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Egypt judge sentences 683 to death in mass trial, including Muslim Brotherhood leader:

@ResurgentIran you have now entered @Hazzy997 's blacklist. The poor guy got banned again for unknown reasons, LOL.

This is really insane. 683 people put to death at once? I think that KSA has executed that many people in the past 15 years or so! I mean this is something you could expect in North Korea or other similar regimes. Egypt? Less so. Where all of them guilty of terrorism and murder? I also doubt that the verdict is final. Most will probably turn into life sentences or reduced sentences.

In any case let the Egyptians do what they see fit.
may be that famous tribes called Egyption army .. they won the election and they get prosecuted .. that is intresting ...

You're talking about the army like it's some fat generals or the copts doing the foot soldiering in there.News flash :those are hundreds of thousands,most of them sunni muslims.If they would not agree,they would turn against their leaders.

I don't see to many complains tough.:coffee:
@ResurgentIran you have now entered @Hazzy997 's blacklist. The poor guy got banned again for unknown reasons, LOL.

This is really insane. 683 people put to death at once? I think that KSA has executed that many people in the past 15 years or so! I mean this is something you could expect in North Korea or other similar regimes. Egypt? Less so. Where all of them guilty of terrorism and murder? I also doubt that the verdict is final. Most will probably turn into life sentences or reduced sentences.

In any case let the Egyptians do what they see fit.

Well at the moment he is not here, so I have more freedom and latitude. :rofl:

Btw you just put a @ in front of Hazzy username so he gets an alert, just to make sure he will read my posts here when he gets back.

Well at the moment he is not here, so I have more freedom and latitude. :rofl:

Btw you just put a @ in front of Hazzy username so he gets an alert, just to make sure he will read my posts here when he gets back.


Of course because otherwise I will be accuse of talking "behind the back" of users. I have criticized others of doing the same so it is only fair that I do my bit. Besides I always like a bit of drama and if PDF can give me a good laugh or two during the exam period then this is great.:rofl:

Anyway sitting on my balcony and enjoying the for once great Danish weather here in Copenhagen.


@Hazzy997 will also become wiser with the age like all of us.
Of course because otherwise I will be accuse of talking "behind the back" of users. I have criticized others of doing the same so it is only fair that I do my bit. Besides I always like a bit of drama and if PDF can give me a good laugh or two during the exam period then this is great.

Anyway sitting on my balcony and enjoying the for once great Danish weather here in Copenhagen.


You sneaky little shit! :azn:
I know, that's why I said that they deserve severe punishments. Anyway, my opposition to execution is a general disagreement, and it is not limited to this case.

There are still two more steps until the actual death penalty can be given. that's not withstanding the appeals. Most will probably be found innocent in a pretty much guaranteed retrial (as hundreds of MB supporters have been, which people like to gloss over)
or be sentenced to a couple of years/suspended sentences.

The Egyptian people had around 5 elections, this was their chance to choose which party and agenda would rule Egypt, every free election in Egypt’s history has been won by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Factually incorrect. Lets go through it step by step as I see you are prone to believing then regurgitating what you are told.

The First election: Was in fact a referendum i.e no political parties could actually participate in the poll. The referendum was a yes or no question to bring in constitutional amendments that limited presidential powers and loosened the requirements for
candidacy, however, what it did not do was bar National Democratic Party figures from taking part in elections. All in all the
MB were for these amendments, along with other large political parties (Alwafd party for instance) and institutions such as the military, which wanted to ensure there were signs of transition and improvement, funny how that's glanced over. The opposition was mainly liberal and socialist parties that had just sprung up, they simply were not content with constitutional amendments, instead they wanted a completely new constitution.

The second and third elections: The parliamentary elections, the Assembly and the Shura council. The Freedom and Justice Party did incredibly well in this, however, they did not 'win'. Of the 255 seats required for an overall majority in the Assembly the FJP managed to garner 213 seats, in coalition with other small parties and independents they only managed 235 seats, i.e not an overall majority, i.e a hung parliament, i.e they did not represent over half of the electorate. However, they were loosely allied with the Salafi Alnour party for a short period of time in the house so were able to in essence dominate it, however, that didn't last very long as the MB started to show its true face, eventually the house was disbanded by judicial orders due to electoral fudge ups, i,e the results were in reality void.

The Shura council is a funny one, mainly because there's a mix of both elected and unelected members, the FJP did have the majority of members among the elected members, recieving 45% of the vote, however, the 90 presidential appointees skewed the total composition of the house. Still with 45% of the vote they did not exactly 'win'.

The fourth election: Presidential elections, this one was in favour of the FJP (although Presidents must sever all official party bonds, but lets not get bogged down on meaningless technicalities), however with only 52% of the vote in the second round (which gathered a lower turn out than the first) the presidents mandate was limited and his electoral campaign was one that preached that he and the MB were inclusive and open to starting a liberal democratic process in Egypt, which was in reality a lie.

The fifth election: Constitutional referendum, nevermind the president had to breach his presidential powers to get it through to referendum which should have got him impeached or that it was illegitimate before it left the table. Below half of registered voters turned up (that is not unusual for Egyptian elections) and only a little above half of those voted yes, in a climate dominated by a slanderous and shameful yes campaign. Plus the MB or FJP were not in the poll, so technically they did not 'win'.

All I'm trying to show here is that the line spouted by the MB for their followers to bark out at people is simply a lie and they did not have the unequivocal support of the the Egyptian people as they would have you believe.

With liberals foaming at the mouth to support them, a lesson to be learned for all Muslims on what must occur to the liberal extremists when Muslim societies try to free themselves

So you would replace injustice with injustice of other people..... sounds smart. You don't even know what a liberal is, please stop talking, the majority of people who support the current regime are conservative and apolitical Egyptians.

I could debunk everything else you've written in that post but I know you're a cretin so there's no point, this is just for people who don't know much about Egypt, not for you.
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You're talking about the army like it's some fat generals or the copts doing the foot soldiering in there.News flash :those are hundreds of thousands,most of them sunni muslims.If they would not agree,they would turn against their leaders.

I don't see to many complains tough.:coffee:

There is 25 million sufi sunnis in Egypt who follow the egyptian azhar and do most of the foot soldiering in central security forces or egyptian special forces and abdul fatah al sissi is simply one of them . Sufi Egyptian despise talbanized/radical sunnis such as MB and look at them as their immortal enemy .

The Egyptian regime has a strong religious base behind it composed of 25 million sufi sunnis following azhar and 10 million coptic christians in addition to the egyptian secular class in cities another 10 million that is without adding another 10-15 million egyptians from tribal and clan entities with close ties to egyptian security agencies and also al azhar.

When both Sufis and copts mobilized for the egyptian constitution they got over 20 million votes. Usually Sufis and copts are not really interested in political life but when they felt there is threat on their freedom they all mobilized for the last constitution just like how they will mobilize again for Egyptian presidential election behind al-sissi .

If there was any sympathy in Egyptian armed forces for MB at least one of the conscripts would have defected but again you need to understand that most conscripts were brought up to hate MB and those who follow its doctrine .
I already conceded to the fact that it was a mistake by April 6 not to have formed a wide political base. But their main goal was first to protest. They were busy doing the grunt work and overthrowing Mubarak.

The only clowns are the Muslim Brotherhood junkies.
Yeah sure April 6 is "fools". Are you dumb or something? They were the key player that got Mubarak overthrown whereas Muslim Brotherhood just sat on their fat asses and cashed in on the hard work of other young Egyptian students, civil right movements like April 6.

Muslim Brotherhood is an ideological movement and complete and utter joke. They got their chance to govern Egypt and failed MISERABLY.
It is true that they got removed by the military, but did you forget about the events that preceded that?
Several millions Egyptians (largest protest in Egypts history) came out and demanded the end of the Muslim Brotherhood, because their rule was unbearable.
Like I have ssaid, MB are opprtunistic retatds that do not have the slightest clue as how to run a nation state.
They promote their own ideological interests, instead of the strategic interests of Egypt.
Off course those retarded monkeys got overthrown.

Btw I am not on the side of the military junta ruling Egypt so I dont know why you try to portray as if I like El-Sisi.

You seem to be deluded,
The muslim brotherhood has been politically active for decades, their people have suffered and been targeted and killed for many years.
No group has struggled so much for political change in Egypt then the M.B, their supporters were also heavily involved in the revolution so Im not sure why your trying to portray that they were not involved when they were central to bringing the numbers onto the streets.
You have a basic misunderstanding of how democracy works, whether the MB were involved in the protest is not even the point, the fact that they are ideological is not even the point
Effective rule comes after years of making mistakes and learning from them, and you only get to that point after extended periods of democracy and free rule, the M.B did not get the chance
Either way the PEOPLE chose the M.B in free elections anything after that was orchestrated by the military, it was a coup their were no free protests,, everything was to justify the coup by a deep state intent on getting power back.
You talk about Egypts strategic requirments, decades of misrule has left Egypt a heap, only a extended period of free democratic rule with accountable leaders and politicians had the hope of changing this regardless of any intial chaos
well now they can't say we execute people , without trial .

honestly nearly 700 people sentenced to death i a single court .somebody tell the judge there are different punishment but death sentence in egyptian penal code
There are still two more steps until the actual death penalty can be given. that's not withstanding the appeals. Most will probably be found innocent in a pretty much guaranteed retrial (as hundreds of MB supporters have been, which people like to gloss over)
or be sentenced to a couple of years/suspended sentences.

Factually incorrect. Lets go through it step by step as I see you are prone to believing then regurgitating what you are told.

The First election: Was in fact a referendum i.e no political parties could actually participate in the poll. The referendum was a yes or no question to bring in constitutional amendments that limited presidential powers and loosened the requirements for
candidacy, however, what it did not do was bar National Democratic Party figures from taking part in elections. All in all the
MB were for these amendments, along with other large political parties (Alwafd party for instance) and institutions such as the military, which wanted to ensure there were signs of transition and improvement, funny how that's glanced over. The opposition was mainly liberal and socialist parties that had just sprung up, they simply were not content with constitutional amendments, instead they wanted a completely new constitution.

The second and third elections: The parliamentary elections, the Assembly and the Shura council. The Freedom and Justice Party did incredibly well in this, however, they did not 'win'. Of the 255 seats required for an overall majority in the Assembly the FJP managed to garner 213 seats, in coalition with other small parties and independents they only managed 235 seats, i.e not an overall majority, i.e a hung parliament, i.e they did not represent over half of the electorate. However, they were loosely allied with the Salafi Alnour party for a short period of time in the house so were able to in essence dominate it, however, that didn't last very long as the MB started to show its true face, eventually the house was disbanded by judicial orders due to electoral fudge ups, i,e the results were in reality void.

The Shura council is a funny one, mainly because there's a mix of both elected and unelected members, the FJP did have the majority of members among the elected members, recieving 45% of the vote, however, the 90 presidential appointees skewed the total composition of the house. Still with 45% of the vote they did not exactly 'win'.

The fourth election: Presidential elections, this one was in favour of the FJP (although Presidents must sever all official party bonds, but lets not get bogged down on meaningless technicalities), however with only 52% of the vote in the second round (which gathered a lower turn out than the first) the presidents mandate was limited and his electoral campaign was one that preached that he and the MB were inclusive and open to starting a liberal democratic process in Egypt, which was in reality a lie.

The fifth election: Constitutional referendum, nevermind the president had to breach his presidential powers to get it through to referendum which should have got him impeached or that it was illegitimate before it left the table. Below half of registered voters turned up (that is not unusual for Egyptian elections) and only a little above half of those voted yes, in a climate dominated by a slanderous and shameful yes campaign. Plus the MB or FJP were not in the poll, so technically they did not 'win'.

All I'm trying to show here is that the line spouted by the MB for their followers to bark out at people is simply a lie and they did not have the unequivocal support of the the Egyptian people as they would have you believe.

So you would replace injustice with injustice of other people..... sounds smart. You don't even know what a liberal is, please stop talking, the majority of people who support the current regime are conservative and apolitical Egyptians.

I could debunk everything else you've written in that post but I know you're a cretin so there's no point, this is just for people who don't know much about Egypt, not for you.

All you have just told me is that M.B came ahead of won every election and no one else beat them or went ahead

If General el-sisi was so confident of electoral victory then why not let the M.B contest the next elections,

No instead you have Egypts only democratically elected goverment attacked and its people killed and given death sentences

its abhorent
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