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6 Including Major Martyred Near Turbat in IED Attack

#IndiaIranNexus #Terror Arsenal: H.E warhead,Art rocket Owned/fired by terrorist outfit #BLF( April) May8 attack: planned/execu from across. Multidirectional, concealed,elevated,this is how #IndiaSponsoringBLA,#terrorism in #Balochistan #Pakistan frm #Iran,#Afghanistan




Damit bc. Bajwa should resign. We don't need such a phatu COAS. Damn you Khan SB for giving him extension. You are equally responsible.

pakistani soldiers pays price for generals failed doctrine????
Army leadership has blood on their hands, every country which faced insurgency had enough common sense to induct MRAP in large numbers. Turkey did it and Tunisia did it and Nigeria did but our soldiers are dying daily and our genius leadership is ordering Tanks and than some people here had the audacity to defend Army leadership and use of Hilux
our policies are utter failure when it comes to dealing with india,s /NDS/isreal,s state sponsored terrorism in pakistan

To be fair we had a massive down tick in violence for years now

We succeeded in many areas

Within India and within Afghanistan, India infact has been completely blunted in Afghanistan

This success is why we are facing this uptick in violence

Our success against the TTP and NDS is why PTM was born
Our success in negotiating Taliban/U.S ceasefire against vested interests of Afghani regime and India is why we are facing a uptick in Balochistan and Waziristan

When your enemy burns with frustration he seeks to strike out and this is what is happening

However like many I too am disappointed in little investment in MRAPs ( is it a money issue)
And why no big scale push in Balochistan to push the Yahoo's over the border in iran and seal it

A proper border fence is now planned for Iran border
This I think will be central to breaking our enemies

All they are doing at the moment is popping over from Iran and planting IEDs on known routes, knowing our soldiers will travel those routes
US MRAPs had 300m radius signal Jammers. Insurgents were using pressure plate because remotely detonating was impossible. Now To detect pressure plates, lead Vehicle was installed with Ground scanner in front. Pressure plate weren’t effect anymore.

Another way US was blowing up IED planters, is by monitoring main roads and highways that are used by troops or expected to be used by troops with drones. Gotta do planing and monitoring in advance. There are many video where IED planter are caught red handed by drone and than blown up into pieces from sky.

It's a IED

Take a look how it screwed the U.S in Iraq and they have enormous funds

They are just laying bombs and them detonating remotely

We need the fence up and properly patrolled
By now an emergency meeting should had been called, Pakistan should had gone into red alert, there should had been some sort of statements from both the army and government with a road map of action. Sara Lanti sooi hua hain.
i think gen Raheel like coas is needed otherwise terrorism will again start like in past
If Turkish T129 is not ready, then go for Chinese. Start air patrolling. No need to use foot soldiers. or use drones. Pakistan drone program is older then Turkey, but unfortunately we still far behind . Drone a cheap and much more secured to strike the terrorist in mountain and desert region.
US MRAPs had 300m radius signal Jammers. Insurgents were using pressure plate because remotely detonating was impossible. Now To detect pressure plates, lead Vehicle was installed with Ground scanner in front. Pressure plate weren’t effect anymore.

Another way US was blowing up IED planters, is by monitoring main roads and highways that are used by troops or expected to be used by troops with drones. Gotta do planing and monitoring in advance. There are many video where IED planter are caught red handed by drone and than blown up into pieces from sky.

We have utter morons in leadership this Bajwa needs to be replaced.
i think gen Raheel like coas is needed otherwise terrorism will again start like in past
I doubt , recently ask for 20 percent hike in salaries or PA budget ...don't know what. Seems having budgetary issues in armed forces.
i think we have shown weakness toward india human rights violation in kashmir,these attacks are carried by indian support so if we hit india army and cause damage they will learn lesson just like they threat to attack us after any attack occur in india and iok we should also threat them with attacks and nuclear war in retaliation to such terrorists attacks
I doubt , recently ask for 20 percent hike in salaries or PA budget ...don't know what. Seems having budgetary issues in armed forces.
One Pakistan specific problem is our generals are busy with megalomaniac strategic visions and half baked ideas for Afghanistan, Middle East, India front or God know what else but they do not have time or regards for internal security. As after WOT since 2001 we have noticed how ill prepared in training and equipment wise our forces were to fight against TTP in tribal areas. Our foot soldiers paid dearly for ill planned missions, poor equipment and tactics by their superiors.

Another problem is due to our defense force structure. By definition defense forces are very regimental with silo minded vision under strict command and rigid organizational structure. If equipment are brought for one unit, most probably they are not shared with other, no matter how bad others needed it, even for temporary share. If a tank is bought for Kashmir they will keep it for there. If a drone is bought for Afghan border, they will even keep it there even idle but not lend it to Iranian border.

What Pakistan need urgently is a fourth pillar of defense force called National Guard with single integrated command and responsibility will be whole Pakistan to protect vital infrastructure like airport, sea ports, dams, railway, gas and oil fields, major highway etc. They should be manned by own people from top to bottom and own equipment for intelligence, communications, transportation, drones, helicopters, small aircraft, MRAPs, light tanks, speedboats etc so not be at mercy of sister forces. They should be trained for counter insurgency and irregular ware fare as well light commando operations and take the lead in fight against terrorists, separatists and interstate organized crimes etc. The FC, coast guards, anti narcotics force, railway police, CPEC protection force etc all these should be merged with National Guards. The current FC structure is not working at all, they are not suitable for urban policing not good for anti insurgency/terrorism fight in mountainous/desert area. All these security forces though little bit better than police forces (which is even in more horrible condition) are top heavy, poorly manned and even more poorly equipped and trained with no or very less coordination with each other. They are no match for hardened terrorist or insurgents well equipped with IEDs, RPGS etc in mountainous or desert area. They are only good for search and rescue operation in semi urban environment.
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