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529 Sentenced To Death In Egypt

The burnt bodies came as a result of the lingering elements in Rab'a that day setting alight rubber tyres in order to halt the advance of APC's, the fire then spread throughout the site. The forces clearing the site were not issued with any explosive or incendiary weapons systems.

When have I ever stated that the Egyptian Armed Forces is not involved in political or state affairs?
the first time in the world that several rubber tyres burnt in middle of street spread out
Firstly, I was correcting you, they are being charged with murder and not 'demonstrating' as you mentioned in your first post.

Charge the security forces with murder then. There were many peaceful demonstrators who were attacked, beaten or killed.

Thirdly, they have the right to appeal, the case still needs to be brought forward to the grand mufti (there's another step before that). They most likely will not be sentenced to death.

We know that, the thought of this is still aimed to scare people from demonstrating on the streets.

Fourthly, I have condemned the clearing of Rab'a multiple times and called for the responsible to be put on trial. Just because you never actually bother reading my posts doesn't mean I'm in the wrong.

Was anybody put on trial? You realize the military ordered that to happen, right?

Lastly, would you condemn the actions of Islamists (be they militant or not) that have lead to the death of hundreds of secuirity personnel and civilians? because so far I haven't seen any.

I've condemned the actions of Islamist militants who also killed several Hamas members and a military commander in Gaza and are serving prison time in Gaza. These militants, however, have nothing to do with the demonstrations and MB organized protests.

The burnt bodies came as a result of the lingering elements in Rab'a that day setting alight rubber tyres in order to halt the advance of APC's, the fire then spread throughout the site. The forces clearing the site were not issued with any explosive or incendiary weapons systems.

You and your fairy tale BS....:disagree:

Typical Brainwashed but Muslimbrothers werent better you guys need another Turkic or Caucasian leader

MB was better but didn't have control of many aspects of the society because it was still largely military controlled civilian affairs. They would have changed things if they had more than a year. Of course, that's not the point though, it's these people cheering for the same thing over and over again as if it's better for the country. Egypt will stay as it is with these military regimes.

the first time in the world that several rubber tyres burnt in middle of street spread out

I know right, lol.
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as Sheikh Abdel Hamid Kheskh said : 9/10 of the world's injustice resides in Egypt, and the remaining 1/10 travels across the world by day and goes back to Egypt at night
Charge the security forces with murder then. There were many peaceful demonstrators who were attacked, beaten or killed.

Does it look like I am in charge of Egypt?

Elements of the interior ministry will continue to be immune from meaningful prosecution or prosecution until there is serious reform or change in the ministry and judiciary to both eliminate institutional corruption and human rights abuses. This is something the country's first elected president should have started however he and his party dithered and praised the efforts of the interior ministry, even going as far as to complimenting them on their role in the revolution, in which 800 people were killed.

We know that, the thought of this is still aimed to scare people from demonstrating on the streets.

People are already scared.

Was anybody put on trial? You realize the military ordered that to happen, right?

No, not as far as I know. The decision was taken by the entire transitional government at the time, except Albaradei who resigned because of it.

These militants, however, have nothing to do with the demonstrations and MB organized protests.

MB organised protests routinely result in the death of civilians and military or security personnel.

You and your fairy tale BS....

So what incendiary weapon system was used to char bodies? last time I checked these forces were not issued with flame throwers.

the first time in the world that several rubber tyres burnt in middle of street spread out

The site was filled with flammable makeshift tents as well as other flammable materials and liquids. All of that condensed in a small area while both sides traded fire and elements set alight tyres to stop the advance of troops meant it was all going to go up in flames.
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Does it look like I am in charge of Egypt?

Elements of the interior ministry will continue to be immune from meaningful prosecution or prosecution until there is serious reform or change in the ministry and judiciary to both eliminate institutional corruption and human rights abuses. This is something the country's first elected president should have started however he and his party dithered and praised the efforts of the interior ministry, even going as far as to complimenting them on their role in the revolution, in which 800 people were killed.

So why do you take their allegations seriously?

People are already scared.

Of course.

No, not as far as I know. The decision was taken by the entire transitional government at the time, except of Albaradei who resigned because of it.

Exactly, they ordered it to happen yet accuse demonstrators of inciting murder. I'm sure there are a small minority who aren't a peaceful bunch yet these allegations are directed against all demonstrators.

MB organised protests routinely result in the death of civilians and military or security personnel.

This is doubtful, most of the times civilian protestors were killed or attacked. Could you cite where you get this information?

So what incendiary weapon system was used to char bodies? last time I checked these forces were not issued with flame throwers.

The site was filled with flammable makeshift tents as well as other flammable materials and liquids. All of that condensed in a small area while both sides traded fire and elements set alight tyers to stop the advance of troops meant it was all going to go up in flames.

Are you being serious?
So why do you take their allegations seriously?

Because in some instances they can be just. For example hundreds of MB supporters have been acquitted over the past few months.

Exactly, they ordered it to happen yet accuse demonstrators of inciting murder. I'm sure there are a small minority who aren't a peaceful bunch yet these allegations are directed against all demonstrators.

The stage set up routinely used hate speech and made threats of violence. There's also the matter of 13 people killed within the site and widespread torture of people they detained, including security personnel and in some instances people who supported Morsi who they had suspicions of being informants.

Amnesty International | Egypt: Evidence points to torture carried out by Morsi supporters

This is doubtful, most of the times civilian protestors were killed or attacked. Could you cite where you get this information?

It is usually all over the news. It has died down a bit since the MB organised protests no longer gather any noticeable numbers.

Are you being serious?

Yes. The forces tasked with clearing the site were not armed with any explosives or incendiary weapon systems, the only logical explanation is the fire spread as a result of clashes in the vicinity of highly flammable liquids and materials. The fires were not intentional, unless you can prove otherwise.
Oh my goodness....

Sell Israel your own gas for very cheap for years and when you screw yourselves over just give Israel more money for it....oh my...

Egypt turns to Israel to address shortage of natural gas - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

In the mid 2000s, Egypt sold its gas to Israel for just $1.50 per million btu via sweetheart deals involving Salem’s East Mediterranean Gas (EMG) company, Minio-Paluello told Al-Monitor. “At the time, Egypt could have been getting as much as $9 per unit,” he said.

Typical Brainwashed but Muslimbrothers werent better you guys need another Turkic or Caucasian leader
the first country on earth and first civlization need a forginer to rule them you should really speak on what you know or understand
So retarded typical third world mentality one of the reasons that egypt will be forever a hellhole
can i ask from which country are you because really i dont recognize the flag

Oh yeah sure, no evidence of assault, if one person was injured then the justice system punishes the specific attackers. However, no doubt you defend this while also defend the security forces who murdered hundreds of demonstrators in cold blood you coward.


Egypt: More than 500 sentenced to death in ‘grotesque’ ruling | Amnesty International

Today’s mass death sentences handed down by an Egyptian court are a grotesque example of the shortcomings and the selective nature of Egypt's justice system, Amnesty International said.

According to state media reports, in a single hearing this morning, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 529 supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi to be executed for their alleged role inviolence following his ousting in July last year.

“This is injustice writ large and these death sentences must be quashed. Imposing death sentences of this magnitude in a single case makes Egypt surpass most other countries’ use of capital punishment in a year,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International.

"This is the largest single batch of simultaneous death sentences we’ve seen in recent years, not just in Egypt but anywhere in the world.

“Egypt's courts are quick to punish Mohamed Morsi's supporters but ignore gross human rights violations by the security forces. While thousands of Morsi's supporters languish in jail, there has not been an adequate investigation into the deaths of hundreds of protesters. Just one police officer is facing a prison sentence, for the deaths of 37 detainees.

“Without an independent and impartial process that can deliver truth and justice for all, many will question whether Egypt's criminal justice system has indeed anything to do with justice. In any event, recourse to the death penalty is inherently unjust, and the Egyptian authorities should impose a moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing it.”

still insults and bad language and nothing happens if this is ok then people on the site need to tell me why there are many bans but you can say what you want
Oh my goodness....

Sell Israel your own gas for very cheap for years and when you screw yourselves over just give Israel more money for it....oh my...

Egypt turns to Israel to address shortage of natural gas - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

In the mid 2000s, Egypt sold its gas to Israel for just $1.50 per million btu via sweetheart deals involving Salem’s East Mediterranean Gas (EMG) company, Minio-Paluello told Al-Monitor. “At the time, Egypt could have been getting as much as $9 per unit,” he said.

yes we have a lot of money so we give some for isreal
Did you expect anything else from him? I feel bad for him he thinks the Egyptian army is an professional army that doesn't take part in states affairs and strictly defends the nation. In reality, just like every other Arab army these armies are there to control civilian affairs and keep the regime in power and terrorize anybody who thinks of demonstrating against them.
when the brotherhood were in power something like this happened in port said but it was ok because morsi is from the brotherhood but now you cry for freedom and democracy someone who is supporting hamas should be the last one to talk about human rights

we sentence drug dealers and smugglers to death , every organization around the world cry human right .
Egypt sentence 529 person to death in a single day just for being member of a group , well who care they are mass murderers .
the west talk every day but no one cares after mubark and morsi the west have lost all their influnce in egypt
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Because in some instances they can be just. For example hundreds of MB supporters have been acquitted over the past few months.

Very few instances, but, the point is about the policy of the government.

The stage set up routinely used hate speech and made threats of violence. There's also the matter of 13 people killed within the site and widespread torture of people they detained, including security personnel and in some instances people who supported Morsi who they had suspicions of being informants.

They were not inciting violence, these were Egyptian military allegations and the Egyptian government media does a great job of inciting violence against what they call the 'MB cows'.

Here's your link:

The Egyptian government must not, however, use these crimes, carried out by few, as a pretext to collectively punish all pro-Morsi supporters or use excessive force to disperse their sit-ins.”

It is usually all over the news. It has died down a bit since the MB organised protests no longer gather any noticeable numbers.

Got to see it to believe it, I don't remember many instances where demonstrators attacked security forces without being attacked first. Much visual evidence is out there indicating that security forces charge demonstrations and throw people into military vehicles and take them away to be tortured in jails.

Yes. The forces tasked with clearing the site were not armed with any explosives or incendiary weapon systems, the only logical explanation is the fire spread as a result of clashes in the vicinity of highly flammable liquids and materials. The fires were not intentional, unless you can prove otherwise.

You don't need either to burn dead bodies, lets just go with you and say something absurd like tires causing the fire. Just forget it.

yes we have a lot of money so we give some for isreal

No, you don't have a lot of money. Half of your people are living in poverty and there is widespread corruption amongst the Egyptian military leadership. You didn't give Israel money, you allowed them to take your gas for way underpriced prices and screwed yourselves over. The military regime did that, you lost so much money as mentioned in the report. And yet, you support that?
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I hope this is just the beginning. Terrorists should be killed as soon as possible. No need to spend our tax money on them in prison. I hope it stays, but i doubt it!!!
I hope this is just the beginning. Terrorists should be killed as soon as possible. No need to spend our tax money on them in prison. I hope it stays, but i doubt it!!!
It's 529 people convicted all at once! Was even one of the accused acquitted in this case? How can such a thing be considered justice?
It's 529 people convicted all at once! Was even one of the accused acquitted in this case? How can such a thing be considered justice?
Lee said it was "highly unlikely" that all those sentenced to death would be executed. He said Egypt had a large appeals process and the country's chief Islamic authority -- the Grand Mufti -- also had to approve the death sentences.

Many death sentences in Egypt are later reduced, or overturned, Lee said. "When you hear something like this, well it is shocking, but you do have to step back and say there's a lot between the sentencing and the execution."

Fahmy also said it was most likely the sentences would be appealed and revised.

"With regard those on the run, they automatically have the right for an entire new trial, in addition to the right of appeal following the issuance of the sentence," he said.

Ahmed Shabib, a lawyer representing some of those sentenced to death, said that they would appeal the verdict after the Grand Mufti had made his decision allowing the court to announce its final ruling -- set for April 28.
Mass death sentence: Will Egypt carry it out? - CNN.com
Lee said it was "highly unlikely" that all those sentenced to death would be executed. He said Egypt had a large appeals process -
That might relieve this travesty of justice a bit, but doesn't excuse why it happened in the first place, does it?
That might relieve this travesty of justice a bit, but doesn't excuse why it happened in the first place, does it?
The Egyptian justice system is really old, and it needs a lot of reform. It is not corrupt though. A lot of the laws goes back to time when Egypt was a kingdom. Like everything in Egypt, it needs to be modernized.
The Egyptian justice system is really old, and it needs a lot of reform. It is not corrupt though. A lot of the laws goes back to time when Egypt was a kingdom. Like everything in Egypt, it needs to be modernized.
You're talking to a Jew whose grandparents, aunts, and uncles perished in the Holocaust. "Modernization" of a regime that willy-nilly hands out mass death sentences smells of gas chambers, not justice.

This is an opportunity to take a stand for democratic and humanitarian values, an opportunity Egyptians might do well not to miss - thus reminding Sisi that the people still have the power to take the streets.
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