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Egypt judge sentences 683 to death in mass trial, including Muslim Brotherhood leader:

Were all these 683 individuals guilty of murder ??!!!

I don't like MB, but I don't think this decision is wise. If they were al-qaeda or ISIS members i would understand, but MB is not to be compared with them.

Also is al-sisi working towards democratic society or is the (military) dictatorship back?
All you have just told me is that M.B came ahead of won every election and no one else beat them or went ahead

No, I wasn't telling you anything, I was correcting you. The statement you made was simply factually untrue, now that does not change the fact that the MB at the time was popular and incredibly well organised.

If General el-sisi was so confident of electoral victory then why not let the M.B contest the next elections

Because the MB, registered as a charitable organisation, later re-designated a terrorist organization by judicial order could never contest an election before nor could it now. However, the Freedom and Justice Party remains in limbo, so it could technically be used by former or closeted MB members, or they could start new political parties its up to them, that has not been banned.

The requirements for presidential candidacy are drawn up by the electoral commission, they are broadly exactly the same and therefore any candidate who met the criteria could become a presidential candidate. Why potential Islamist candidates did not
seek candidacy is up to them, the opportunity was there. However, you and every one knows full well that no one in Egypt is as popular as Field Marshal Elsisi.

No instead you have Egypts only democratically elected goverment attacked and its people killed and given death sentences

And you would do the same given the chance, if it was a liberal or secular government in its stead you would not be complaining, I believe you would be celebrating.

its abhorent

As are your backward views.
Were all these 683 individuals guilty of murder ??!!!

I don't like MB, but I don't think this decision is wise. If they were al-qaeda or ISIS members i would understand, but MB is not to be compared with them.

Also is al-sisi working towards democratic society or is the (military) dictatorship back?
el sisi is no longer in the army so the power now is in the hands of the presdient and the prime minster
Last breaths of the bloody Revolution . Lack of a leader in Sunni countries has punished them for decades and will do forever .

I just don't get the purpose of the revolution !!! Overthrowing a Dictator to bring another one who gets his salary and orders from US and it's allies in region .
Not a fan of the MB but the way the military regime is behaving now has pretty much made all the sacrifices Egyptians made to get the autocrat Mubarak out of power completely pointless. Egypt has literally taken one step forward and two steps back.
well now they can't say we execute people , without trial .

honestly nearly 700 people sentenced to death i a single court .somebody tell the judge there are different punishment but death sentence in egyptian penal code

There was no virdict , stupid foreigners do not even know how egyptian court system works , most of these 700 people have not even been arrested , in Egyptian laws if someone is hiding from a case usually they get the highest punishment available for the specific crime they committed and once they are arrested then the whole case is taken back again to court .

like the previous case where stupid foreign media said 529 people were sentenced to death , yesterday was the virdict where 30 people were acquitted while remaining jailed between 10-15 years and 37 executed of these 30 escaped who if found would have their cases started again so basically only 7 were given execution order out of 529 .

Again these people can repeal the court order which is made up of 3 levels , people are not executed until they completely repeal all levels in Egyptian court system and most of the time in the next level the execution is removed .

By the way the 529 pigs who were taken to court have slaughtered 7 egyptian policemen and 3 civilians during an islamist raid on a police station in southern egypt.

No, I wasn't telling you anything, I was correcting you. The statement you made was simply factually untrue, now that does not change the fact that the MB at the time was popular and incredibly well organised.

Because the MB, registered as a charitable organisation, later re-designated a terrorist organization by judicial order could never contest an election before nor could it now. However, the Freedom and Justice Party remains in limbo, so it could technically be used by former or closeted MB members, or they could start new political parties its up to them, that has not been banned.

The requirements for presidential candidacy are drawn up by the electoral commission, they are broadly exactly the same and therefore any candidate who met the criteria could become a presidential candidate. Why potential Islamist candidates did not
seek candidacy is up to them, the opportunity was there. However, you and every one knows full well that no one in Egypt is as popular as Field Marshal Elsisi.

And you would do the same given the chance, if it was a liberal or secular government in its stead you would not be complaining, I believe you would be celebrating.

As are your backward views.

I just find it redicolous how foreign media have no idea how egyptian court system works and even when you explain they attempt only to lie and give out misinformation , like how they lied about the previous case of 529 MB terrorists and did not even mention that yesterday the court rule acquitted 35 people and the remaining got between 10-25 years .

Last breaths of the bloody Revolution . Lack of a leader in Sunni countries has punished them for decades and will do forever .

I just don't get the purpose of the revolution !!! Overthrowing a Dictator to bring another one who gets his salary and orders from US and it's allies in region .

feed your people first before talking about others clown and what has this to do with religion . Your people are escaping on boats all the way to Australia while your mullahs are wasting your money on spreading terrorism around the world.
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Western democracy at work.

If you don't like it, you're welcome to get the hell off the British Isles and live somewhere else that doesn't have 'western democracy'.
feed your people first before talking about others clown and what has this to do with religion . Your people are escaping on boats all the way to Australia while your mullahs are wasting your money on spreading terrorism around the world.

Honestly I didn't know my comment could frustrate you like that otherwise I wouldn't post that .

Have fun and take what you read in this forum easy .:)
There was no virdict , stupid foreigners do not even know how egyptian court system works , most of these 700 people have not even been arrested , in Egyptian laws if someone is hiding from a case usually they get the highest punishment available for the specific crime they committed and once they are arrested then the whole case is taken back again to court .

like the previous case where stupid foreign media said 529 people were sentenced to death , yesterday was the virdict where 30 people were acquitted while remaining jailed between 10-15 years and 37 executed of these 30 escaped who if found would have their cases started again so basically only 7 were given execution order out of 529 .

Again these people can repeal the court order which is made up of 3 levels , people are not executed until they completely repeal all levels in Egyptian court system and most of the time in the next level the execution is removed .

By the way the 529 pigs who were taken to court have slaughtered 7 egyptian policemen and 3 civilians during an islamist raid on a police station in southern egypt.

I just find it redicolous how foreign media have no idea how egyptian court system works and even when you explain they attempt only to lie and give out misinformation , like how they lied about the previous case of 529 MB terrorists and did not even mention that yesterday the court rule acquitted 35 people and the remaining got between 10-25 years .

feed your people first before talking about others clown and what has this to do with religion . Your people are escaping on boats all the way to Australia while your mullahs are wasting your money on spreading terrorism around the world.

It seems that you are an Egyptian by the way you understand the law there quite well. Ok, I just want to say this to you: you are not going to see your country as a great one now and also in the future unless you are united as a society, and this can only be happening if you are able to solve your domestic political dispute by using democracy system. If you stick and be patience with democracy, so by the time goes by , those group in the left and in the right of your political system will begin to moderate by itself, inshaALLAH....., and by then you will find harmony in your political system, but sadly, before you are able to achieve it, you have already shutdown your democracy by punishing your political opponent in a very hard way.
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Well at the moment he is not here, so I have more freedom and latitude. :rofl:

Btw you just put a @ in front of Hazzy username so he gets an alert, just to make sure he will read my posts here when he gets back.


Sam... what is this I see here? :D



ROFLMAO, bro, you can have your own views I'll still love you. :D
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