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Featured 3 Indian Soldiers Killed In Pak Shelling Along LoC

Indians will make another "CLAIM" that they did a surgical strike and killed 350.
Indians take astrology seriously. In fact key ministers holding portfolios such as home, foreign affairs, and defense rely completely on the Vedic astrologers for advice. The Ministry of Defense in particular relies on astrology even more on a day to day basis. This is traditional. Astrologers have advised Indian war tactics for centuries, and the notable battles that Vedic astrologers timed and located for victory were 2nd Battle of Tarain (1192 CE), Battle of Khanwa ( 1527 CE), Battle of Haldighati (1576 CE), Second and Third Battles of Panipat ( 1556 CE, 1761 CE).
The present crop of astrologers are predicting a "Dharm Yudh" ( War of Righteousness) against the Asuras ( Demons) . They have put up their predictions on Youtube.
now jihadi terrorists will talk about indian culture ..................................... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hindutva saffron terrorists will talk about sacrifice. I suppose they mean the Ashwamedh Yagna ( Horse Sacrifice).
now jihadi terrorists will talk about indian culture ..................................... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am just thankful that you are on PDF. Otherwise I shudder to think about the safety of women in your juggi.
save your boys and girls and relatives in your family from incest culture of your pedo relatives .

My family converted from Hinduism. So all of my relatives are Hindus. Yes I will save the boys and girls from my pedo relatives.

Please stay online on PDF as long as you can. I want all women in your neighborhood to be safe.
One from LAC and not officially announced till now

Mohan pawar. Another picture of young soldier. It's like dishonoring soldiers. Indian army must accept all fatalities.

forget all battles ,
remember 1971 dhaka surrender only :enjoy:
1000 years are remembered more than the intervention in a civil war fracas which still left the Akhand Bharat in three pieces with two pieces occupied by the enemy . The "defeated " adversary in Dhaka is still in occupation of your territory and has now emerged to present an existential nuclear and missile threat. These Asuras don't hesitate to shoot down your planes, parade your captured pilots, attack your military installations with stand off weapons and shell your border, Apparently your once in a 1000 year victory doesn't mean much and we will overlook your humiliation at the hands of the Chinese both in 1962 and as we speak.
But the 1000 years of "interaction" ( as we politely call ) it has a positive side.
Your very culture has changed,
- Wearing clothes that are stitched
- Wearing good shoes not made of wood.
- Food, eating Mughlai dishes
-Architecture. The use of marble and brick, and ceramic tiles.
Your capital and land is studded with architectural monuments that millions of tourists come to see providing you with much needed foreign capital.

Be grateful for the 1000 years of glory, Look back and Sigh! 😔
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the day you ---------------------- .

We know that you are ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Let's not beat the dead horse again and again.

Let's get back on topic. So do you have any sorrow to express for the lower castes that died on the border? Jawans are dying on the border and you are promoting rape culture on PDF? What kind of foot soldier of Modi are you?
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