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5 Pakistani Soldiers Martyred in Attack by Terrorists from Afghanistan in Kurram District

Can we NOT post figures of men we lost. Let’s wait for confirmation.
This is routine now and the forces should move with mass firepower on the border. There is complacency here with the IEA in control. They don’t control every inch nor do they have situational awareness of what is going on with a very large border. The border should always be viewed as extremely hostile.
Enough with the “Bajwa is timid lol” takes.
Back in 2017 when JuA started a new wave of attacks (including at a shrine), he responded by absolutely plastering their hideouts in Afghanistan, including some which were near US bases. And Raheel the conqueror, is the same guy who told CDR SouthCom to write off large parts of the South West. The same place Bajwa has moved in.
We need to stop concentrating so much on the personalities of the COAS. They are not omnipotent. They are the heads of the Army. The decisions made are collegial. We need to know why is the General Staff of Army, the JS HQ, the HQ SOUTHCOM and HQ XI Corps adopting such a on the face of it, almost masochistic restraint.
Allah yerhamhom

guess Afghanistan is Pakistan's Yemen. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. Then again, you have India at the opposite border too ...
Somewhat true, but unlike Yemen, Afghanistan has a govt and is unified if you know what i mean?
Allah yerhamhom

guess Afghanistan is Pakistan's Yemen. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. Then again, you have India at the opposite border too ...
pretty much you summed it. It will improve with time but it will take 3-4 years before we will start seeing some stabilization.
Stop making a fool of yourself man.
Defending Pakistan's aerial frontiers is the job of PAF, what would Bajwa know about air combat and tactics... Going by your logic, maybe the PAF chief should now ask Bajwa to do artillery strikes on Afghanistan....
Save your bandwidth.
These idiotic posts, suggestions, criticisms and politically biased rants aren't even worth a response.
One thing should be clear that Kashmir and Balochistan are not same issues and should not be same for us, Kashmir is a legitimate freedom struggle, what ever happens there should be just for Kashmir cause, if India attack us in Balochistan or FATA then its response should not be in Kashmir but other places.

And we need serious diplomatic push against India with the help of China, Turkey and other friendly countries. With the amount of proofs we have we can seriously damage India if we keep on trying. India has spent years in diplomatic front to put us in grey list, we should work even harder. This is a war and we must fight on all fronts.
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Failure lies in Army.

There is no Army 'failure' ..

Sub-conventional warfare is politico-military confrontation that is waged by a number of means employing political, economic, social, psychological, informational and military instruments.

The only front on which we are actually losing is the psychological front.
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how does CAS work? is it the field commander who calls in for air support or what? freaking 6-8 hours of fighting and no PAF? is it ego that's stopping them to ask for "help" or what? or is it PAF does not want to participate in cross border strikes?
Me watching overseas Pakistanis thinking Pakistan is somehow being destroyed knowing full well these are desperate attacks of the terrorists as they are being kicked out of Afghanistan and are using all they have in last desperate attempts before they inevitably all get eliminated.
Honest reaction.png
Pakistan Army helped this suicide scumbag in keeping his body intact.

how does CAS work? is it the field commander who calls in for air support or what? freaking 6-8 hours of fighting and no PAF? is it ego that's stopping them to ask for "help" or what? or is it PAF does not want to participate in cross border strikes?

I am not defense analyst or anything close to that but humbly .....

How would CAS help if your own HQ is under attack? And which jet PAF could have sent to bomb the hell out of FC HQ?

Yes may be out in the open in mountains where the enemy has the advantage and is out of reach of your fire, taking cover of terrain and is easily inflicting harm on your troops ........ but in close proximity of your own troops and in a population center where you have number strength and are defending your own installation?

We are not fighting in a foreign land ........ and this would be a sign of weakness and propaganda tool in the hands of our enemies ... "Pakistani jets bombing their own towns". And God forbid can't even imagine the fallout of any collateral damage in all this.
i meant 'measured response'. Any other general could had easily said to downed atleast 4-5 IAF planes rather then just 2 when PAF was enjoying complete air superiority or atleast bombed some structures rather than some warning shots.

…..And start the war????
message was sent to our enemy and they were humiliated and defeate… goal accomplished..

reading your posts make my head spin and I am glad you are not incharge of anything other than your grocery store.
Your lack of understanding of world affairs, diplomacy, military tactics and strategic calculus is simply shocking.

Looks like you let your fingers do the thinking and let your brain sleep.

Simply awful posts.
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