scheme. NS is hell bent on improving relationship with India even at the cost of Kashmir and sovereignty so that role of Pak army will diminish and then NS and his dynasty will rule without an fear from any pillar of the state.

The GDP growth under NS was all due to huge imports and insensible spending. This was never sustainable. This was the recipe for disaster. This will take years for Pak to come out of the burden of loans.

On the other hand, IK is good speaker and sometimes it does help Pak when he speaks against Indian hegemony and its atrocities in Kashmir. We should not forget NS didn't even utter a word against modi in 4 years of his last tenure.

But IK is too naive and stupid on so many other fronts and I don't think he will ever learn. Still he is far far better than NS and Zardari.

people forgot, how imran was played in USA?drone protests,in kpk.

who benefitted from his protests, who arranged them, poured millions in rallys,

we r so short memory awaamm.
When will Pakistanis wakeup and come to their senses that India and Indians are open enemies of pakistan. This false narrative of aman ki asha is fabricated nonsense. We treated Afghans as brothers and they started a mass operation against us. PM Khan needs to understand there is no such concept of brotherhood now.
And our handsome also opposed extension to him
It doesn’t matter what Imran Khan wanted at that point, the decision was with Nawaz Sharif.

And this is something this forum always starts doing when there’s a negative incident, start blaming this that and the other. The Army is an institution - no one individual is going to make a major difference to the overall direction.
We have pointed this out time and again.

This would have occurred whether Bajwa or Raheel Sharif was in charge.
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He didn't want the extention because he was given a higher post of the commander of Muslim NATO.Otherwise, he would be our current general. :D

If he RS had taken the extension, you pdf mafia would object than as well... infect objections already started with rumors of his extension.

As we later found out, extensions were illegal process, therefore all politicians joined hands to amend constitution, to turn an illegal act into a legal act, wonder why!
How many BLA terrorist are killed by Patrolling parties of FC? How many BLA terrorist killed in Intelligence based operations? I think only intelligence based operations are solution of this problem, and patrolling parties are only targets
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