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Featured 3 Indian Soldiers Killed In Pak Shelling Along LoC


Aug 3, 2013
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United Kingdom
Three soldiers of the Indian army were killed and five others injured in separate incidents during heavy shelling by Pakistan along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. The army said a befitting reply is being given to Pakistan, which is using mortars to target Indian positions.

A defense spokesman said two soldiers were killed and four others were injured when Pakistan army started firing mortars in Nowgam sector of Kupwara district in North Kashmir. The injured persons are being evacuated, the spokesman said.

There is no clarity on whether the Pakistan army has suffered any casualty.

Earlier, a soldier was killed in Poonch sector and another was injured after Pakistan army violated ceasefire and started heavy firing on Indian positions.

Over the last eight months, more than 3,000 ceasefire violations by Pakistan have been reported, which is highest in the last 17 years.

Good Job... But I would like to add that all this senseless killing between us is only because India refuses to resolve problems through dialogue and instead acts like a rabid dog. Most of our issues will disappear overnight once Kashmiris are given the right to choose, but this mad dog, AKA India, likes to stick its 56inch chest out at others instead.
the modus operandi of both sides - settling scores is what defines the warfare at the LoC.

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