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44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon

Half of Punjab is also light-skinned, and much of Balochistan too. People who haven't been to Pakistan judge by only snapshots, they don't know that Pakistan itself is amazingly diverse.

We can have someone who looks Japanese and another who looks like Nordic person in the same family, our genetics are very diverse. In my family, we have high percent of people with brown and red hair, and green eyes too. Also men tend to be very tall in my khandan.

EXACTLY!.........Yet despite our diversity, we don't sign petitions like the Lebanese do asking for foreigners to rule us as a colony...........:lol:
only 44,000 in a population of 6 million like 0.07 percent wow Mainstream Media has to hype up a stupid petition like this as usual

How dare you point out facts? I mean, how about we start a petition in the UK? Our demand: UK should become a colony of Pakistan. I bet you my bottom dollar that 100 000s will sign this. Does this mean that the Brits are seeking refugee in Pakistan greatness? Unfortunately, no.

And let's not forget: there's no special bond between France on the one hand and Muslim Lebanese of any madhhap on the other hand. 90% of those, who has signed this 'petition', are Christians.
How dare you point out facts? I mean, how about we start a petition in the UK? Our demand: UK should become a colony of Pakistan. I bet you my bottom dollar that 100 000s will sign this. Does this mean that the Brits are seeking refugee in Pakistan greatness? Unfortunately, no.

And let's not forget: there's no special bond between France on the one hand and Muslim Lebanese of any madhhap on the other hand. 90% of those, who has signed this 'petition', are Christians.

Online Polls and Petitions are utter memes actual surveys take months or if not years to fully gauge public opinion besides Macron visit to Beirut wasn't a fairy tale affair as the French MSM or MSM in general showed heck he was heckled by concerned Beirutis

French President Emmanuel Macron, left, and Lebanese President Michel Aoun at Beirut airport - Copyright Thibault Camus/AP

A petition to put Lebanon under a French mandate has garnered more than 50,000 signatures in 24 hours.

President Emmanuel Macron landed in Beirut on Thursday morning to show support for France's Middle East protege and former colonial-era protectorate after a massive explosion sowed devastation in the Lebanese capital.

The petition is telling of people's frustration with the Lebanese government's "total inability to secure and manage the country," its creators wrote.

"With a failing system, corruption, terrorism and militia the country just drew its last breath. We believe Lebanon be placed back under a French mandate in order to establish clean and durable governance," they added.

"I'm under no illusion. France has its own problems to deal with," Cyrille, the petition's creator told Euronews. He added that he launched the petition hoping it would "show the extent of [the Lebanese people's] despair".

"If we were to have a revolution and re-elect parliament, even the electoral law that was enforced by the government would favour a hegemony of the political class that has been there for 40 years," he said.

"Since France left, the country has only been sinking. Civil war, economic, political and border crises followed," Franco-Lebanese John, a signatory, told Euronews

He added that he wonders whether "the Lebanese leaders will be humble enough to acknowledge their incompetence and their failure".

"Lebanon does not have an economic strategy," another person who signed the petition, who wanted to remain anonymous, told Euronews. "The people live from day-to-day. They are trying to heal the deep wounds of the present with bandages."

Lebanon and France's close ties
At the end of World War I, Lebanon was placed under French military administration before the League of Nations formally gave the mandate for Lebanon and Syria to France in 1923.

Initially, during World War II, Lebanon was administered by Vichy France, but the territory came under Free France 1942.

French representative General Catroux later proclaimed both the independence of Lebanon and Syria, following pressure from Britain.

The Free French government, with by Charles De Gaulle at its head, showed an unwillingness to let go of their control over the region. They decided, however, to hold elections in 1943, which resulted in a victory for nationalists.

The newly-elected government introduced constitutional changes that aimed at removing all remains of French influence.

Unhappy with the new legislation, the president and almost the entire government were arrested by the French — which led to an insurrection and a diplomatic intervention by the British.

The French transferred powers to the restored government. Independence was formally proclaimed on November 22, 1943, but it was not until the total withdrawal of British and French troops in 1946 that Lebanon became wholly independent.

Online Polls and Petitions are utter memes actual surveys take months or if not years to fully gauge public opinion besides Macron visit to Beirut wasn't a fairy tale affair as the French MSM or MSM in general showed heck he was heckled by concerned Beirutis

Btw, Macron visited Gemmayzeh, a Christian neighborhood in Beirut. The people you see chanting are all Christians.

You have to look of the history of Lebanon to understand the strong links between the two countries. After the partition of the Ottoman empire,Lebanon became de facto a French protectorate and France was considered as the protector of christians in the middle east.

There's still a strong French influence in Lebanon,culture,language etc. especially among the Christian community,who's stuck between Sunnis who are under the influence of the gulf countries and shias who are under the influence of Iran.

You can't blame Lebanese seeking extreme alternatives when you see what their country has become. A failed nation,with a fully corrupted political class and a country destroyed by foreign influences in a game of chess.

I wouldn't be against my country providing asylum and refuge to the Lebanese.

Funny how people critisize Turkey about neo-Ottoman imperialism but then you have this dipshit arguing about "strong links" with a puppet state for a couple decades who you got through exactly that. Every word you speak is an insult to world order and peace.

What you need to do is **** off and never return to the Middle-East. Thats what you should do.
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pal come on, "we are superior to Arabs but we are Arabs"...

Assad ideology is really screwed up brother. i don't know if Iranians are exposed to it, but when Egypt MB was overthrown by Sisi, Assad said that this proves that "Islam can never be a political ideology."

Yet he is allied with iran, which is a legitimate and proud Islamic state, how does it make sense?
Israel first bombs Lebanon and now from french sympathy cards coming to help via France before china. Peoples are very simple-minded.
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