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3 to 4 terrorists fired near ASF Camp - ISPR

Search operation continues in Pehlwan Goth.
TTP are without a doubt scum of the earth but the sindh govt is bigger scum then anything. They cant do anything right. Qaim ali shah is just there for talking. Complete incompetence when it came to karachi/
I hope they book a 1 way ticket out of Pakistan and to find a bomb placed in the plane a friendly farewell gift from the ones they couldnt counter (love TTP)
Politicians would shit bricks if they were ordinary Pakistanis. We brave nation, only problem is that we are being lead by sheeps and cowards.
security apnay province kay capital ki kar nahi saktay par ha moenjodero mai sindh festival jitnay karanay hai kara lo.
Politicians would shit bricks if they were ordinary Pakistanis. We brave nation, only problem is that we are being lead by sheeps and cowards.
sheeps? really? dont even insult the sheep we are lead by shit...rejected by all
I hope they book a 1 way ticket out of Pakistan and to find a bomb placed in the plane a friendly farewell gift from the ones they couldnt counter (love TTP)

from airport to hell :D that's what happened yesterday :D
security apnay province kay capital ki kar nahi saktay par ha moenjodero mai sindh festival jitnay karanay hai kara lo.
I hope they book a 1 way ticket out of Pakistan and to find a bomb placed in the plane a friendly farewell gift from the ones they couldnt counter (love TTP)

Abhi 4 aur saal hai sindh hakumat kai aur koi pata nahi hai os kay bad bhutto kay nam pay inko dobara vote mil jaye. I was shocked PP won in sindh with such conviction.

Federal has to take action in this. They cant go with the attitude of "muk muka" and " if i dont see it it didnt happen" anymore. This is very serious as the taliban are on a backlash. Strong convicted leadership is needed at this point and i am afraid to see we just dont have that now.
dont worry guys , TTP are getting desperate , they are pooling all their resources to show they are still strong , they are creating a fog something they can leverage , they have lost the support of locals , they have lost their foot soldiers , they are currently cash strapped , and are being chased liked mad Dogs every where ... this stunt of theirs & the statement that this is just the beginning is more of a bluff then a threat .

Their recent attack if Karachi Air port was a huge failure for them as they failed to achieve Primary or secondary objectives , now this attack just shows their desperation .. attacking ASF and then running like cowards they are ... don't loose heart we are about the reach the summit .. this is the time when you need to stick together & drive out this menace once and for all ... once we are done with them we will take care of those who are supporting them , giving them training & tactical support .

now the whole phelwan goth area, which is an illegal encroachment will be razed to the ground. lot of criminal activity takes place there. new outer airport perimeter will be constructed. all encroachments within this perimeter will be razed to the ground - according to a security expert from army.
They did not enter the academy but were in proximity of it i think media exagerated,ASF did a splendid job in repeling their attack ,true this week is a ASF week our heroes,
karachi is a big city and pakistan a huge country with loads of enemies a few thousand isi can't keep a eye on all 220million people ,we are not NSA and all pakistani's don't own I-Phones or smart phones the intel has to be human intel a limiting factor to ISI's Capabilities,Karachi is a densely populated city with one of the highest population densities per sq km so it would be hard to keep track of every sq km population and any suspicious terrorist elements.though we can detter INDIA and AFGANISTAN from supporting these rats by retaliatory measures.
what Pakistan needs are major reforms and image enhancement of its MOI controlled security institutions ,i doubt any one suspicious of some one in his neighbourhood will want to give a heads up to the police as police will treat him a suspect before anyone else hamari police bhi chaudhry hai ,police is good for nothing a burden on taxpayers the whole police culture needs to change and all of this curent police be disbanded their should be no contact btw the current police and the new one even the uniform changed ,
we need a police force like the brazillian BOPE which strikes fear into criminals and terrorists alike ,our police lives up to its punjabi b rated movies image nothing more nothing less, further there should be a intelligence analysis centre a intel pooling center which would get intel from all agencies and could get the whole picture puting the peices together of different intel agencies and we have quite a lot of them whats required is goal congurance if agencies are not willing to talk to each other its best to have a intermediarry,
terrorist's whatever their agenda maybe to subdue us with fear they don't know us we are a resilient nation and we are the most passionate in love and hate,today's pakistan is lot different from 2007 now every person hates taliban if they push us hard enough pakistani's won't even mind killing their women children elders as they have done ours ,if they hope there would be an outcry or fallout like in lalmasjid they are gravely mistaken the public opinion has shifted if lal masjid were to happen today most pakistani's would rejoice it as an evil eleminated now pakistanis are not fooled by their beards or sound of their quran recitations they know who they are murderers of women and children ,mad dogs have to be put down ,anyways guys i would not want anything less to get to kill one of these rats myself i so wish pak army had a reserve army where we could be soldiers part time nothing would be a greater honour then to kill for my country,BUT again today and this weeks heroes are ASF i am bloody impressed by them,pakistan zindabad
the social media is full of brain farts of Army bashing analysts who are criticizing the army

saying why army declared airport was clear when TTP is still attacking?

they forget to read the entire news

1 and miss the fact that its another place
2. its the job of police , ASF and 34 odd civilian intelligence agencies to safeguard airports, roads and public property
dont worry guys , TTP are getting desperate , they are pooling all their resources to show they are still strong , they are creating a fog something they can leverage , they have lost the support of locals , they have lost their foot soldiers , they are currently cash strapped , and are being chased liked mad Dogs every where ... this stunt of theirs & the statement that this is just the beginning is more of a bluff then a threat .

Their recent attack if Karachi Air port was a huge failure for them as they failed to achieve Primary or secondary objectives , now this attack just shows their desperation .. attacking ASF and then running like cowards they are ... don't loose heart we are about the reach the summit .. this is the time when you need to stick together & drive out this menace once and for all ... once we are done with them we will take care of those who are supporting them , giving them training & tactical support .

Hey we support our army every step of the way bro and if they need anything we will give it to them and thats abt the only ones we are supporting. The political leadership is either to confused or to scared to do anything. As usual the people look at the armed forces for a solution again.
security apnay province kay capital ki kar nahi saktay par ha moenjodero mai sindh festival jitnay karanay hai kara lo.

Abhi 4 aur saal hai sindh hakumat kai aur koi pata nahi hai os kay bad bhutto kay nam pay inko dobara vote mil jaye. I was shocked PP won in sindh with such conviction.

Federal has to take action in this. They cant go with the attitude of "muk muka" and " if i dont see it it didnt happen" anymore. This is very serious as the taliban are on a backlash. Strong convicted leadership is needed at this point and i am afraid to see we just dont have that now.
Sad but true even the Taliban seem to have a leader with more balls then our Biryani puppet or out Sindh Mujra queen!
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