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Featured 3 Indian Soldiers Killed In Pak Shelling Along LoC

According to indian channel 4 injured soldiers are critical, look like boys managed to vanished an artillery position of IA
score settled
seems like we have settled the score for the past whole month
When Muslim soldiers enter the battle field, they do not enter to take revenge or to settle score. These soldiers fight for ALLAH, supremacy of Islam, justice and peace.

At present IJK Muslims are suffering the tyranny of infidels. To liberate, provide justice and peace to these oppressed Muslims, our soldiers must fight and inflict ravaging destruction in enemy camps.

It is my humble request to all personnel of armed forces, that whenever you enter the battle field to face enemy, your intention must only to seek pleasure of Allah and nothing else, you should fight to seek justice for the oppressed Muslim Ummah and for long lasting peace. Remember you have a sacred and noble cause to fight against the enemies of Islam. You are the soldiers of Islam and then Pakistan.

If you fall in the battle field, you will be called Shaheed, and Allah has promised "rizk" and a place to live till dooms day.
India is getting a proper humiliation this year. COVID has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in India. Indian economy is in complete tatters. Indian military got thrashed and lost territory to China. Now this.
If India is accepting three by our hands than the real number is between 9 to 12. Therefore expect to hear news off Indian soldiers committing suicides and dying in strange and bizarre accidents in upcoming days.
OM Shanti for the brave hearts who are defending country's border with their lives.
No, you haven't settled the score. Today is a new game.
Say Om Shanti or Ram Nam Satya Hai for every one of your citizens.
-Those Dalits killed in caste massacres
- Those children in Kashmir killed in police firing
- Those recently declared "non-citizens" killed in orchestrated pogroms in Delhi ( your national capital)
- Those lynched because they refused to recite "Jai Shree Ram" on demand.
-The thousands of Sikhs, Muslims, Christians killed in communal carnages.
Say OM SHANTI for all of them, because these are the people your armed forces are supposed to protect from external as well as internal enemies.
If you are thinking about the last 800 years and "settling scores then you will be settling scores for the NEXT 800 years or... no one will be settling any scores ever again.
So we will join you in your grief and chant Om Shanti.

they think its easy to digest 2 pakistani shaheeds ?

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