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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

Of course it will help you. True peace will only happen when your people become more civilized and less barbaric because anything other than that won`t bring progress or success for you.

Things to do:
1.Stop imposing religion on people and government, allow true freedom of religion and speech.
2.Stop forcing women to dress according to Islamic law.
3.Stop honor killing.
4.Give women completely equal rights in everything from cloth to politics.
5.Allow the rule of law, and not Sharia law.
6.Stop teaching your children to hate an entire race
7.Protect the minorities, Gay people and human beings who are not with the norm of your country

Just a few suggestions.
anything else sir?you insulted us.we are barbaric?your Ideology cant bring peace for ME.we mustrespect eachothers

every country has his own culture and nobody cant change them.its about both side.
Well you see, in your history books we will be, but that`s fine by us. We wanted peace, you wanted war, we kicked your behinds, you blame the technology and being "occupied".
Here is something you might find interesting, it was said by our Prime minister many years ago.

"Our airmen, who struck the enemies' planes so accurately that no one in the world understands how it was done and people seek technological explanations or secret weapons; our armored troops who beat the enemy even when their equipment was inferior to his; our soldiers in all other branches... who overcame our enemies everywhere, despite the latter's superior numbers and fortifications-all these revealed not only coolness and courage in the battle but...an understanding that only their personal stand against the greatest dangers would achieve victory for their country and for their families, and that if victory was not theirs the alternative was annihilation."
That something Hitler would say, he really believed he was doing the right thing. and where is Hitler now, and what does histroy books say about him ?. Sooner or later you guys will be gone, like it or not. Look at the world economy projections in 40 years, look where will Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and all your other "lovely neighbours" that you have been killing and stealing their lands for years, and look where you will be. Look at how many you will be and how many Palestinians there will be, let alone Arabs, and Muslims. You don't belong to this area, neither talk like us, look like us, respect us, you have only done the worst things a human being could have done, and after all of that you don't want peace, you just survive by killing people, and unfortunately the whole world supports you, because they know that if they don't support you, you will start killing them instead, but soon Insaa Allah good will prevail and evil will be defeated. Your end is written in histroy books, relgious books, strategic books, everywhere. You spreading your propaganda will win you one round, two rounds, three, ten, but at the end good will prevail, it is a promise from God, and we know as you know how true is it.
anything else sir?you insulted us.we are barbaric?your Ideology cant bring peace for ME.we mustrespect eachothers

every country has his own culture and nobody cant change them.its about both side.
Our countries has its own problems, and it is mostly due to us not ELECTING our won leaders, and we have to fix our problems to be better, but him out of anybody asking me or us to respect all that stuff is like Hitler asking the US to respect Germans right in US during the war. A person who chooses his own leaders who happen to be criminal leaders EVERYTIME, is a criminal too. A criminal has no right to tell people not to do crimes.
That something Hitler would say, he really believed he was doing the right thing. and where is Hitler now, and what does histroy books say about him ?. Sooner or later you guys will be gone, like it or not. Look at the world economy projections in 40 years, look where will Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and all your other "lovely neighbours" that you have been killing and stealing their lands for years, and look where you will be. Look at how many you will be and how many Palestinians there will be, let alone Arabs, and Muslims. You don't belong to this area, neither talk like us, look like us, respect us, you have only done the worst things a human being could have done, and after all of that you don't want peace, you just survive by killing people, and unfortunately the whole world supports you, because they know that if they don't support you, you will start killing them instead, but soon Insaa Allah good will prevail and evil will be defeated. Your end is written in histroy books, relgious books, strategic books, everywhere. You spreading your propaganda will win you one round, two rounds, three, ten, but at the end good will prevail, it is a promise from God, and we know as you know how true is it.
I agree, good will prevail and evil will remain in utter darkness as it has always been.

No matter how much people want to live in the past, those things prevent every country from advancing when there is no freedom or equal rights amongst human beings.
I believe Persians can truly become great, as they once were and are capable off, once they free themselves of religious dictatorship.
You have to give them some credit, this is the first time ever that an Arab country have an Air force as strong as yours, and it is huge knowing how it was almost impossible in the past that Arabs could beat in the a war with your huge advantage in this area,

You make a good point, but how are you so sure that now you have an equal capability as Israelis? How are you so sure that the Israelis don't have something better? How are you so sure that America and Europe, who won't even lift a finger without Israel's permission (in regards to middle eastern and Arab politics) and from whom most Arab countries purchase their arms from, haven't bugged the major components of these systems?

Though, there are many benefits that the Saudis can reap from this deal such as ToT and reliable input, but one important thing should be kept in mind, the west (America and Europeans) have always, are, and will always give Israel something much better than what they give to Arab and Muslim countries, especially when it comes to Israel. An example is the military aid that Israel and Egypt receive from the US, Egyptian F-16's without BVR while Israel gets all of the goodies, despite the fact Egyptians were promised a lot for their peace deal with Israel. No major decision is passed unless Israel approves, and that is a open and obvious fact.

especially in a desert war.

Considering how Arabs have inhabited the desert regions for much longer than the Israelis (the modern day Israelis, not the ones from the Biblical times), it should have been the other way around.
No matter how much people want to live in the past, those things prevent every country from advancing when there is no freedom or equal rights amongst human beings.
I believe Persians can truly become great, as they once were and are capable off, once they free themselves of religious dictatorship.
in every country there is a especial meaning about freedom and Islamic rules are not against the freedom.its in our culture and you must respect them the same as we persians repected your culture 2500 years ago!
very few Air forces are as strong as the IsAF. None of them are Muslim.

Technological wise, no! But pilot training and skill, i think Turkey is as good as Israeli Air Force.

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

What if Saudia DOUBLE CROSSES and attacks Israel ?

I think the Americans have taken that into consideration and already have that in check.
Well anycase , I am sure Saudia is happy to get the F15

By the way they are also getting few Appaches and other weapons as well , based on the Saudia news paper , this was not explored

70 F15 up to 260 F15
84 Apache Helicopters, this appears to be the best of the purchase
36 Black Hawks (3rd Generation)
70 MD530


الرياض - واس

صرح مصدر مسؤول في وزارة الدفاع بأنه حرصاً من خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود - حفظه الله - على توفير أفضل القدرات الدفاعية للقوات المسلحة السعودية بكافة قطاعاتها ، تم الإتفاق بين حكومتي المملكة العربية السعودية والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عبر برنامج المبيعات الخارجية في وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية ، على شراء 84 طائرة مقاتلة من نوع (F - 15 SA) المتطورة ، وتحديث 70 طائرة من نوع (F - 15) الموجودة حالياً لدى القوات الجوية الملكية السعودية ، إضافة إلى 70 طائرة عمودية قتالية من نوع أباتشي الجيل الثالث ، و 72 طائرة عمودية متعددة الأغراض من نوع بلاك هوك ، 36 / طائرة استطلاع عمودية مسلحة من نوع (إي إتش 60 آي) ، و 12 طائرة عمودية من نوع (أم دي 530 إف).

كما تشمل الاتفاقية الذخيرة وقطع الغيار والصيانة والتدريب والمساندة على مدى سنوات عديدة لضمان حصول المملكة على أعلى مستوى ممكن من القدرات الدفاعية لحماية شعبها وأراضيها.

Do our Zionist friends feel safe , with this kind of weaponry going to Saudia ?

BUT THESE GOODIES will not be delivered untill 2018 - what if USA takes the case and then goes bankrupt ? looks like a Ponzy scheme take money and run
in every country there is a especial meaning about freedom and Islamic rules are not against the freedom.its in our culture and you must respect them the same as we persians repected your culture 2500 years ago!
Let`s start by not trying to kill each other.

@Desert Fox
Turkey is perhaps the strongest Muslim country, they are efficient. We won't find out if they are as good as IsAF unless we go to war with each other, which is highly unlikely.
All in all, Turks are well trained but cannot defeat IsAF. In a full scale war, neither would win, no shared borders.
The gap is only bigger because you have WMD, other than that i think it is getting smaller and smaller, especially when you look at the Air forces of countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, kuwait, Jordon, and Egypt. Saudi Arabia's air force alone is almost as strong as yours, and you would not survive without your airforce. Look at it this way, we can cause you way more casualties than we ever did before, and i think way more than the Israeli public can handle especially with your small population.

Underestimating your opponent is the biggest mistake any army can make in a war, history bears witness to this fact. Iraqis underestimated American superiority and got their whole armies decimated with their troops surrendering in the thousands.

The Arab countries combined do have a numerical superiority over Israel, but your forgetting that Israel has some very powerful and influential allies (whom you buy most of your weapon systems from;)).
You make a good point, but how are you so sure that now you have an equal capability as Israelis? How are you so sure that the Israelis don't have something better? How are you so sure that America and Europe, who won't even lift a finger without Israel's permission (in regards to middle eastern and Arab politics) and from whom most Arab countries purchase their arms from, haven't bugged the major components of these systems?

Though, there are many benefits that the Saudis can reap from this deal such as ToT and reliable input, but one important thing should be kept in mind, the west (America and Europeans) have always, are, and will always give Israel something much better than what they give to Arab and Muslim countries, especially when it comes to Israel. An example is the military aid that Israel and Egypt receive from the US, Egyptian F-16's without BVR while Israel gets all of the goodies, despite the fact Egyptians were promised a lot for their peace deal with Israel. No major decision is passed unless Israel approves, and that is a open and obvious fact.

Considering how Arabs have inhabited the desert regions for much longer than the Israelis (the modern day Israelis, not the ones from the Biblical times), it should have been the other way around.
I think that Saudi Arabia's Air force is very close to Israeli Air Force technologically, at least the gap between The Arabs and Israel is closer than before, and this is just me thinking.

Well, we don't live in deserts in Egypt, very few people live their, their is plans to develop it and connect the Nile river to it, and desalinate sea water and and make it more Urban, and not just tourism sites, saying that a desert war is not one on one war at the moment, not like before, its all about technology and Air coverage, since you got no mountains or anything to hide behind, so your ability to take your enemies tanks and artillery is decisive. They have the technology, and with the help of the US it makes them stronger. When they tried to enter Suez(A city in Egypt) in Ramadan/October 1973 war, they got kicked out by the Egyptian Sakaa(Special forces), with ethe help of the police, and the people. Now, when you think about how much did Israel strugle in Lebanon, it makes sense because their long Arms(Air Force) didn't help them that much. You cut their long Arms, no more Israel, easy as that.
@Desert Fox
Turkey is perhaps the strongest Muslim country, they are efficient. We won't find out if they are as good as IsAF unless we go to war with each other, which is highly unlikely.
All in all, Turks are well trained but cannot defeat IsAF. In a full scale war, neither would win, no shared borders.

True, i don't see Turkey and Israel going to war in the future.
I think that Saudi Arabia's Air force is very close to Israeli Air Force technologically, at least the gap between The Arabs and Israel is closer than before, and this is just me thinking.

Well, we don't live in deserts in Egypt, very few people live their, their is plans to develop it and connect the Nile river to it, and desalinate sea water and and make it more Urban, and not just tourism sites, saying that a desert war is not one on one war at the moment, not like before, its all about technology and Air coverage, since you got no mountains or anything to hide behind, so your ability to take your enemies tanks and artillery is decisive. They have the technology, and with the help of the US it makes them stronger. When they tried to enter Suez(A city in Egypt) in Ramadan/October 1973 war, they got kicked out by the Egyptian Sakaa(Special forces), with ethe help of the police, and the people. Now, when you think about how much did Israel strugle in Lebanon, it makes sense because their long Arms(Air Force) didn't help them that much. You cut their long Arms, no more Israel, easy as that.

To that, we have a saying:

No more Israel, no more you.
Underestimating your opponent is the biggest mistake any army can make in a war, history bears witness to this fact. Iraqis underestimated American superiority and got their whole armies decimated with their troops surrendering in the thousands.

The Arab countries combined do have a numerical superiority over Israel, but your forgetting that Israel has some very powerful and influential allies (whom you buy most of your weapon systems from;)).
I don't underistimate Israel at all, and i don't think any Muslim nation has a chance against Israel if a war ever happen, but what i am sure about is that we will cause way more casualties than we ever did before.

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

To that, we have a saying:

No more Israel, no more you.
No, we will always exist in the ME, you no no. Also, we really don't mind dying for our countries, religion that much, and we know you guys do mind dying.

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