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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

You have to give them some credit, this is the first time ever that an Arab country have an Air force as strong as yours, and it is huge knowing how it was almost impossible in the past that Arabs could beat in the a war with your huge advantage in this area, especially in a desert war.
It wasn`t the lack of technology that lost all the wars for the Arabs. It was the lack of discipline, skill, drive, and so forth. The IsAF reined supreme in all wars, even against Soviet pilots that Egypt called to save them.
And no, no Arab air force is as strong as the Israeli one, very few Air forces are as strong as the IsAF. None of them are Muslim.
If anything, Egypt still has the strongest army in the Arab world.
It wasn`t the lack of technology that lost all the wars for the Arabs. It was the lack of discipline, skill, drive, and so forth. The IsAF reined supreme in all wars, even against Soviet pilots that Egypt called to save them.
And no, no Arab air force is as strong as the Israeli one, very few Air forces are as strong as the IsAF. None of them are Muslim.
If anything, Egypt still has the strongest army in the Arab world.
It was and still the lack of technology that gives you edge over any Arab or Muslim country. Your airforce alone prevents any country from thinking about attacking you, and it is not just because great your pilots are(They are good btw), its because how technologically superior your army is, especially your Air Force, and communication between different units, divisions in your army.... If two brigade are facing each other, the head of an Israeli brigade can order air units to come for support, any Arab country can not do that. Its technology that helps you do that, and doesn't allow us to do that, no because how fast an Israeli person is.
It was and still the lack of technology that gives you edge over any Arab or Muslim country. Your airforce alone prevents any country from thinking about attacking you, and it is not just because great your pilots are(They are good btw), its because how technologically superior your army is, especially your Air Force, and communication between different units, divisions in your army.... If two brigade are facing each other, the head of an Israeli brigade can order air units to come for support, any Arab country can not do that. Its technology that helps you do that, and doesn't allow us to do that, no because how fast an Israeli person is.
Like i said, lack of skill, discipline and drive. The Arab countries had the very best that the soviet union could offer, training and technology. The gap nowadays is much bigger between the Arab armies and the Israeli one, and it will stay so until we have a true peace.
Like i said, lack of skill, discipline and drive. The Arab countries had the very best that the soviet union could offer, training and technology. The gap nowadays is much bigger between the Arab armies and the Israeli one, and it will stay so until we have a true peace.

Not true. The Arab Armies were given "Monkey Models" by the soviet union part of the reason why Ara counties hate everything Russian. Also and ask any Egyptian veteran he will tell you how much they suffered due to dud weapons.
Like i said, lack of skill, discipline and drive. The Arab countries had the very best that the soviet union could offer, training and technology. The gap nowadays is much bigger between the Arab armies and the Israeli one, and it will stay so until we have a true peace.
No, the Arab countries didn't have the best the Soviet Union could offer, and evern the best the Soviet Union could offer was about a generation behind what the US gave you. The Soviet Union could only give the Arabs weapons 2 generations less than the best it had, and the best she had was one generation less than the US has(which is what it gaves you). Our arms was 3 generations inferior to yours, and you don't call that a technolocical gap, come on now ? I would like to have peace between all the Arab countries an Israel, but blame your leaders, not us.... Having true peace with you won't help us become more skilled, disciplined, or even give us more drive. not sure what this has to do with that ?
No, the Arab countries didn't have the best the Soviet Union could offer, and evern the best the Soviet Union could offer was about a generation behind what the US gave you. The Soviet Union could only give the Arabs weapons 2 generations less than the best it had, and the best she had was one generation less than the US has(which is what it gaves you). Our arms was 3 generations inferior to yours, and you don't call that a technolocical gap, come on now ? I would like to have peace between all the Arab countries an Israel, but blame your leaders, not us.... Having true peace with you won't help us become more skilled, disciplined, or even give us more drive. not sure what this has to do with that ?

Israelis swallowed the lie that an Israeli soldier's crap is worth its weight in Gold and they too are effectively exporting this idea when both you and I know it not to be true. I don't believe them for spreading this lie though if Israelis were to know the truth everyone of them would go back to their country of origins that is why I always give an advice to Israelis "Hold on to that second passport you all have, because you all are going to need it".
Not true. The Arab Armies were given "Monkey Models" by the soviet union part of the reason why Ara counties hate everything Russian. Also and ask any Egyptian veteran he will tell you how much they suffered due to dud weapons.
wrong.many Egyptians migs was borrowed from SOVEIT AIR FORCE with RUSSIAN pilots.
Like i said, lack of skill, discipline and drive. The Arab countries had the very best that the soviet union could offer, training and technology. The gap nowadays is much bigger between the Arab armies and the Israeli one, and it will stay so until we have a true peace.
The gap is only bigger because you have WMD, other than that i think it is getting smaller and smaller, especially when you look at the Air forces of countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, kuwait, Jordon, and Egypt. Saudi Arabia's air force alone is almost as strong as yours, and you would not survive without your airforce. Look at it this way, we can cause you way more casualties than we ever did before, and i think way more than the Israeli public can handle especially with your small population.
wrong.many Egyptians migs was borrowed from SOVEIT AIR FORCE with RUSSIAN pilots.
No, not true. It was Russian and Noth Korean pilots with Egyptians Migs(Monkey Models), and they only fought one time, and after that a cease fire was agreeded on by the US and the USSR. They left Egypt after that. At this time Egypt didn't have enough pilots to protect itselves, and didn't have the Air defence built yet.
Israelis swallowed the lie that an Israeli soldier's crap is worth its weight in Gold and they too are effectively exporting this idea when both you and I know it not to be true. I don't believe them for spreading this lie though if Israelis were to know the truth everyone of them would go back to their country of origins that is why I always give an advice to Israelis "Hold on to that second passport you all have, because you all are going to need it".
Even thu we lost couple of wars to Israel, but every Arab person knows by heart(true or not) that the Israeli soldier is one so coward, and can not fight man to man. I am not saying it is true, or not true, but it is what we believe and think no matter how much they try to tell us how brave they are... I do personally don't think Israel can survive without a huge advantage in its Airforce, and what i am seeing now is that the gap is getting closer, especially after this Saudi deal.
No, the Arab countries didn't have the best the Soviet Union could offer, and evern the best the Soviet Union could offer was about a generation behind what the US gave you. The Soviet Union could only give the Arabs weapons 2 generations less than the best it had, and the best she had was one generation less than the US has(which is what it gaves you). Our arms was 3 generations inferior to yours, and you don't call that a technolocical gap, come on now ? I would like to have peace between all the Arab countries an Israel, but blame your leaders, not us.... Having true peace with you won't help us become more skilled, disciplined, or even give us more drive. not sure what this has to do with that ?
Of course it will help you. True peace will only happen when your people become more civilized and less barbaric because anything other than that won`t bring progress or success for you.

Things to do:
1.Stop imposing religion on people and government, allow true freedom of religion and speech.
2.Stop forcing women to dress according to Islamic law.
3.Stop honor killing.
4.Give women completely equal rights in everything from cloth to politics.
5.Allow the rule of law, and not Sharia law.
6.Stop teaching your children to hate an entire race
7.Protect the minorities, Gay people and human beings who are not with the norm of your country

Just a few suggestions.
i have read the different.by the way you had more number of fighters the same with tanks and soldiers.
i think your wrong decisions helped israel to be winer.denying cant change the history .we should learn about the history.
we have to solve the problem of ME in peasful ways soon.
Of course it will help you. True peace will only happen when your people become more civilized and less barbaric because anything other than that won`t bring progress or success for you.

Things to do:
1.Stop imposing religion on people and government, allow true freedom of religion and speech.
2.Stop forcing women to dress according to Islamic law.
3.Stop honor killing.
4.Give women completely equal rights in everything from cloth to politics.
5.Allow the rule of law, and not Sharia law.
6.Stop teaching your children to hate an entire race
7.Protect the minorities, Gay people and human beings who are not with the norm of your country

Just a few suggestions.
Well, almost every society and country in the world has its good and bad, but I agree with almost everything you say, we should be more civiliazed. But that what you expect after years of imperialism, occupation, wars against us, dictatorship, bad education system, ect... ? What i am not sure about is althu you guys are "very civiliazed", especially when you guys are coming from civiliaized Europe, but your entire nation, again your entire nation have been killing Palestinians and Arabs for for almost 70 years now. You guys have been as barbaric as it gets, and the whole world know it. You guys are going to mentioned in history books as a disgrace to human beings, so i don't think you are in a position to tell me what is right and what is wrong, althu i agree with you on almost every point you just said.
i have read the different.by the way you had more number of fighters the same with tanks and soldiers.
i think your wrong decisions helped israel to be winer.denying cant change the history .we should learn about the history.
we have to solve the problem of ME in peasful ways soon.
Numbers are not that important in todays war, when your opponent is far more technologically superior than you, and no we didn't have way more numbers of everything in all the wars with Israel as you mentioned..... Yes, we have to solve the problems in the ME peacefully, but i don't think it is possible because you can not expect a thief to return something he stole when he know their is nothing you can do about it... I am not denying in facts, yes we made mistakes, a lot of them, and we have to learn from them.
Well, almost every society and country in the world has its good and bad, but I agree with almost everything you say, we should be more civiliazed. But that what you expect after years of imperialism, occupation, wars against us, dictatorship, bad education system, ect... ? What i am not sure about is althu you guys are "very civiliazed", especially when you guys are coming from civiliaized Europe, but your entire nation, again your entire nation have been killing Palestinians and Arabs for for almost 70 years now. You guys have been as barbaric as it gets, and the whole world know it. You guys are going to mentioned in history books as a disgrace to human beings, so i don't think you are in a position to tell me what is right and what is wrong, althu i agree with you on almost every point you just said.
Well you see, in your history books we will be, but that`s fine by us. We wanted peace, you wanted war, we kicked your behinds, you blame the technology and being "occupied".
Here is something you might find interesting, it was said by our Prime minister many years ago.

"Our airmen, who struck the enemies' planes so accurately that no one in the world understands how it was done and people seek technological explanations or secret weapons; our armored troops who beat the enemy even when their equipment was inferior to his; our soldiers in all other branches... who overcame our enemies everywhere, despite the latter's superior numbers and fortifications-all these revealed not only coolness and courage in the battle but...an understanding that only their personal stand against the greatest dangers would achieve victory for their country and for their families, and that if victory was not theirs the alternative was annihilation."
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