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44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon

"Do what I say,not what I do".

France should give asylum and refuge to the Christians in Lebanon who are willing to move,they sadly don't have any future there.

Then France can support Israel to massacre the Shias of Lebanon. Great civilization and democracy values there.

Reminds me of France's civilizing mission in Algeria.
Funny how people critisize Turkey about neo-Ottoman imperialism but then you have this dipshit arguing about "strong links" with a puppet state for a couple decades who you got through exactly that. Every word you speak is an insult to world order and peace.

What you need to do is **** off and never return to the Middle-East. Thats what you should do.

Turkey, a Muslim country with deep roots in the religious and historical legacy of the Arab world, is portrayed by Europeans as an imperial power. Actually this is the only logical course of action of the Islamic world, to merge back into larger countries to be able to resist the civilizing war campaigns of trigger happy Western powers.

At the same time France's massacring Berber Tuareg in Mali, interfering in Libya to fund dictators, and now supporting division in Arab Lebanon is justified by these charlatans. Did we forget that who tried to install a coup in Turkey, against wishes of Turkish people?

Still now, France opposes Pakistan for no reason other than we are Muslims. They actively and gleefully support Indian fascist state which massacres Muslims and oppresses Kashmiris.

We Muslims should all know where neo-crusader state France stands in the Muslim world.

Christian Lebanese are still Arab, and will see themselves as part of the Arab world, a part of the greater Islamic world. This will be regardless of what machinations Europeans plan.
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