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529 Sentenced To Death In Egypt


Aug 5, 2013
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Egyptian court sentences 529 Muslim Brotherhood members to death: lawyer
CAIRO Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:30am EDT

(Reuters) - An Egyptian court sentenced 529 members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to death on Monday on charges including murder, a defense lawyer said, in a sharp escalation of a crackdown on the movement.

Most were arrested during clashes which erupted in the southern province of Minya after the forced dispersal of two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps in Cairo on August 14.

Political turmoil has deepened in Egypt since the army overthrew President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood last July. Security forces have killed hundreds of Brotherhood members in the street, and arrested thousands of others.

"The court has decided to sentence to death 529 defendants, and 16 were acquitted," lawyer Ahmed al-Sharif told Reuters. The ruling can be appealed.

The charges against the group, on trial in Minya since Saturday, include violence, inciting murder, storming a police station, attacking persons and damaging public and private property.

Only 123 of the defendants were present. The rest were either released, out on bail or on the run.

The government has declared the Brotherhood a "terrorist" group. The Brotherhood says it is a peaceful movement.

(Reporting by Asma al-Sharif; Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
Hahahahaha Zionist Al Qaeda sect pretending to fight for the sunnis, but actually are hated and beaten like dogs by the muslims
The thought of that is disturbing, even though they will appeal and the ruling will be dismissed....

Being a demonstrator these days gets you a death sentence. Congratulations Egyptians, this is what you wanted, the same old military regime. I'm sure you're going to enjoy the tidings and blessings of the military regime. Enjoy half of your population being under the poverty line for the next twenty years. I'm sure you're so proud of this a achievement.
The thought of that is disturbing, even though they will appeal and the ruling will be dismissed....

Being a demonstrator these days gets you a death sentence. Congratulations Egyptians, this is what you wanted, the same old military regime. I'm sure you're going to enjoy the tidings and blessings of the military regime. Enjoy half of your population being under the poverty line for the next twenty years. I'm sure you're so proud of this a achievement.

No, the death sentence for these people is a result of murder not demonstration, that's if you can call an assault on the local police station protest.

No, the death sentence for these people is a result of murder not demonstration, that's if you can call an assault on the local police station protest.

Oh yeah sure, no evidence of assault, if one person was injured then the justice system punishes the specific attackers. However, no doubt you defend this while also defend the security forces who murdered hundreds of demonstrators in cold blood you coward.


Egypt: More than 500 sentenced to death in ‘grotesque’ ruling | Amnesty International

Today’s mass death sentences handed down by an Egyptian court are a grotesque example of the shortcomings and the selective nature of Egypt's justice system, Amnesty International said.

According to state media reports, in a single hearing this morning, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 529 supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi to be executed for their alleged role inviolence following his ousting in July last year.

“This is injustice writ large and these death sentences must be quashed. Imposing death sentences of this magnitude in a single case makes Egypt surpass most other countries’ use of capital punishment in a year,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International.

"This is the largest single batch of simultaneous death sentences we’ve seen in recent years, not just in Egypt but anywhere in the world.

“Egypt's courts are quick to punish Mohamed Morsi's supporters but ignore gross human rights violations by the security forces. While thousands of Morsi's supporters languish in jail, there has not been an adequate investigation into the deaths of hundreds of protesters. Just one police officer is facing a prison sentence, for the deaths of 37 detainees.

“Without an independent and impartial process that can deliver truth and justice for all, many will question whether Egypt's criminal justice system has indeed anything to do with justice. In any event, recourse to the death penalty is inherently unjust, and the Egyptian authorities should impose a moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing it.”

No, the death sentence for these people is a result of murder not demonstration, that's if you can call an assault on the local police station protest.
Come on brah, accept the fact. Lame exucses is invalid. These generals even have the gut to executes while the country is becoming worse and worser. :cheesy:
'Innocent Egyptian security forces' burning bodies of demonstrators killed :

Come on brah, accept the fact. Lame exucses is invalid. These generals even have the gut to executes while the country is becoming worse and worser. :cheesy:

Did you expect anything else from him? I feel bad for him he thinks the Egyptian army is an professional army that doesn't take part in states affairs and strictly defends the nation. In reality, just like every other Arab army these armies are there to control civilian affairs and keep the regime in power and terrorize anybody who thinks of demonstrating against them.
we sentence drug dealers and smugglers to death , every organization around the world cry human right .
Egypt sentence 529 person to death in a single day just for being member of a group , well who care they are mass murderers .
Oh yeah sure, no evidence of assault, if one person was injured then the justice system punishes the specific attackers. However, no doubt you defend this while also defend the security forces who murdered hundreds of demonstrators in cold blood you coward.


Egypt: More than 500 sentenced to death in ‘grotesque’ ruling | Amnesty International

Today’s mass death sentences handed down by an Egyptian court are a grotesque example of the shortcomings and the selective nature of Egypt's justice system, Amnesty International said.

According to state media reports, in a single hearing this morning, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 529 supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi to be executed for their alleged role inviolence following his ousting in July last year.

“This is injustice writ large and these death sentences must be quashed. Imposing death sentences of this magnitude in a single case makes Egypt surpass most other countries’ use of capital punishment in a year,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International.

"This is the largest single batch of simultaneous death sentences we’ve seen in recent years, not just in Egypt but anywhere in the world.

“Egypt's courts are quick to punish Mohamed Morsi's supporters but ignore gross human rights violations by the security forces. While thousands of Morsi's supporters languish in jail, there has not been an adequate investigation into the deaths of hundreds of protesters. Just one police officer is facing a prison sentence, for the deaths of 37 detainees.

“Without an independent and impartial process that can deliver truth and justice for all, many will question whether Egypt's criminal justice system has indeed anything to do with justice. In any event, recourse to the death penalty is inherently unjust, and the Egyptian authorities should impose a moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing it.”


Firstly, I was correcting you, they are being charged with murder and not 'demonstrating' as you mentioned in your first post.

Secondly, the overwhelming majority were tried in absentia.

Thirdly, they have the right to appeal, the case still needs to be brought forward to the grand mufti (there's another step before that). They most likely will not be sentenced to death.

Fourthly, I have condemned the clearing of Rab'a multiple times and called for the responsible to be put on trial. Just because you never actually bother reading my posts doesn't mean I'm in the wrong.

Lastly, would you condemn the actions of Islamists (be they militant or not) that have lead to the death of hundreds of secuirity personnel and civilians? because so far I haven't seen any.

'Innocent Egyptian security forces' burning bodies of demonstrators killed :

The burnt bodies came as a result of the lingering elements in Rab'a that day setting alight rubber tyres in order to halt the advance of APC's, the fire then spread throughout the site. The forces clearing the site were not issued with any explosive or incendiary weapons systems.

Did you expect anything else from him? I feel bad for him he thinks the Egyptian army is an professional army that doesn't take part in states affairs and strictly defends the nation. In reality, just like every other Arab army these armies are there to control civilian affairs and keep the regime in power and terrorize anybody who thinks of demonstrating against them.

When have I ever stated that the Egyptian Armed Forces is not involved in political or state affairs?
Firstly, I was correcting you, they are being charged with murder and not 'demonstrating' as you mentioned in your first post.

Secondly, the overwhelming majority were tried in absentia.

Thirdly, they have the right to appeal, the case still needs to be brought forward to the grand mufti (there's another step before that). They most likely will not be sentenced to death.

Fourthly, I have condemned the clearing of Rab'a multiple times and called for the responsible to be put on trial. Just because you never actually bother reading my posts doesn't mean I'm in the wrong.

Lastly, would you condemn the actions of Islamists (be they militant or not) that have lead to the death of hundreds of secuirity personnel and civilians? because so far I haven't seen any.

The burnt bodies came as a result of the lingering elements in Rab'a that day setting alight rubber tyres in order to halt the advance of APC's, the fire then spread throughout the site. The forces clearing the site were not issued with any explosive or incendiary weapons systems.
Typical Brainwashed but Muslimbrothers werent better you guys need another Turkic or Caucasian leader
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