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5 British satellites launched successfully by India.

It has been a long journey to excellence. :)


I'm proud of ISRO.

Always show this picture to people who underestimate India.

THEN SHOW THEM THIS PICTURE. We are proud of where we are in the world of space, but we haven't forgotten where we came from.
Ok you are not envious.But don't ride the cow which you humiliate same time..

Has that person or his country denigrated India's space program? A few British tabloids did, but don't lump the entire western hemisphere together to assign blame for that. "The west" is not collectively insulting India's space program. Daily mail did, take the issue up with them. Or better yet, ignore them.
Man, just let the Indians celebrate. I do agree this news has a feel good factor.

Look you are from Slovenia, a country nearly no one knows about or cares( nothing against you guys).

But I guess these brits rules over South Asia for a long time. Nice to see a former colony surpassing its former masters in technology.
They were never the masters. We were always the masters for 1000s of years. Just because the west ruled for last 300 years doesn't mean much.

The world is slowly returning to it's natural balance of power. India shall dominate the world once again. That's my only wish in my lifetime.
There was no talk of any gap.....i wasn't denigrating India in any way, shape or form. Just setting the record straight.

Thanks for your appreciation. You have to understand that some people will always go over-board and some who love to troll. The best thing would be to ignore them.

As my fellow compatriots have said we also appreciate that Western, Russian and Chinese space capabilities. Infact you would be pleased to know there are no rivalries and competition per-se b/w major space organizations but co-operation.
Space is hard and expensive and going forward no one country can shoulder the burden of developing our space capabilities, every one has to share the load.

Your point about Arianne Space illustrates that there are gaps b/w supply and demand and we are pleased to contribute in anyway we can.

i will only say, when india is able to have greater ambitions than launching satellites, only then would be cause for celebration.

surpass spacex or build a space station for cheap... have three people in low earth orbit within four years.

i want to see enlightened south asians on mars by 2025... why not india+pakistan make that happen... create new ideas for launchers and spaceships.
i will only say, when india is able to have greater ambitions than launching satellites, only then would be cause for celebration.

surpass spacex or build a space station for cheap... have three people in low earth orbit within four years.

i want to see enlightened south asians on mars by 2025... why not india+pakistan make that happen... create new ideas for launchers and spaceships.
not till everyone in India gets a free ride on a moon rocket that's named after a great socialist like imam gaddafi ? :coffee:
let it go guys.....
Enjoy these high resolution pictures of the launch preparation(picture courtesy: ISRO)
copy-of-bjs4812.jpg DMC3 satellites.
dmc3.jpg closer view.
531c601115f426378af8a74f76a9833c.jpgPSLV-C28 XL assembling.
08-satellite-integration.jpg Satellite integration.
not till everyone in India gets a free ride on a moon rocket that's named after a great socialist like imam gaddafi ? :coffee:

as said ms. moneypenny to bond - "don't ask"

as said bond to ms. moneypenny - "don't tell"


the green flag will one day flutter on the red planet. :enjoy:
This thread has become wierd. Socialist paradise on Mars..? :lol:
Insecure? Stop projecting your feelings on me.

lol, laughable. Just stop.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, just jumped in for the lulz, to give me "hard time" for a colorful metaphore. Spiced with some petty insinuations about my origin.

Anyway, sorry if i derailed @all. Didn't really mean to....kinda got out of hand. Always happy to see space progress. Congratulations again!
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